
PC Meeting Agenda 6 January 2015

Compton & Shawford logoCompton and Shawford Parish Council

PO Box 565, Winchester,
Hampshire SO23 3HG
Phone:01962 600198

Members of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend a meeting of

Compton and Shawford Parish Council

at 7.30pm Tuesday 6 January 2015
at All Saints’ School, Compton


  1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest.
  2. Minutes.
    • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2014.
  3. Matters arising and outstanding actions.
    • From the minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.
  4. Police Report.
  5. County & District Councillors’ Reports.
    • Shawford Road parking.
  • The Meeting will be suspended for fifteen minutes to permit statements, observations, and questions from members of the public.
  1. Finance and Administration.
    • Financial statement.
    • Note payments made since 4 November 2014.
    • Budget for 2015/16.
    • Jubilee pavilion: Electrical works.
    • Caretaker’s Cottage: Survey
    • Standing Orders: Amendments.
    • Review of Internal Control.
    • Recruitment procedures.
    • Convenors’ terms of reference.
  2. Playing Fields Management Committee.
    • MPF: Future Development.
    • Fourth Tennis Court.
    • QEII Field Play Area: Replacement equipment.
  3. Planning Committee.
    • Planning applications & decisions.
    • Planning policy statement.
  4. Highways and Transport.
    • Convenor’s report.
  5. Footpaths & Environment.
    • Representative’s report.
  6. Annual Parish Meeting.
  7. Civic Service.
  8. Complaints.
  9. Date & venue of next meeting.

David Drake, Clerk
28 October 2014

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings