
Southampton Airport Flight Paths update

Mike Southgate passes on this news from Southampton Airport (30 August 2012):
Aircraft on the approach path to Southampton Airport

Following previous correspondence, we will shortly be continuing the essential upgrade to our Instrument Landing System (ILS).  Due to a prolonged period of inclement weather in May, we took the decision to cancel the last period of works.

The current ILS will be switched off 28th August at 12pm (weather permitting) and the new system will be implemented over a period of approximately 9 days (to 6th September). During this time you may see aircraft following a slightly unusual landing path when approaching from the North in inclement weather such as fog or low clouds. These aircraft will be following a recognised back up approach procedure which is slightly offset from the normal path. Northerly departing aircraft will continue to adhere to the current “Noise Preferred Routes.” Disruption will be kept to a minimum and safety will not be compromised at any point during the switch over period.

The purpose of the upgrade is to install a new multi channel system that will enable us to carry out future maintenance without having to take the existing ILS offline. For monthly maintenance all we will need to do is change the channel enabling us to have an uninterrupted ILS service providing route and landing path predictability in all weathers.

A vital part of the new ILS reinstatement will involve calibration of the new facility which will be undertaken by a specialist aircraft. This is due to take place on Tuesday 4th September and is vital in ensuring the new equipment is working to its full capacity. This aircraft, on occasion, may approach the airport in a slightly unusual pattern but please be assured that any disruption will be kept to a minimum.

I will of course keep you updated and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.