PC Meeting Report 3 November 2015
PC Meeting Report 3 November 2015
Table of Contents
Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3 November 2015 in Shawford Parish Hall.
At the request of the Shawford Village Residents Association, the meeting began with a briefing presented by Mark Hegan on parking problems in Shawford village.
Shawford Village Residents’ Association (SVRA)
Mr Hegan briefed the council on the survey that had recently been undertaken by the SVRA. All houses (not including rented properties) had been surveyed, of which 95% had responded. All had agreed that car parking in the village was a problem. The SVRA would like the Parish Council to support a strategy for increased off road parking, combined with further on road parking restrictions, and to ‘fast track’ a SVRA meeting with SW Trains and representatives of Walcon, the company that runs the storage yard adjacent to the station.
Councillor Southgate noted that the council had been liaising with the SVRA on this issue for many years and had supported the overall strategy. He voiced concerns about the timing of the survey and confirmed that proposals to restrict parking in Shawford Road and Pearson Lane were currently progressing through the authorisation and legal process. He was working closely with the Winchester City Council (WCC) Traffic Officer to get the yellow lines painted on the roads before Christmas.
He added that, having recently attended a SW Trains stakeholder meeting about the new rail franchise, which is to be tendered next year, the relationship with the rail organisations needed to be handled carefully. The parish had a good train service, which is much valued by the local community, and the relationships with the rail operators needed to be handled carefully. He hoped the SVRA would be prepared to accept his advice in this potentially delicate area. Councillor Stevens agreed. While she recognised the difficulties caused by commuters parking their cars in Shawford, both the council and SVRA needed to be careful not to antagonise the rail operators.
Following a short discussion it was agreed that the SVRA and the council would continue to liaise closely and would work together to explore the viability of the various options for additional parking in Shawford village.
County and District Councillors’ Report
County Councillor Bailey reported that Hampshire County Council (HCC) would shortly be issuing a document requesting public comment on changes to highways environmental work: most as the result of funding cuts. District Councillor Warwick noted that the leaf clearance programme had begun. Should anyone require urgent leaf clearance then he/she should call WCC Customer Service on 0300 3000 0013 or report via the WCC web site.
Highways & Transport
Following a discussion on the proposed siting of cycle racks at Shawford railway station, which might be considered by some to be ‘intrusive’, the council agreed that, in view of the car parking concerns, it should support additional cycle storage. Councillor Southgate agreed to inform Winchester City Council that the Parish Council is content with the proposals. He would also inform the SVRA.
Councillor Cordery advised that the HCC cost of installing a bench in Compton Street would be £961.72 (+VAT). This was within the amount set aside at the end of the last financial year. The council agreed that it should try to arrange for the hedge around the school to be cut in time for the Christmas fair advertising banner to be displayed. It was also agreed that the area around the Diamond Jubilee oak tree on the MPF should be ‘tided up’ when the Lengthsman visits the parish later this month.
Finance & Administration
The council discussed the draft budget for the coming financial year. Councillors were asked to provide the clerk with details of any proposed projects for 2016/17 by 31 December 2015. A final decision on the budget will need to be made when the council next meets on 12 January 2016.
The council noted that there was a wide variation in the tenders submitted for the relaying of the paving stones on the east and south sides of the pavilion. As the contractor that had supplied the lowest bid had completed the relaying of the stones on the west and north sides of the pavilion, it was agreed that the contract should be awarded to Cranworth Builders at cost £1660 (+VAT).
Councillor Goulding noted that, since HCC is closing down its website hosting service on 31 July 2016, the council needed to find a new hosting provider. It was agreed that Councillors Goulding and Walmsley, who had produced a background paper on the subject, should examine all the various options and to present the council with recommendations on the way forward.
Playing Fields Management
Councillor Southgate advised the council that, having received documents containing 200 signatures supporting discussions between the Lawn Tennis Club (LTC) and the council, he had, together with the clerk, met the club chairman to clarify various matters. The LTC has been asked to identify a location on the MPF that is acceptable to other users and neighbours; does not involve the loss of any trees and minimises the loss of green space. It has also been asked to address car parking and traffic issues and to consider any proposals which might make the tennis club more accessible to members of the parish, notably the younger generation.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that she had accepted a quote of £714.85 from Playdale to repair the rope net on the mini multi-play unit. Vita Play had also carried out its quarterly maintenance check on the outdoor gymnasium.
The council noted that Winchester City Council Planning Enforcement Officer had advised that, since it exceeded the council’s permitted development rights, the multi-play unit installed in the QEII Field play area required planning permission. Following discussion it was agreed that the council should submit an application for retrospective planning permission and, in parallel, to enter into negotiations with the supplier, Greenspan Projects, to see if the height of the equipment could be reduced.
Councillor Stevens advised the council that she had submitted comments on both of the proposed developments in Cross Way on the grounds that they contravene the design guidelines set out in the Village Design Statement.
Councillor Southgate noted that a consultation document, on the Winchester District Local Plan Part2: Development Management and Site Allocations, should issue shortly.
Footpaths and Environment
Councillor Wilkinson advised the council that, following the felling of intrusive trees and the removal of ivy and other plant growth, the Tudor wall had now been exposed. The Tudor gateway had also been renovated. A further archaeological survey by HCC is awaited to establish what can further be done to preserve its presence and at what cost.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that HCC Countryside Rangers have made good progress on restoring the natural grass downland at Shawford Down. The next volunteer day is Wednesday 11 November 2015.
Councillor Wilkinson advised the council that the CASCA AGM would be held on 12 November 2016 and the annual Christmas party on 11 December 2016. In response to an inquiry from the clerk, she agreed to speak to the CASCA chairman about progress on work to reduce damp in the caretaker’s cottage.
Date of the next meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 12 January 2016 in the Jubilee Pavilion, Compton Down.
David Drake,