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CS PC submission to BCE Boundary Review

CS PC submission to Boundary Commission
CS PC submission to BCE Boundary Review – Act Now

The Parish Council believes that we  have a strong case to remain in Winchester constituency.

The October 2017 revised proposals from the Boundary Commission for England (BCE) were unaltered from their initial proposal.

They would mean that we are moved from Winchester constituency into a new Test Valley constituency, having Romsey as its major town.

Below is the text of the Parish Council’s response to the Revised proposals for new Parliamentary constituency boundaries in the South East.

Deadline 11 December 2017

If you don’t agree with the proposed change (or if you do agree), you have until 11 December to give your own feedback to the Boundary Commission for England.

We know that they read all comments, so every input can make a difference.

Text of Parish Council submissionHow to have your say

This submission was assigned comment reference number BCE­-49112

Compton and Shawford Parish Council notes the contents of section 3.102 of the Revised Proposals for the South East, but, in light of


  • because we believe that it is appropriate to give more weight to “substantive community” links than to preservation of a ward boundary that no longer exists and
  • because it can be achieved without requiring any compensating moves or creating a detached area

the Parish Council requests that BCE reconsider their decision and permit the parish of Compton & Shawford (polling district WM) to remain within the Winchester County Constituency, and not be transferred to Test Valley CC.

The attached document explains our reasons in more detail.

CSPC Response To BCE Revised Proposals For The South East Region.2017
CSPC Response To BCE Revised Proposals For The South East Region.2017
301 KB

Deadline: 11 December 2017

The Boundary Commission say:

We are consulting on our revised proposals for an eight-week period, from 17 October 2017 to 11 December 2017.

We encourage everyone to use this final opportunity to contribute to the design of the new constituencies. The more public views we hear, the more informed our decisions will be when we make recommendations to the Government.

We ask everyone wishing to contribute to the design of the new constituencies to first look at the revised proposals report, and accompanying maps, before responding to us.

The best way to respond to our revised proposals is through our consultation website: www.bce2018.org.uk .

To submit your comments,  follow these simple steps

  • go to www.bce2018.org.uk/node/6488
  • consult the documents linked in the bottom right of the screen (as appropriate), then
  • enter your postcode and click “Search”
  • Next, click on “Make a Comment”
  • Then click inside the map on the maker indicating your location
  • Answer “yes” to the question “Are you sure you wish to create a comment for this location?”
  • Then fill in the form on the comment page

You should try to provide examples of close ties with Winchester.

BCE need evidence of such ties if they are to reverse their decision to move us to the Test Valley constituency.


More information

  • For more detail, and maps specific to our parish, see  Constituency boundary changes – this affects us dated 30 October 2017
    This item also includes a list of useful links.
  • PC comments to the first phase of consultation (November 2016) can be downloaded here:
CSPC Parliamentary Constituency Review Final.2016
CSPC Parliamentary Constituency Review Final.2016
76 KB