Finance and Administration Committee

April 2004

Table of Contents

Finance and Administration committee

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the progress of completing the outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion. Work continues with various outstanding items being attended to. However, several new issues have arisen which are being addressed. Councillor Campbell-White advised the meeting that whilst a contingency fund to cover such matters had been budgeted for, that contingency fund had now been consumed. Unexpected issues such as the asbestos removal in the old Pavilion had placed unexpected burdens upon the limited funds available. The matter of landscaping around the Jubilee Pavilion has yet to be undertaken, but it is being left until better weather and drier conditions prevail. The planned demolition of the old Pavilion has been thrown into doubt in that previously agreed plans for Integra to undertake this work by way of a donation to the overall project are now understood to be less certain. Mr. Paul Murray is pursuing this on behalf of the Parish Council.

February 2004

Finance & Admin committee

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported on the Parish Council’s finances and drew member’s attention that the Parish Council’s reserves are much depleted as a result of building the new Jubilee Pavilion. This depletion was always expected and the Parish Council’s finances are now at a level more appropriate to a Parish such as Compton and Shawford.

With regard to progress on the Jubilee Pavilion, work is actively being undertaken in respect of the various minor issues that are outstanding subsequent to completion of the construction. Many of these issues relate to the car park and surrounding areas, which require landscaping and return to their original state now that the contractors have vacated the site. Cllr. Nick Campbell-White confirmed that these matters are in hand and depended to a great extent upon the weather conditions before they can be finally resolved.

January 2004

Finance & Admin Committee

The Finance and Administration Committee had undertaken much work on determining the Parish Council’s Budgets for the financial year 2004 to 2005. The results of these deliberations was the recommendation to the Parish Council of a Precept of £23,926-00 for the financial year 2004 to 2005. This figure equates to only a 2.70 per cent increase over the previous year. This is considered remarkable in view of the considerable increase in expense relating to the construction the Jubilee Pavilion which was opened last month.

November 2003

Code of Practice

Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White proposed that the suggested code of practice for the Handling of Complaints, as suggested by the Head of Legal Services, NALC, be adopted by Compton and Shawford Parish Council in its entirety. This was duly approved by a formal vote.

September 2003

Finance and Admin committee

Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon a successful Internal Audit of the Parish Council’s accounts and general operation. Accordingly, the Council were able to confirm that all matters requiring affirmation by the Audit Commission, the external Auditor, have been complied with. The Annual Return can now be sent to the External Auditor with confidence in that all matters are correct. Councillor Campbell-White expressed the Parish Council’s gratitude to the Clerk for the significant amount of work undertaken on this subject.

June 2003

Finance Committee

Cllr. Mr. N.Campbell-White presented the Parish Council accounts for the financial year ending 31st March 2003, which were formally adopted by the Parish Council. Following on from this it was agreed to engage BKR Haines Watts as Internal Auditor to audit these accounts preparatory to submitting them to the External Auditor, the District Audit Office, Plymouth. The date of 8th September 2003 has been set as the date upon which these accounts are to be audited by the External Auditor.

February 2003

Finance and Admin Committee

Preparatory to receiving positive news regarding the Lottery Grant application, Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White put forward two motions enabling the Parish Council to move forward with the New Pavilion Project. With suitable caveats concerning the funding of the project included within these motions, the Parish Council unanimously agreed to motions to arrange for the successful bidder to book a suitable period for building and for the Finance and Administration Committee to oversee the drawing up of a suitable Building Contract. This latter item to be placed before the full Parish Council at the March 2003 meeting

January 2003

Finance Committee

Councillor. Adrian Walmsley reported on behalf Councillor Nick Campbell-White who was not in attendance, on the work undertaken by the Finance and Administration Committee. Extensive work had been undertaken in respect of the Budgets for the financial year 2003/2004. The result of this work was that the recommended Precept for the financial year 2003/2004 was set at £23,298-00, an increase of only 2.72% over the previous year. Accordingly, it was unanimously accepted by all Parish Councillors that the Budget be adopted and the Precept as recommended would be submitted to District Council.

Councillor Walmsley also advised, in respect of the New Pavilion Project, the expected notification of award from Sport England for funding of the new Pavilion has been delayed. New regulations for such buildings, due to be implemented in 2004, concerning disabled access have to be accounted for. Accordingly, the Architects have been requested to re-work many of the plans for re-submission to Sport England at the beginning of February 2003. These additional changes will entail additional cost, but it is understood that such additional costs will be borne by Sport England.

