Roads and transport update September 2012
Mike Southgate reports:
(click on the tabs)
Shawford Road Pedestrian Refuge
Table of Contents

Work is due to commence 3rd September and is scheduled to take approximately 4 weeks.
I have asked Hampshire Highways to ensure that the use of traffic signals and single carriageway working is kept to the absolute minimum.
If they are used in peak time they are to be operator controlled to take account of traffic built up.
63 Bus
The contract has now been awarded to the First Group and four buses a day (two in each direction) now stop in Attwoods Drove and Shawford. Parking and turning concerns remain in Attwoods Drove which I will continue to discuss with the County Councillor and WCC. I have had representations from a local resident not to introduce 24/7 ‘bus cages’ or parking restrictions for the few number of buses using the route.
Aircraft Noise
BAA Southampton are now working on improvements to their Instrument Landing System which was postponed from May. This will mean a deviation of the inbound flight path towards the centre of Compton during a period ending 6.9.2012. This is purely a temporary arrangement whilst the upgrade takes place.
Pearson Lane Kerbing
HCC agree that some further remedial work is required to strengthen the rear of the kerbs and to allow the occasional and inevitable passage of wider vehicles. This will be undertaken when funds and time are available.
Shawford Station area Parking Restrictions
After work was interrupted by bad weather on 2 September, lines are due to be painted 9 September 2012 and are legally enforceable from that point. I have alerted both residents and the rail user group. Comment and complaints continue to be made by some residents. The situation will be monitored and kept under review.
Shawford Station
I am shortly meeting representatives from Network Rail concerning the old station house. They had previously agreed to re-allocate part of the garden to South West Trains for railway related use and the house would be put up for sale. I am keen to see whether the released garden space can be used for increased bike storage, and push for them to tidy up the garden.