February 2012 PC Meeting Report
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 7 February 2012 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
Police Report
Table of Contents
PCSO Michelle Gay took the opportunity of her first council meeting to introduce herself to the council. She advised the members that there had been five reported incidents within the parish, since early December and asked parishioners to report all suspicious activities to the police: if a vehicle was involved, to please note the registration number.
At the PACT (Partners and Communities Together) meeting on 31 January 2012, Police Sergeant Lamper had reported that police officers will continue to patrol the parish on bikes and, in the absence of a local police station, will use Otterbourne village hall for ‘comfort breaks’. Councillor Millar noted that the CASCA committee had offered similar services in Shawford village hall. PS Lamper also explained that, in the coming months, his team will be running speed enforcement operations and monitoring car parking in the vicinity of Shawford railway station and Compton Street school. Where necessary, they will advise drivers on any infringements. (A letter will be placed on the windscreen and vehicle details noted.)
Finance and Administration
The council agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting should take place at 7.30pm on 19 April 2012 in Shawford village hall and that it would continue with the practice of producing an annual report prior to the meeting.
Following a suggestion from Councillor Beckett, it was agreed that the Parish Council should include a small provision in its budget for 2013/14, to help with the cost of renovating the Hockley Viaduct. The council also noted the minutes of the Village Design Statement (VDS) committee held on 16 January 2012 and agreed that an extraordinary public meeting, for the dissolution of the Parish Plan/VDS committee and the disposition of funds, should be held at 7.00pm on 6 March 2012.
The council noted that Councillor Broomfield had submitted his resignation and expressed its appreciation of his contribution to the community, during his time as a parish councillor. The council decided that, since an election is scheduled for 3 May 2012, it would not seek to fill the vacancy by co-option. [Any parishioner wishing to stand for election to the Parish Council in May can obtain the nomination papers from the clerk. ().]
Playing Fields Management Committee
The council agreed to accept the Vita Play Limited quotation for the provision of new goal posts, nets and an area of artificial turf at the Compton Street playing field. This news was well received by those representatives of the Compton Tenants Association, who were present. They were “really pleased to hear that the Compton Street football pitch was to be improved substantially”.
The council also discussed the possibility of changing the name of the Memorial Playing Fields (MPF) in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee but, given the history of the MPF, it was not considered to be appropriate. However there was a case for changing the name of the Compton Street Playing Field to the ‘Queen Elizabeth II Field’ and it was agreed that the subject should be placed on the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting.
A discussion on the Government’s Planning Inspectorate (PINS) proposal that, in future there should be clear justification of the requirement for an open space contribution from local developers in Compton & Shawford, concluded with a recommendation that Stuart Dunbar-Dempsey, WCC Open Spaces, should be reminded that WCC Strategy still included a provision for a play area in Shawford.
The council discussed an invitation to join ten other local parish councils in Hampshire County Council’s Lengthsman scheme. The project will be funded by HCC, with little additional cost to the council. As currently planned Compton and Shawford Parish Council can expect 8 full days activity from the Lengthsman. Potential projects might include an annual power wash of the six bus shelters and annual trims of the vegetation at the MPF and Compton Street playing fields. The council could also use the Lengthsman to complement its existing contractors to tackle additional outstanding work such as footpath and kerbside clearances. Following a short discussion, the council agreed that it should participate in the scheme.
Councillor Southgate reported that he was still awaiting final comment from Pearson Lane residents on whether to introduce single or double yellow lines along the road. Single yellow lines provide more flexibility but will require three or four statutory posts on the kerbside. He had attended a meeting, chaired by Councillor Beckett, with Winchester City Council traffic engineers to discuss some of the concerns that had been raised about the proposals but, while there had been a full discussion of the issues and possible options, current city policy meant that there was nothing that could be done. Nevertheless, WCC had agreed to keep the position under review. He was pleased to say that Hampshire County Council had recently agreed to complete the road repairs in lower Pearson Lane. It is now on the contractor’s list and a precise date will be confirmed shortly. HCC had also placed an order for the reinstatement of the white lines at the bottom of Pearson Lane, where the road surface had recently been repaired.
County Councillor Bailey noted that, in addition to the funding for further kerbing in Pearson Lane, funds had also been found for the pedestrian refuge on Otterbourne Road.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that, as a result of severe weather during the Christmas/New Year period, several trees had fallen across footpaths. Most had been cleared but the tree blocking FP 28 was still awaiting attention from HCC. The clerk reported that HCC had approved the council’s application for a grant of £287.50 (50%), for the production of a mapboard showing countryside access in the parish. He added that the council’s request for an extension of Footpath 32 had been forwarded to HCC’s Legal Department for attention. County Councillors will need to agree to the footpath being put on the map but no problems are foreseen.
Councillor Bailey reported that the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust was hoping to undertake remedial works on the trees, close to Park View, to reduce shading of the Itchen and to improve biodiversity. These works should also help to allay the safety concerns of the residents in Park View.
Councillor Bell reported that he would be attending the WCC Planning Policy/Community Planning Briefing on 29 February 2012.
Community Activities
Councillor Bailey invited local organisations to bid for a small allocation of the funds remaining in her community budget but bids need to be received by 29 February 2012. Councillors Stevens, Evans and Southgate agreed to inform the Scouts, Pre-School organisers and SOCCT accordingly.
Councillor Stevens reported that Queen’s Diamond Jubilee committee had made considerable progress since the council had last met. Events would be taking place on all four days of the Queen’s Jubilee weekend and space around the MPF had been identified for the planting of trees to commemorate the event. The council agreed that the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Committee should become a sub-committee of the Finance & Administration committee, subject to its constitution and membership being confirmed by the F&A committee at, or before, the next council meeting on 6 March 2012.
Date and Venue of the Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 6 March 2012 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
David Drake,