PC Meeting Report July 2021
Report on Compton and Shawford Council Meeting
held at 7.30pm Tuesday 6th July 2021 at Shawford Parish Hall
The first regular council meeting following both the elections and the annual meeting of the council was held at Shawford Parish Hall on Tuesday 6th July.
All councillors attended along with the first member of the public allowed to join in person since the beginning of the pandemic. The meeting was a unique opportunity to discuss parish matters and set priorities before the summer break.
Finance and administration
- The internal audit took place in June and the annual governance and accountability return has now been submitted for external auditing. Any person interested in inspecting the financial records for the year ended 21st March 2021 can do so by contacting the clerk.
- At the moment only two members of the council can authorise payments using the banking system, which can be problematic if one of them is unavailable. It was agreed that all councillors should be given access to the bank account.
- The council received one application from a candidate to the role of co-opted member. The person is invited to join the next meeting scheduled 7th September to respond to questions from councillors before they can make a decision.
- While the community infrastructure levy (CIL) can be spent on any infrastructure needed to support the development of the parish, it is not clear to councillors what type of project might be eligible. This is to be investigated before more funds are allocated.
Part 2 (added 3 August 2021)
Health and safety
- Damages to the play equipment at Queen Elizabeth II Fields are being addressed. Quotes have been received from two contractors and more are expected. The toddler multiplay unit is to stay out of service until repairs can be carried out.The routine inspections of play equipment that had been suspended during the pandemic are to resume. Email reports will be sent to the clerk after each visit confirming the state of the equipment.
- Ways to improve road safety in the parish are being investigated in collaboration with Hampshire County Council with a focus on gateway features. Good feedback was received about the signs put at Fields Way to stop cars from driving onto the grass.
- The tree warden is liaising with Winchester City Council regarding the pavement width on Otterbourne Road between Place Lane and the entrance to Compton House. A widening of the path is required to ensure pedestrian safety.
- The opportunity of independent tree inspections was raised by the clerk as it is good practice in other parishes. Councillors agreed that the routine inspections currently carried out are sufficient to identify risks pertaining to trees.
Community and planning
- The council decided to support the proposal on parliamentary boundaries changes and would like to encourage parishioners to respond to the consultation. A response in favour of the changes will be submitted on behalf of the council.
- The Council’s response to Winchester City Council Local Plan Consultation will be added to the minutes of the meeting, along with Councillors’ reports.
The next meeting is scheduled Tuesday 7th September at Shawford Parish Hall.
By Alexandra Bond, Clerk to the Council
PC Meeting Report July 2021 – Links
- See the Minutes page for minutes of the 6 July 2021 meeting (which will be available as a draft pending formal approval by the Council at its next meeting).