PC Annual Meeting Agenda 3 May 2022

Compton and Shawford Parish Council
Parish Hall, Pearson Lane
Shawford, Winchester SO21 2AA
Phone: 07 762 844 976
Members of Compton & Shawford Parish Council are hereby summoned to the
Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council
7.00 pm Tuesday 3rd May 2022 at Shawford Parish Hall
- Election of the Chairman
- To elect the chairman and receive their declaration of acceptance of office
- Election of the Vice-Chairman
- To elect the vice chairman
- Apologies for absence and declarations of interests
- Minutes
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2022
- Matters arising and outstanding actions
- From the minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda
- Appointment of portfolio holders and representatives to external organisations
- County and district councillors’ reports
- Public Session (15 minutes)
- Finance and administration – Cllr Willcock
- To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
- To note financial statements and payments made since 1st March 2022
- To review and adopt the standing orders and financial regulations
- To approve rejoining the Hampshire Association of Local Councils (HALC)
- To receive an update on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Planning and community – Cllr Strange
- Annual report and agenda for Annual Parish Meeting
- Playing fields and play areas – Cllr Cooper
- To select a contractor for the replacement of QEII climbing frame
- To agree on the adequate source of funding for the replacement of the unit
- Highways and public transports – Cllr Bell
- Footpaths and environment – Cllr Hunt
- To approve the renewal of the lengthsmen lead parish and associate agreement
- Schools and police liaison – Cllr Jordan
- Date and venue of the next meeting
Alexandra Bond, Parish Clerk
27 April 2022