Compton Lock Dustbin

Dear All,
Compton Lock Dustbin
Twyford Parish Council have just removed a dustbin from Compton Lock. I appreciate that the dustbin may have been put there as a well meaning gesture to prevent littering. However, the Parish Council were not aware that this bin was up there, or who is responsible for it. The bin was over-spilling, and has now been emptied and removed. It was a health and pollution hazard.
Twyford Parish Council do not manage any facilities at the Lock, and have made a conscious decision to not provide facilities in that area. There are bins at the exit points from the Lock at Shawford, on the Shawford Road and by Twyford Church.
Please follow the Country Code and TAKE YOUR RUBBISH AWAY WITH YOU.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Kind regards
or email / write to the Twyford Parish Clerk, see details below.
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Copyright © 2018 Twyford Parish Council, All rights reserved.
Twyford Parish Council
Parish Clerk – Jo Nicholson, PO Box 741, Winchester. SO23 3QA
With thanks to the Twyford Parish Clerk for permission to reprint this from the original Twyford Information email.
We understand that there is no bin at Compton Lock because the City Council’s Refuse Collection vehicles have no access to the site and therefore the bin could not be emptied regularly.