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Footpaths and Motorway update April 2019

Diversion of Compton and Shawford Footpath 12

Footpaths and  Motorway update April 2019

Footpath 12 leads from the end of Attwoods Drove past Yew Tree Farm and Attwoods Drove Farm to join Badger Farm Road.

Where the path passes Attwoods Drove Farm it is often extremely muddy.

To avoid walkers going through the middle of the dairy farmyard at Attwoods Farm, Hampshire County Council is proposing to divert a short section of the path. They have prepared the paperwork that is needed to alter a Public Right of Way.

You can download the document using the link at the bottom of this page, or visit  https://www.hants.gov.uk/community/publicnotices/publicnoticedetails?id=9748

Public notice

The Hampshire (City of Winchester no. 18) (Parish of Compton and Shawford – Part of Footpath no. 12) Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2019
This Order is made by Hampshire County Council (“the authority”) under Section 119 of the Highways Act 1980.

Any representations about or objections to the Order may be sent in writing to the Head of Countryside Access, Hampshire County Council, Castle Avenue, Winchester, S023 8UL, or via e-mail to quoting reference:- PPO 5106 no later than 10 May 2019. Please state the grounds on which they are made.

M27 Overnight Partial Closure Friday 12 April

M27 Overnight ClosureM27 Junction 4 -11 Smart Motorway Programme e-Bulletin – 5 April 2019

In preparation for installing new smart motorway technology on the M27, Highways England will be removing existing technology from the M27 between junctions 4 and 5.

This activity will require a full closure of the M27 between these junctions, which will commence on Friday 12 April, and will take place overnight between the hours of 9.00pm and 4.30am the next day. The removal of the technology is not expected to be a noisy activity.

You can download more details using the link below.


Compton And Shawford FP 12
Compton And Shawford FP 12
390 KB
Bulletin -  Removal Of Technology 05 April
Bulletin - Removal Of Technology 05 April
236 KB