
PC Meeting Report 6 September 2016

PC Meeting Report 6 September 2016CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report 6 September 2016

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6 September 2016 in the Compton Room Shawford Parish Hall

Chairman’s Update

Councillor Southgate referred to a request from PCSO Michelle Wilkinson to complete a survey on community priorities for our local police officers. Following discussion, during which all councillors were invited to complete the survey, it was agreed that members of the public should be invited to comment via a link to the survey on the parish website: (www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QLDWYVX).

Councillor Jordan expressed concern that, at the previous meeting, councillors had not been informed about the decision taken in late June to provide space on the Memorial Playing Fields for the storage of chippings (for use in the resurfacing of part of Field Way and Cliff Way). The chairman noted that the chippings had been in excess of the load expected and an apology had been received from the residents’ association. All chippings had now been either used or removed.

Playing Fields Management

Councillor Wilkinson presented her report. Although a sinking fund of £10,000 had been established to repair and maintain play equipment, some of it was close to its expiry date and might need to be replaced in the near future. It was agreed that Councillor Wilkinson should complete a survey of the play equipment with a view to providing the clerk with an estimate of replacement costs, prior to 15 October 2016. This would enable him to include that figure in the draft budget for the financial year 2017/18.

The council noted that a second quotation would be required for the additional fencing at the QEII Field and that signs requesting dog owners to act responsibly in the vicinity of the MPF would be installed shortly.


It was noted that the cost of repainting the parish hall’s external woodwork had amounted to £1400 and that, in the immediate future, no further maintenance was required. The council was advised that the seasonal pantomime, Toad of Toad Hall, would be held in early January 2017. Councillor Sadler subsequently agreed to the council holding its meeting, scheduled for 10 January 2017, in the Reeves Scout Hall.

Parish Website

The council noted Mr Walmsley’s report. It agreed that the clerk should aim to advise Mr Walmsley when action had been taken to resolve queries that had originated from the website. The chairman confirmed that the revamped website had been entered in this year’s Hampshire Association of Local Councils competition.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The council noted Councillor Goulding’s paper on CIL and his proposals for the future allocation of funds. It agreed that the council should establish a CIL committee to overview the process.

Councillor Jordan subsequently volunteered to serve on the CIL Committee to which the clerk confirmed that he would provide support.

Having declared an interest, Councillor Sadler, confirmed that the Trustees of the Reeves Scout Hall were considering making a formal request for CIL funding, to assist with the cost of refurbishing the hall.

During the discussion it had been noted that several councils had produced Neighbourhood Plans. Producing such a plan for Compton and Shawford might be of benefit to the community. The clerk agreed to provide Councillors Stevens and Bell with some background information on the process and costs involved.

Finance and Administration

Councillor Goulding presented his report. He briefed the council on the proposed changes to the council’s financial regulations. The update was comprehensive and reflected best practice. Changes include:

  • Greater focus on internal controls and internal control assessment.
  • Clear guidelines for spending. Limits for spending (without full approval) remained at £750. Spending below this limit requires the approval from the clerk, chairman (and the appropriate portfolio holder.

The council subsequently agreed to adopt the revised regulations.

The council also noted that the External Auditor had made one ‘minor’ comment on the Annual Return, which reflected the change in the NALC guidelines about staff expenses i.e. that only mileage costs should be included under that sub-head.

It also noted the decision to seek alternative quotes, when the current long term insurance agreement with Came & Company expires on 30 September 2017 and that the Pensions Regulator had confirmed the council had met its obligations with regard to work place pensions. The council minutes for the year 2013/14 were now available for inspection in the Hampshire Records Office.

The council also discussed the future format of the Annual Parish Meeting (APM). Since a variety of opinions were expressed, it was agreed to defer a decision until the next meeting.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 1 November 2016 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.

David Drake