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PC Meeting Report July 2019

CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report Juy 2019PC Meeting Report July 2019

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 2 July 2019 in the Compton Room Shawford Parish Hall.


Actions following the annual parish meeting and planning issues were the main subjects for discussion.

Annual Parish Meeting (APM)

The chairman noted feedback from parishioners, which suggested that the Council should revert to house-to-house distribution of the annual report. Councillor Hunt confirmed that he had been invited to participate in the forum on the proposed changes to the airspace above Southampton International Airport.

Councillors Bell and Southgate had attempted to resolve the parking issues on the ‘road’ from Shawford to the Malms, which is shown on the Hampshire County Council (HCC) highways road map as a ‘footpath’. Councillor Bell suggested that homeowners needed to check their deeds to see who is responsible for the road/footpath’s maintenance. Councillor Southgate advised that he had taken advantage of a meeting with County Councillor Jan Warwick and Hampshire County Council (HCC) Countryside officials (on plans to improve the footpath between Southdown and Shawford) to ask them to consider options for discouraging drivers from parking in the passing bays. No timetable had been set but he was willing to act as a link between HCC and the Council and would report on progress at the next meeting in September.

Andy Roberts, Environmental Agency, had inspected the Itchen Navigation and reported that, although there was some litter, there was no evidence that it was affecting water levels. He had also checked the gates and grills, which were clear.


The Council noted that the planning terms of reference had been revised to include a provision for the planning portfolio holder to engage with developers, prior to the submission of a planning application, but that such contact would not restrict it from commenting adversely on any applications, once submitted.

The Council approved the revised text of the Village Design Statement and suggested that any photographs should be included in an appendix to the document. It noted that Winchester City Council (WCC)’s Strategic Planning Manager had advised that there was ‘basically no difference between a village or neighbourhood or local design statement’. However, this conflicted with advice that had been received by Councillor Bell. District Councillor Laming undertook to contact WCC planners to seek clarification on this issue.

Councillor Strange reported upon her meeting, on affordable housing, with Debbie Rhodes and Nigel Baldwin. She had been informed that plans for affordable housing and rural exception sites could not be considered in isolation. She had arranged a meeting with Catherine Kirkham, Action Hampshire, to discuss the possibility of conducting a housing needs survey. Councillor Strange confirmed that the requirement, for affordable housing plans and rural exception sites to be considered at the same time, will mean that it will be difficult to progress plans for affordable housing on the Beckett nursery site.

Councillor Strange advised that she had given careful consideration to the proposed amendment to the Southgate development but could not find any reasons to object. She had also agreed to become a member of the WCC Enforcement focus group.

The Council noted Councillor Strange’s paper on plans for a parish charter between the WCC and the town and parish councils.


The Council agreed that, since a reference to inconsiderate parking by contractors’ vehicles had been included in the annual report, there was no requirement for further action. Councillor Bell mentioned that he had been approached by a parishioner, who would like to see traffic calming measures implemented in Compton Street. The Council agreed to monitor the situation but noted that traffic calming measures, such as sleeping policemen, increased pollution.

Councillor Bell advised that he had been trying to resolve the uncertainty surrounding the safety of the junction of Shepherds Lane and Otterbourne Road. He had been in consultation with County Councillor Warwick and HCC officials: a site meeting had been scheduled for 4 July 2019.

Councillor Hunt reported that he had received a request from a parishioner for a seat to be installed at the northbound bus stop in Otterbourne Road, close to the junction with Highways Road. Councillor Bell agreed to consider this request.

County Councillor Warwick reported that it was unlikely the M3 would be closed during its upgrade to a ‘smart motorway’. District Councillor Laming advised that his meeting to discuss potential diversion routes had been postponed since council officials were currently concentrating on the M3 Junction 9 consultation process.

Playing Fields Management, Footpaths and the Environment

Councillor Wilkinson advised that a recent play inspection report had mentioned there was a moderate risk associated with the multi-play unit (mpu) at the QEII Field. Two quotations had been received to rectify the problem and, also, to replace the missing pigeon spikes. Work was due to be completed by the middle of July. She had also received two quotes for the replacement of the mpu at the Memorial Playing Field (MPF), both were in excess of £20,000, but she had just received a brochure from another company, which included more realistic prices for play equipment. She would continue to pursue this issue.

The meeting on Compton Lock, which was held on 22 May 2019 in Twyford village hall, was well attended. Since it became clear that the police and neighbourhood services were largely unaware of the problems of anti-social behaviour at the Lock, it was suggested that there should be more active reporting of such incidents. Councillor Wilkinson added that she had made a plea for clearer no cycling signs: the Twyford Clerk had agreed to pursue with HCC.


Councillor Hunt mentioned that the lengthsman was due to visit in August. It was suggested that priority should be given to cutting back vegetation along the footpath that runs along Otterbourne Road (from Southdown Road to Shawford Road), and Shepherds Lane (from the junction with Otterbourne Road to the junction with the school road), which also needed weeding. If time permitted, he could also remove the moss from the wooden bus shelter on the corner of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road.

Tree Warden

Councillor Hunt confirmed that five adversely leaning cherry trees at the MPF had been felled.

Finance and Administration

Councillor Webster advised that the parish hall (£1,211,000) and caretaker’s cottage (£182,000) had been revalued for insurances purposes. CASCA, which is responsible for insuring both properties, is taking appropriate action.

To avoid confusion, when contacting members of the public or public organisations, the Council agreed to standardise councillors’ signature blocks in the following manner:

Richard Webster
Parish Councillor
[Finance and Administration Portfolio Holder]

Community Infrastructure Levy

Councillor Webster advised that he had received an inquiry from Councillor Bell about the possibility of using CIL funds to update the LADS. While clarification of the issues raised earlier (under planning) was resolved, it was agreed to defer discussion on this matter. Councillor Webster reported that All Saints School had two potential projects (installing play equipment and a rubberised track around the playing field to permit exercise when the weather is inclement), for which a request for financial assistance is likely to be forthcoming.

Councillor Wilkinson asked the Council to consider a request for CIL funds to pay for a brown [tourist] sign indicating the 12th-century church in Compton village. Although not on the agenda, since the amount involved was only £300, no-one objected to making a decision at the current meeting. The Council subsequently agreed to commit £300 of CIL funds to meet 50% of the cost of installing the brown sign. (The remaining 50% will be met by the Parochial Church Council.) Councillor Wilkinson added that the PCC was considering using Church Field as an all-weather parking area and may request financial assistance, from the Council, for this project.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 3 September 2019, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.


David Drake, Clerk

PC Meeting Report July 2019 – Links

PC Meeting Report July 2019 – Reports

Reports from our County and District Councillors.

  • HCC report covers Protecting Wildlife in the Verges, Surface Dressing, volunteering at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Hampshire County Council’s Children’s Service rated “Outstanding in all areas”
  • District Council report covers M3 Diversions, Eastleigh Local Plan, Waste and Recycling, and local planning issues.
2019-07 District Councillors Report
2019-07 District Councillors Report
55 KB
2019-07 Hampshire County Council Report June
2019-07 Hampshire County Council Report June
47 KB