Affordable Housing Site Exhibition
Compton & Shawford
Parish Council
Reeves Scout Hall, Martin’s Field, Compton
Friday 30th November 2012
Between 4pm – 8pm
All residents of Compton and Shawford are invited to attend an exhibition of the sites that have been identified as potentially suitable for a small scheme of Affordable Housing for local people in Compton and Shawford.
Winchester City Council’s Housing Register has identified a number of local people in need of affordable housing in the parish. Compton and Shawford Parish Council has been working with the Rural Housing Enabler and Winchester City Council for some time to find a suitable site to develop 8-10 homes for local people, in the medium to long term. This is likely to be on an exception site, just outside the settlement boundary, and therefore would only be developed as affordable housing for local people with a proven local connection to the parish.
The sites put forward have been considered by both Winchester City Council Planning Department and the Parish Council. A summary of the comments on all the sites will be on display. Representatives from the Parish Council, Winchester City Council, and the Rural Housing Enabler will be present to answer any questions. Your views will be welcomed.
Please call in and make your comments on this important development for the parish. We look forward to seeing you there.
David Drake
If you are in housing need and have a strong local connection to the parish but have not registered your need with Winchester City Council, you can do so at the exhibition.