May 2012 PC Meeting Report
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 8 May 2012 in the Heathcote Room, Shawford Village Hall
This was the first meeting of the new council. Councillor Stevens welcomed Councillors Angela Jeffrey and Marc Townell to the council and trusted that they would find its activities both rewarding and enjoyable.
Council Appointments
Councillor Stevens was re-elected Chairman for the coming year and Councillor Evans was re-elected Vice-Chairman.
The council agreed to the following appointments:
Finance & Administration Committee: Adrian Walmsley (chairman), Martin Bell, Mike Southgate, Angela Jeffrey.
Playing Fields and Play Area Management Committee: Myra Wilkinson (chairman), Jacqui Evans, Marc Townell, John Richardson (co-opted), Jean Millar (co-opted).
Planning Committee: Martin Bell (chairman), Adrian Walmsley, Jacqui Evans, Marc Townell.
Highways & Transport Committee: Mike Southgate (chairman), Myra Wilkinson, Angela Jeffrey.
Footpaths & Environment (including Compton lock) Representative: John Wilkinson.
Police Report
The clerk advised the council that prior to her departure on leave, PCSO Michelle Gay had indicated that there had been no reported incidents within the parish since her last report of 3 April 2012.
Shawford Down
Mr Tice expressed concern that highland cattle excrement was making Shawford Down a ‘no go’ area for children. He had also observed that the cattle were gradually destroying the hedgerows and that the wooden rail guards adjacent to the steps and a wooden bench had been damaged. He hoped that the council would reconsider its decision to support the presence of highland cattle on the down. The chairman noted his concerns but, since she was aware that the highland cattle were very popular with some parishioners, it would be inappropriate to discuss the issue at this time. Nevertheless, she would ensure that it was placed on the agenda for the next meeting on 3 July 2012. This would allow councillors time to consult parishioners.
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Councillor Stevens advised the council that she was close to completing the risk assessment on the events planned for the holiday weekend of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. By purchasing the beacon from HCC, she had managed to save £224 of the £300 allocated to its purchase at the last council meeting and, in the circumstances, she hoped the cost of framing the Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee memorabilia could be borne by the council. Following a short discussion, it was agreed that the cost of the framing should be borne by the council.
Playing Fields Management Committee
To reduce the number of footballs going over the fence into neighbouring properties, Councillor Wilkinson reported that quotations were being sought for the installation of high metal fencing at the Compton Street playing field. A discussion on renaming the field as the Queen Elizabeth II Field (under the terms of the Fields in Trust scheme where the land would remain a playing field in perpetuity) concluded that more time should given to councillors to consider the implications of such a move. A decision will be taken at the next meeting on 3 July 2012. Following a request from Mrs Down, Councillor Bell undertook to speak to Mr Allerton about the provision of white lines on the football pitch.
Highways and Transport
Councillor Southgate reported that he had met the Lengthsman, Christopher Sparkes, who would be available for tasks within the parish between 28 – 30 May. His first project would be to jet wash the bus shelters. Councillor Southgate added that he had received a letter from Mrs Bugler of Oliver’s Battery containing a petition signed by 71 people concerned about the safety of horse riders using Otterbourne Road. He did not believe that there was an obvious solution to the problem but would consider options over the summer and make recommendations at the council meeting on 4 September 2012. Finally, in response to the damage to gardens in Park View caused by fallen trees, Councillor Southgate reported that he had contacted Ali Morse, Project Director for the Itchen Navigation project. She and an arboriculturist were due to assess the status of the remaining trees in the near future.
Councillor Bell noted that, over the years, planning permission for the field adjacent to Silkstead Farm had changed from ‘horse use’ to ‘shelter for horses (stabling)’ to ‘commercial livery (with office)’. A further application had been received seeking approval to extend the office to include ‘non-stabling activity’. The council agreed that such creeping industrialisation of the countryside needed to be kept in check. It also agreed that Councillor Bell should continue to monitor the plans for the Brendoncare development and to ensure that it included sufficient parking spaces.
Following the circulation of proposals for exception sites for social housing within the parish, Councillor Evans had met WCC officials. She had discovered that HCC continued to have concerns about the use of sites 4 & 5 (to the north of Martins Field and Attwoods Drove). The council agreed that it should accept the offer to meet Robin Edwards, HCC County Farms Estate, to see whether these concerns could be overcome.
Councillor Stevens advised the council that, when she had completed the arrangements for the QDJ, she would consult the chairman of Twyford Parish Council about litter collection at Compton Lock. Councillor Wilkinson circulated the draft of the map board to be placed at the base of Shawford Down and confirmed that HCC Rights of Way had been alerted to the problem of cyclists using the tow path.
Finance and Administration
Councillor Walmsley asked the council to note the internal auditor’s letter of 27 April 2012 in which he had commented “I am pleased to say that there are no items this year that I need to bring to your attention. Congratulations on a job well done.”
Date and Venue of the Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 3 July 2012 in the Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall.
David Drake