PC Meeting Report 2 May 2017
PC Meeting Report 2 May 2017
Table of Contents
Report of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 2 May 2017 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
Since the first meeting of the council in May is known as the ‘Annual Council Meeting’, the agenda is always heavily biased towards management and procedural issues but the council still found time to discuss several planning issues and the potential purchase of the two BT telephone kiosks.
Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
With the unanimous support of the council, Councillor Mike Goulding was elected chairman for the coming year; Councillor Martin Bell was elected vice-chairman.
During the public session, Mark Jenkins requested that a vote of thanks be given to Councillor Southgate for his time and effort during his term as chairman and that this to be recorded in the minutes. All Members present concurred.
Council Appointments
The council also approved several other appointments, a list of which can be found at the end of this report.
Finance and Administration
The council reviewed and adopted all the governance documents, including Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. (Copies can be found on the website,)
The council noted that the review of the asset register had been approved on 7 March 2017 and that there had been no changes since that date. It also noted that the Council’s assets were insured for £2,052,551 and that the policy was due for renewal on 1 October 2017.
The council approved the annual governance statement, contained in Section 1 of the Annual Return for 2016/17, and the accounting statements, contained in Section 2 of the Annual Return for 2016/17, which fairly reflected the council’s financial position and the year’s income and expenditure. [Both documents will be published on the parish website on 5 June 2017.]
The chairman confirmed that a letter expressing concern about the legal obligation to publish the register of members’ interests online had been forwarded to the Secretary of State for Local Government via Steve Brine MP.
The council noted that the ‘Southgate development’ had been approved for five dwellings but the decision may be taken to appeal.
It was noted that Councillors Jordan and Bell were still working on a paper weighing the pros and cons of producing a neighbourhood plan.
District Councillor Jan Warwick advised that the current Village Design Statement (VDS), produced in 2011, was an ‘ageing document’ and no longer in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). She advised that a neighbourhood plan would refresh the VDS and bring the policies in line with the NPPF. Neighbourhood plans do not preclude development, but can give a parish control over where it can take place. Small parishes may also work together to produce a joint plan and share the cost.
Cllr Warwick advised that the council needed to submit its response to the Biomass Plant application, at Four Dell Farm, to Hampshire County Council by 4 May. The current application was different to previous ones because the plant, which is currently only half operational, is now burning wood to create electricity. Winchester City Council is considering whether to issue a Pollution Certificate.
BT Telephone Kiosks
The council discussed Councillor Webster’s report on the potential purchase of the telephone kiosks in Martins Fields and Shawford village. Following discussion, it was concluded that it was unlikely that BT would accept an amended agreement. It was therefore agreed that the council should not pay the fee of £2, until it had had a chance to decide upon whether, or not, to accept BT’s terms. It was proposed that the council should own and insure the kiosks and that community associations should manage and maintain them. A letter of responsibility would need to be drawn up to set out expectations from both parties and an agreed schedule of inspections.
Playing Fields Management
Councillor Wilkinson advised that she is currently working on a schedule of weekly play area inspections. This could take an online format in order that, once a councillor has undertaken an inspection, he/she could update the log online.
Councillor Wilkinson also advised that there was a need to improve the car park drainage at the Memorial Playing Field. Three quotations had been received from reputable contractors. She wondered whether CIL funds could be used to meet the cost of the project. It was agreed that, upon his return, the clerk would be asked to seek clarification from Winchester City Council.
During the public session, Mark Jenkins, the Sports Club chairman, reported that the club’s AGM had been held and there had been no contentious issues. The committee had, on several occasions, expressed thanks to Councillor Wilkinson for her support and requested that this be recorded in the minutes.
Footpaths and Environment
Councillor Wilkinson reported that a new Lengthsman, Jason Ebury, had been appointed. The council agreed to his appointment: Councillor Goulding signed the new three-year contract.
Highways and Public Transport
The council noted that Bill Goodyear had recently re-stained the parish noticeboards to a high standard. It also acknowledged receipt of the survey on parking in Shawford village that had been received, from the chair of the Shawford Village Residents’ Association, over the bank holiday. Councillor Goulding offered to give some thought to finding a process to allow for further discussion on this subject.
Annual Parish Meeting
Councillor Bell briefed the council on the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting on 18 May 2017 and presented a report, to be delivered to all dwellings within the parish. It was agreed that Councillor Bell should email the report to all councillors for comment but these must be received by the end of the following day, since it had to go to the printers on Thursday. Distribution will take place from Saturday 6 May 2017. Several councillors offered their assistance. The WI will provide tea and cakes.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 4 July 2017 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
David Drake, Clerk
Portfolio |
Holder |
Finance & Administration | Councillor Richard Webster
Deputy: Councillor Frances Strange |
Playing Fields, Play Area Management & Environment | Councillor Myra Wilkinson
Deputies: Councillor Jo Lockett & Councillor Frances Strange |
Planning | Councillor Bob Jordan
Deputy: Councillor Jonathan Brant |
Highways | Councillor Martin Bell |
Web Management | Councillor Richard Webster |
Footpaths (including Compton Lock) | John Wilkinson |
Representatives to External Organisations
All Saints School Governor | Charlotte Bailey | CASCA Liaison | Myra Wilkinson |
All Saints School Liaison | Francis Strange | Shepherds Down School Liaison | Mark Jenkins |
SOCCT | Mike Goulding | Police Liaison | Mike Goulding |
Webmaster | Adrian Walmsley | Tree Warden | Jonathan Brant |
Winchester District Association | Bob Jordan | Village Agent | Frances Strange |
See the Minutes page for minutes of the 2 May 2017 meeting (available as draft until approved by the Council)