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Riparian Owners Annual Reminder 2018

HCC Riparian Owners Annual Reminder 2018Riparian Owners Annual Reminder 2018


Do you own land that has a watercourse or drainage ditch on or adjacent to it?

Answer: Yes –You are therefore a ‘riparian landowner’ and you are responsible for maintaining those watercourses

Chart for Riparian Owners Annual Reminder 2018

What can land and properties owners do to reduce the risk of flooding?

  • Identify your ordinary watercourses/ditches/piped watercourses – check
    deeds if required
  • Check whether they are clear from debris and vegetation and if not clear them

More informationAs a landowner, you have a right to protect your property from flooding
– consider how you might do this and prepare a plan.
More information: https://www.hants.gov.uk/landplanningandenvironment/environment/flooding

National Flood Forum provides information on preparing for a flood: https://nationalfloodforum.org.uk/

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Ditch Maintenance Poster 2018
Ditch Maintenance Poster 2018
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