QDJ Constitution
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CSPCDiamondJubileeCommitteeConstitution.doc |
Compton & Shawford |
Committee Constitution
Table of Contents
The name of the organisation shall be the Compton & Shawford Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Committee , hereafter referred to as “the QDJ Committee” or simply “the committee”.
The Committee is a subcommittee of and is responsible to the Parish Council’s Finance & Admin Committee.
The purpose of the committee shall be to act on behalf of the Parish Council to plan and organise the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, specifically:
- Take responsibility for planning, budgeting and monitoring expenditure on the QDJ project and reporting back to the parish council on these matters.
- Identify potential sources of project funding
- Liaise with relevant authorities
- To prepare and maintain a register of risks and mitigations
- To ensure that adequate insurance cover is in place.
- Identify ways of involving the whole community including as many groups and organisations in the community as possible.
- Plan to leave a permanent reminder of the QDJ for future generations of parishioners.
This might include (but is not limited to) programmes, photographic records, comparisons with previous similar events (1953 Coronation, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee), maps and marked pathways.
- Report back to the Parish Council on progress, issues arising and outcomes from the exercise.
The committee will include up to 20 members, invited by the chair and approved by the Parish Council.
Members of the committee may be, but are not required to be, members of the Parish Council.
A person shall cease to be a member of the committee having notified the chair or secretary in writing of his or her wish to resign.
The chair of the committee shall be appointed by the Parish Council.
At the first meeting the committee will elect: a vice-chair, a secretary and a treasurer. All other committee members should have a specific role, to be agreed by the committee.
The committee shall meet as often as may be required. At least five clear days’ notice of meetings shall be given to members by email or by written notices left at, or sent by post to the member’s last known address. All notices of committee meetings must detail the matters to be discussed.
Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the Committee members present and voting. In the case of equality of votes the chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
The committee may decide the quorum necessary to transact business — with a minimum of three members of whom at least two should be officers. The secretary shall keep a record of meetings in a minute book, and circulate minutes to members of the committee not more than 14 days after each meeting.
The treasurer shall keep a clear record of expenditure, where necessary supported by receipted invoices, and for invoices above £750, evidence of three competitive quotations.
Members of the community who are involved as volunteers may claim back any expenditure that was necessarily incurred during the project. This could include postage, stationery and some travel costs.
The treasurer will draw up and agree with the committee procedures for volunteers who wish to claim expenses and the rates they may claim.
The treasurer will be responsible for setting up the committee’s own banking arrangements and will operate any bank accounts on the basis of a minimum two authorised signatories who will also be committee members.
The treasurer will report back to the committee and the Parish Council Finance & Admin Committee on planned and actual expenditure for the project.
Changes to the constitution
This constitution may be altered and additional clauses may be added with the consent of two-thirds of the committee present. Changes to the Purpose or Finance sections additionally must be agreed with the Parish Council.
Dissolution of the committee
Upon dissolution of the committee any remaining funds shall be disposed of by the committee, in a proportion to be agreed with the Parish Council, as follows:
- To the schools, including the pre-school in our Parish
- To All Saints Church, Compton
- To named charities, with a local link
- To the Parish Council to be used in furtherance of purpose 7 above: Plan to leave a permanent reminder of the QDJ for future generations of parishioners.
No individual member of the committee shall benefit from the dispersal.
Approved by the Parish Council at its meeting on 6 March 2012