Significant disappointment was expressed over the Tennis Club’s delay in complying with previous agreements to implement screening of a neighbouring house, subsequent to the resurfacing at a slightly higher level of the Tennis Courts. Whilst some preparatory work has been put in hand, the main aspect of planting some trees is still outstanding. The dispute centres upon the types of tree that could be planted and the Parish Council resolved to make some effort to ensure that the planting, agreed with the householder and the Tennis Club at the outset, be carried out.

December 2002

Finance and admin Committee

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported upon the progress made with the production of a new lease for the Sports Club, which would be effective once the new Pavilion is built. It was requested that all councillors acquaint themselves with the content of the draft Lease in order to eliminate further discussion at a later date.

Councillor Campbell-White also advised that draft Budgets for the financial year 2003/2004 had been prepared and had yet to be reviewed by the Finance and Administration Committee. Whilst these proposed Budgets demanded an increase in Precept, primarily due to the New Pavilion Project, it was agreed by all Councillors that such an increase should be kept to a modest level.

November 2002

Finance & Admin

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White also requested Councillors to consider their required budgets for the next financial year. Also, Councillors are also requested to initiate the preparation of Job Descriptions covering their present duties and to assist in the development of detailed Risk Assessment procedures. These issues need to be clarified in order to conform to the requirements of the new “Lighter Touch Audit Regime”.

October 2002

Finance and Admin

Recently circulated directives concerning the “Freedom of Information Act” “Publication Schemes” have yet again imposed more bureaucratic paperwork upon the Parish Council. This is over and above the recently imposed “Code of Conduct” issue and the “New Lighter Touch Audit Regime”, both of which in themselves caused excessive and ongoing work by the Clerk and Councillors. This latest initiative is being reviewed by the Finance and Administration Committee to establish the Parish Council’s response.

September 2002

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White, as Convenor of the Finance and Administration Committee, reported on the extensive work undertaken in respect of the new Audit regime imposed upon Parish Councils by the Audit Commission. This new Audit regime has been imposed retrospectively for the financial year 2001/2002. The requirements result in a far greater degree of self-regulation, with responsibility passed from the District Audit down to the Parish Council. For a Parish such as Compton and Shawford, the requirements are considered to be onerous and excessive. Significant additional work is passed to the Clerk. However, the new regime has the force of Law behind it and therefore the Parish Council must comply.

To this end, the Parish Council have appointed an Internal Auditor to undertake the function previously undertaken by the District Audit Office. Having taken this step, the Parish Council were able to confirm compliance with all statements contained within the Audit Annual Return issued by the Audit Commission. Fortunately, it appears that the overall cost of Audit will be comparable with previous years, this being so on the understanding that no queries are raised by the Audit Commission.

July 2002

Finance and Admin committee

In preparation for the new “Lighter Touch Audit” regime being imposed by the Audit Commission, Cllr. Nick Campbell-White submitted the Parish Council Accounts for the Financial year 2001/2 for adoption by the Parish Council. The Parish Council unanimously approved these accounts.

Cllr. Campbell-White also reported upon the Audit Commission Proposals, which are to result in the new “Lighter Touch Audit” regime. Preliminary investigations indicate that as a result of these new requirements, it is likely that Audit costs to the Parish Council will significantly increase and the degree of advice and guidance given to the Parish Council significantly decrease. Due to the lateness of receiving the directives from the Audit Commission, it was decided to write to the Audit Commission advising that it may not be possible to comply with their timescales and at the same time seek further guidance from HAPTC.

The issue of the Sports Club Licence, which is to be put in place to cover the New Pavilion, was discussed at length. It was considered essential that an acceptable agreement must be reached with the Sports Club before any contracts for the building of the New Pavilion are signed. Failure to reach such agreement will raise questions over the justification for building a New Pavilion.

June 2002

Finance Committee

Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported on the Parish Council insurances, legal matters concerning the extended Tennis Club Lease and S.106 Agreement for the New Pavilion, refurbishment of the Caretaker’s Cottage and the review of the Clerk’s remuneration. The subject of undertaking a Village Appraisal was discussed at length with Councillor George Beckett and Councillor Martin Bell charged with undertaking some investigations into the Statutory requirements and costs of such an exercise. It was concluded that the establishment of a Village Appraisal document would be invaluable to the Village in countering undesirable planning initiatives being pursued by Winchester District Council. It was also concluded that the production of a Village Appraisal must be undertaken by a wide representation of Village interests as possible, sponsored by the Parish Council but not owned by the Parish Council. Councillors Beckett and Bell will endeavour to identify as many volunteers to undertake the task as is possible.

