PC Meeting Report September 2020
PC Meeting Report September 2020
Table of Contents
Report of the Parish Council online meeting held on Tuesday 1 September 2020 via ZOOM.
Co-opting a new Councillor and planning issues were the main items for discussion.
Public Session
No issues were raised by the public.
County & District Councillor’s Report
Councillor Warwick advised that she had recently visited Compton Lock and spoke to the private rangers that have been hired using the Councillors grant. The rangers seem to be having a positive impact on both behaviour and littering. An update was given on the Four Dells planning application. Residents from Shepherds Lane were missed off the original planning notification, so they have extended the deadline for them to respond, to Friday the 11th September.
Councillor Williams spoke on the Winchester City Plan and the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).
She reiterated that the government requires WCC to update the SHELAA annually. The SHELAA provides a ‘long list’ of theoretical sites that developers/landowners have put forward for future development. It does not mean that all the land will be developed.
Finance and Administration
The Council noted that the External Auditor has received and logged the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) part 3 and the AGAR is now in the queue for processing and that the Council’s insurance would be renewed on 1st October 2020. Also, the Council’s online banking authorisation will increase from 2 to 3 authorisations needed for online payments to increase efficiencies.
The Council unanimously voted to co-opt Leanne Wheeler onto the Parish Council to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Councillor M Southgate.
Community Infrastructure Levy
The Council noted that the current CIL balance is £15,837.58.
Councillor Strange advised that several residents from Shepherds Lane have contacted her, asking that the Parish Council take a stronger stance against the Four Dells planning application. The Parish Council agreed that the loss of green space and increased noise pollution were good grounds to be taking a stronger stance against the application.
The Government has issued a White Paper on changes to the planning system, specifically housing numbers. The method used for working out numbers is proposed to be changed to align with affordability and, because Winchester District is an area of high prices and, therefore, not affordable, the thinking is that the housing stock is not large enough and should be increased. This is then worked out as a percentage of housing stock which means that Winchester will see an increase of 50% in its housing target covering the area outside the South Downs National Park, giving a higher target to a smaller area.
Please take time to read the White Paper and respond to the questions. Another option would be to contact your MP to make representations.
Councillor Hunt discussed the subject of TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders). It was noted that the Planning Office Tree Section of the Winchester City Council was currently experiencing a large backlog of work due to understaffing and illness.
Playing Fields Management, Footpaths, and the Environment
Councillor Wilkinson noted that the Compton Place sign has been vandalised and the cost of repairs will be £114.58 + VAT.
Footpaths and Environment
Councillor Hunt noted that the Lengthsman came in August. He worked on Place Lane and cleared overhanging vegetation along Shepherds Lane. The next visit is on 4th November.
Councillor Bell reported that the Parish Council had hoped that Covid would have eased sufficiently to allow a follow up public meeting about the station car park. As things stand, unfortunately this has not been possible so he will progress with a Zoom meeting.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that CASCA planned to open the Parish Hall on the 1st September.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 3 November via ZOOM.
Gwen Heywood-Waddington, Clerk
- The minutes of the 1 September 2020 meeting will be available (as a draft until approved by the Council) on the Minutes page.
- The authority to hold remote meetings was announced in by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in their Letter to Councils About Local Authority Meetings and Postponement of Elections which said:
Councils may hold meetings remotely including via telephone conferencing, video conferencing, live webchat and live streaming. Remote attendance by members counts for other purposes such as the six month rule on attendance, and for allowances. Members of the public and press may also access meetings remotely rather than in person.