
M3 Contractor Compound Update

Construction work to start in August 2021

Background to this M3 Contractor Compound Update

In late May we reported plans by Highways England to create a temporary contractor compound on Hampshire County Council owned land at Bushfield Farm. See M3 Contractor Compound.

In early July, Highways England told residents that

The archaeological checks have now been completed and there were no significant finds.

The checks uncovered either native chalk or chalk which was placed there during the original construction of the M3 motorway through Twyford Down in the early 1990s

M3 Contractor Compound Update
M3 Contractor Compound on the field which was filled with excavated material from the Twyford Down cutting during the construction of the M3 in the early 1990s

M3 Contractor Compound Update: What’s next?

Works start early August 2021

  • create entrance off Badger Farm Road
  • create exit onto Otterbourne Road
  • ecological checks
  • with some overnight work, including temporary traffic lights

This phase is due to complete by late September.

And then?

Compound becomes operational supporting work on the M3 upgrade. We are told that work will be mainly during the daytime with some activities overnight.

Core working hours are:

  • 8am to 6pm on weekdays, and 8am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Occasional Sunday work.
  • 7pm to 7am weekdays and 6pm to 8am Saturdays and Sundays when traffic flows are at their lowest.

This is the text of the letter which has been sent to residents

Text of letter re archaeological survey

More information

You can find out more about the plans by visiting Highways England’s website at: https://highwaysengland.co.uk/our-work/south-east/m3-junctions-9-to-14-smart-motorway/