
Eastleigh Local Plan Examination Update

Eastleigh Local Plan ExaminationEastleigh Local Plan Examination Update

See also the Eastleigh Local Plan Examination item published on 6 November 2019 for more background information

County Councillor Jan Warwick writes:

I am pleased to attach my response to the Eastleigh Local Plan and the final details of the inspector’s hearings in public commencing on Thursday this week.

It would be informative for members of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council as well as local residents (who will be affected by the increased traffic associated with the additional 5300 homes) to attend Steve Brine’s important deputation at 0900 on Friday 22 November (Day 2).

Cllr Warwick’s letter

Where is the hearing?

The Millennium Suite, the Botleigh Grange Hotel, Grange Road, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 2GA

The hearing sessions will open on Thursday 21 November 2019 at 10.00 am and will run for a period of six weeks.

What’s the timetable for the hearing?

Draft Timetable Version 5 dated 6 November 20-19

What is Winchester’s position?

WCC raised concerns, mainly about the proposed link road. These are set out in document ED30 Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Winchester City Council.

How might it affect us?

Residents of Compton & Shawford who regularly drive through Colden Common or Fishers Pond will probably be affected by the increase in traffic due to new development.


After a long period of consultation, Eastleigh Borough Council submitted their Local Plan for 2016-2036  to the Secretary of State on 31 October 2018 for independent examination.

The Government’s Planning Inspector had failed to support an earlier version of the Local Plan due to insufficient housing provision.

Under the heading “Strategic Growth Option”, the 2016-2036 Plan says

Two distinct and separate communities will be created, separated by a countryside gap as defined on the policies map:

    1. A new community to the north of Bishopstoke will provide approximately 1,000 dwellings and some employment land, a local centre, 1 primary school, and open spaces;
    2. A new community to the north and east of Fair Oak will provide approximately 4,200 dwellings, most of the employment land, a district centre, 1 secondary and 2 primary schools and open spaces.

The plan includes a new Allbrook Hill, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak link road.

External links

Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan

Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan Submission documents

EBC Local Plan Examination

Examination Overview

Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan Examination documents

On this website

Proposed Housing Development in Bishopstoke and Fair Oak