
Village Design Statement Consultation 2020

Compton & Shawford Village Design Statement

Your chance to comment on the updated Village Design Statement before it is submitted to Winchester City Council for approval

Compton & Shawford’s 2011 Village Design Statement and its companion document, the 2008 Parish Plan, were produced after a significant community effort. Two special committees were set up, under the overall direction of Peter Betts. We met with local groups, schools and societies, and held two public Open Days.

We circulated a questionnaire to the whole parish. District Councillor Hannah Williams, then with the Winchester Area Community Association (WACA) helped us process the results of the questionnaire.

We distributed the Parish Plan and the VDS to all households in the parish.

Both documents contain much information that is still relevant.

However, because the VDS is a Supplementary Planning Document, and cross-references Planning Policies, it needs to be updated to reflect the latest Local Plan.

The Parish Council has produced a new version of the VDS. This is not a major revision, but all out of date and incorrect information has been removed. For example, all results of the 2010 consultation have been removed as the information is now over 10 years old. Also any changes in the local transport for the area, local planning issues and environmental issues. The description of the consultation process for the original VDS has also been dropped.

What is a Parish Plan?

A Parish Plan assists the community in enabling change to take place. It is an opportunity for parishioners to make themselves heard.

This Parish Plan seeks to record those matters which are important and affect our life in our parish. It aims to set out the shared vision for our community over the next decade along with a detailed action plan for achieving this vision.

The Action Plan endeavours to state how local needs, desires and aspirations can be met having regard to available resources. In doing so, the Parish Plan can provide important information about how the community feels which, in turn, may help to influence the policies, decision and actions of third parties.

From the introduction to the 2008 Compton & Shawford Parish Plan

What is a Village Design Statement?

The Village Design Statement (VDS) is a document, formally adopted by Winchester City Council on (date to be inserted), which gives advice directly attributable to the statutory planning system for any development in the Parish of Compton and Shawford.

It will act as a supplementary planning document and should influence developers and be reflected in decisions on individual planning submissions.

It is produced by the local community and describes the visual and distinctive character of the village. It records the special features of the Parish and gives guidelines to be followed for any development. It helps to ensure that all development maintains or enhances the character of the village.

It is relevant to all forms and scale of development . It does not prevent development; that is an issue for the Parish or Local Plan. It is about managing change in the Parish, not preventing it.

From the introduction to the Compton and Shawford VDS

Village Design Statement For Compton And Shawford Parish 2019
Village Design Statement For Compton And Shawford Parish 2019
Version: 2020 consultation
689 KB
Compton & Shawford VDS 2011
Compton & Shawford VDS 2011
7.0 MB