October 2012 PC Meeting Report
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 2 October 2012 at All Saints School, Compton
Table of Contents
A public exhibition on potential exception sites for affordable housing on 30 November; a Hampshire County Council (HCC) briefing on replacement street lights on 6 December and success in the Hampshire Association of Local Councils (HALC) village of the year competition, were amongst the subjects discussed at this month’s council meeting.
Police Report
PCSO Wilkinson reported that, since the last Parish Council meeting on 4 September, there had been one report of suspicious behaviour in Shepherds Lane (possibly lamping) and one theft from a motor vehicle parked in the Shawford Down car park on Otterbourne Road.
County and District Councillors’ Reports
Councillor Southgate advised the council that the Secretary of State had approved the application to build 2000 homes on Barton Farm. He also reported upon his attendance at a presentation on the ‘Community Right to Challenge/Bid’ and that the two new council houses, converted from the old Compton Store, have now been let. Winchester City Council (WCC) is also in the process of developing the Local Plan Part 2, which will add detail to Local Plan Part 1. He added that he was in contact with the relevant officer in WCC about the placing of a dog bin on the Itchen Navigation tow path and would report back in due course.
Playing Fields
During the public session, Mr Jordan expressed concern about the condition of some of the trees at the Memorial Playing Fields (MPF) and the proposed site of the petanque court (adjacent to the tennis courts). Mrs Lockett also expressed concern at the proposed site of the petanque court. In the subsequent discussion, the council decided that it should ask the Sports Club to confirm that there was significant demand within the community for such a court. The council also asked Councillor Wilkinson to enter into discussions with the Sports Club on the production of a long term plan for further facilities at the MPF: these could include an all weather multi-use pitch.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that, following a discussion with Stuart Dunbar-Dempsey WCC, Open Spaces Fund, he had accepted that the council would not be proceeding with the proposed play area at the base of Shawford Down. She also added that the council’s solicitor had advised that the registration of the Compton Street playing field, as a permanently protected site, should take the form of a ‘Non-Charitable Deed of Dedication’.
Planning Committee
Following the resignation of Councillor Bell on 5 September 2012, Councillor Jeffrey was unanimously elected as the council’s planning convenor.
The council discussed proposed developments at Silkstead Stables and the Captain Barnard. With regard to Silkstead Stables, it was agreed that, should the applicant accept a condition that planning permission be granted for ‘personal and sole use’ and binding conditions placed upon the number of traffic movements, then the objection submitted by the Parish Council could be withdrawn. The council also agreed that, since assurances had been received from WCC’s Planning Department, on the number of parking places at the Captain Barnard site, viz. no less than 28, it would withdraw its request for the Brendoncare Home application to go to committee.
The council noted that WCC, supported by the Parish Council, would be holding a public exhibition in the Reeves Scout Hall on Friday 30 November 2012 to identify sites within the parish deemed suitable for affordable housing.
Highways & Transport
Councillor Southgate advised the council that HCC had acknowledged some deficiencies in the design of the newly constructed pedestrian refuge on Otterbourne Road. These will be corrected in the near future. He also reported that feedback on the introduction of measures to improve parking in Pearson Lane had been very positive. The chairman agreed to write to WCC’s chief executive to express the council’s appreciation of the support it had received from transport officials in helping to overcome a very difficult and, at times, contentious problem.
Street Lighting
Councillor Southgate noted that HCC would be providing a briefing on the programme to replace the existing street lights in Compton and Shawford. This will be held in Shawford village hall at 6.30pm on Thursday 6 December 2012. The clerk noted that HCC had indicated that the meeting would be by invitation only but representatives of the various residents’ associations would be welcome.
Finance & Administration
The council noted that Compton & Shawford had won the “Diamond Jubilee and Olympics” category of the 2012 HALC Village of the Year competition and was placed second in the overall competition. Councillor Southgate proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Stevens and her team for their efforts in promoting the benefits of living in the parish. The proposal was generously supported by all present.
The council agreed that, since there were three potential candidates for the two vacancies on the council, it should declare a casual vacancy and place notices to that effect upon the parish notice boards. The clerk should also inform the Hampshire Chronicle.
Councillor Walmsley reported that the F&A committee would be reviewing the WCC Code of Conduct proposals, when it meets in November. He added that both he and the clerk had completed an annual inspection of the Jubilee pavilion and identified that some external decoration was required. It was intended that this work should be undertaken in/around March 2013.
Councillor Stevens reported her conversation with the rector about the taking of communion during the Civic Service. It was agreed that next year, when Compton & Shawford is hosting the event, the council should aim to combine the Civic Service with a church service where communion is not taken.
The council discussed the vacancy for a parish councillor on Compton School’s board of governors and agreed that, since the Parish Council is not currently at full strength, a decision on an appointment should be deferred until the next meeting.
Councillor Wilkinson advised the council that CASCA’s AGM would take place on Thursday 22 November 2012 and the Christmas Party on Friday 7 December 2012. Concern was expressed that bookings for several key clients had had to be cancelled because the pantomime committee had requested use of the hall in early January. Since CASCA was a self-financing organisation, serious effort must be made to avoid such cancellations in future years.
Lost Keys
Finally, I would like to thank the Shawford gentleman who recently found a set of keys on a footpath close to the River Itchen. Since they had a Tesco club card tag attached, he handed them in to the Tesco store at Winnall. They have now been reunited with their owner, my wife, who lost them while walking in Shawford this summer. She is most grateful.
Date of the next meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 4 December 2012 in the Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall.
David Drake