Otterbourne Roadworks January 2017

Otterbourne Roadworks January 2017Otterbourne roadworks January 2017

Aficionados of the Shawford pantomimes will surely remember this verse from “Dig up the Otterbourne Road”, the hit song from Sleeping Beauty in 2009: “we’ll put up the lights of a special kind, the ones that stay red – all of the time”. Well, they’re at it again, digging up the Otterbourne Road.

What’s going on?

Emergency gas works

How long will it last?

Otterbourne roadworks January 2017
Details of Otterbourne Roadworks – screenshot from

The works are expected to run from 23 January to 30 January 2017.
See this screenshot from
To check for any updates, visit and search on our location. “Winchester” for example.

Other links

HCC Roads and Roads Maintenance