PC Meeting Agenda 11 July 2017

Compton & Shawford logo - PC Meeting Agenda 11 July 2017Compton and Shawford Parish Council

PO Box 565, Winchester,
Hampshire SO23 3HG
Phone:01962 600198

Members of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend a meeting of

Compton and Shawford Parish Council

7.30pm Tuesday 11 July 2017
in the Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall.

PC Meeting Agenda 11 July 2017


  1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest.
  2. Minutes.
    • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 May 2017 (see link below).
  3. Matters arising and outstanding actions.
    • From the minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.
  4. County & District Councillors’ Reports.
  5. Public Session (maximum of fifteen minutes).
  6. BT Telephone Kiosks. (Councillor Webster to lead)
    • Plans to proceed with the adoption of the kiosks.
    • Agreement with the SVRA and CVA for their future maintenance.
    • Future use (book store, defibrillators & training etc.).
  7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). (Councillor Jordan)
    • Proposals for evaluating grant applications.
    • SOCCT grant application.
    • Sports Club grant application
  8. Highways and Public Transport. (Councillor Bell)
    • Report on the liaison meeting with representatives of First Group.
    • SVRA parking survey and future liaison.
  9. Planning (Councillors Jordan & Bell)
    • Neighbourhood Plan (including Compton Down Society concerns).
  10. Playing Fields Management. (Councillor Wilkinson)
    • Weekly inspection reports.
    • Action taken on the quarterly inspection report.
    • QEII Field Astroturf: impact on the playing fields budget.
  11. Footpaths and Environment. (Councillor Wilkinson)
    • Potential projects for the 9th August Lengthsman visit.
  12. Finance and Administration. (Councillor Webster)
    • Financial statement.
    • Note payments made since 2 May 2017.
    • Note the Internal Auditor’s report.
    • Note the CSPC Publication Document and its associated fees.
  13. Annual Parish Meeting. (Councillor Bell)
    • Outstanding actions.
  14. Register of Interests. (Councillor Goulding)
    • DCLG Minister’s reply to the council’s letter of concern.
  15. Date & Venue of the Next Meeting.

David Drake,
4 July 2017

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings