Compton Lock repairs

Notice from Twyford Parish Council: Compton Lock repairs
Unfortunately, it has become necessary to erect a temporary barrier to restrict access to/from Compton Lock via the wooden steps on the Twyford bank. Erosion of the bank beneath the steps has occurred and the area in front of the steps has begun to collapse.
Please take particular care at the Lock while the necessary remedial work is in progress. Emergency access from the Lock onto the steps is possible. But the steps and ground around them are unstable.
If walkers notice that the barrier has been knocked and needs to be reinstated please notify the Twyford Parish Clerk: or 07443598464
or email / write to the Twyford Parish Clerk, see details below.
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Copyright © 2016 Twyford Parish Council, All rights reserved.
Twyford Parish Council
Parish Clerk – Tony Bronk, Staddlestones, 9 Main Road, Twyford Moors, Hampshire, SO21 1RN
With thanks to the Twyford Parish Clerk for permission to reprint this from the original Twyford Information email.