May 2002

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. George Beckett reported on the extended Tennis Club Lease being produced by the Parish Council’s Solicitors, White and Bowker. A draft document has been received and distributed for comment.

April 2002

Finance & Admin Committee

Cllr. G.Beckett, as Convenor of the Finance and Administration Committee, reported on his Committee’s deliberations concerning the erection of the new Pavilion on the Memorial Playing Field.

Now that planning permission has been granted for the smaller size Pavilion on its revised site, the next steps were necessary. Regrettably, Sport England had changed the “ground rules”, and did not like design and build, and required full specifications to be issued on which builders could tender for the work. This meant heavy expenditure without absolute certainty that Sport England would grant us the requested money, on Professional Fees and certain pre-contract work. The New Pavilion Building Committee have, in recent months, been undertaking various fund raising events. From the funds so raised, the sum of £15,040 was paid to the Parish Council for the specific purpose of paying for the Professional Fees and pre-contract work in respect of the New Pavilion. The Parish Council expressed their gratitude to Mr. Paul Murray and his Committee for their efforts in raising such a large sum of money and thereby enabling the New Pavilion Project to proceed without expenditure from the Parish Council’s own limited funds.

The Parish Council voted to commit to the expenditure of the £15,040 on the necessary Professional Fees and pre-contract work, to put the project in a position to seek Tenders for the building work.

March 2002

Finance & Admin subcommittee

Suggestions that the composition of the Finance and Administration Committee should be changed in order to handle the Tennis Club Lease negotiations, under the requirements of the New Code of Conduct, were discounted. The New Code of Conduct has been established to formalise the concept that Parish Councillors act with integrity when undertaking the business of the Parish Council. As all Councillors have always acted with such integrity, the formalisation of the Code does not change those Councillors ability to undertake the duties they have been given. Accordingly, it was agreed that the Parish Council has full confidence in the composition and arrangements of the Finance and Administration Committee and are fully competent to address issues such as the Tennis Club Lease.

February 2002

Finance & Admin subcommittee

Councillor George Beckett reported on the work of the Finance and Administration Sub-committee. This gave rise to extensive discussion on the proposals to resurface the existing Tennis Courts on the Memorial Playing Field, together with the proposals to build a third Court as requested by the Tennis Club.

Councillor Beckett also reported on plans for celebration of the Queens Golden Jubilee. Agreement was unanimously reached that the Parish Council would underwrite the cost of the extensive Celebrations on the Memorial Playing Fields on Saturday 1st June 2002, which are being organised by Judy Harris who heads a Committee under the auspices of the Parish Council. It was noted that the question of Public Liability Insurance for such an event had been researched by the Clerk and was found to be acceptable.

January 2002

Finance and Admin Subcommittee

Cllr. Mr. George Beckett reported on the activities of the Finance and Administration Sub-committee, covering the Sports Club licence/Tennis Club Lease and the Budgets for the Financial Year 2002/2003. As a result of determining the Budgets for 2002/2003, a Precept for the financial Year 2002/2003 in the sum of £22,680-00 was recommended to the Parish Council, a modest increase of only 3.09% over the previous year. The Parish Council unanimously agreed this to.

November 2001

Finance & Admin Subcommittee

Cllr George Beckett reported on the Finance and Administration Sub-committee deliberations in respect of the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed that the April meeting, being the yearly meeting where all Parishioners are invited to attend, would now be referred to as the “Annual Parish Assembly”. This to differentiate the meeting from the “Annual Parish Council Meeting” which is held in May each year.

Cllr. Beckett also reported upon proposals for an “Annual Report” of the Parish Council to be produced in advance of the Annual Parish Assembly. This is to be collated by Cllr. Adrian Walmsley from reports submitted by all Parish Councillors, and distributed to every household to provide Parishioners with a more detailed understanding of what the Parish Council is doing. In addition, it is the Parish Council’s desire to encourage greater participation in the Annual Parish Assembly, and ways to achieve this are to be considered.

Sports Club Lease

Cllr. George Beckett reported on the deliberations concerning the proposed new Licence for the Sports Club, subsequent to the construction of the New Pavilion. It had been concluded that the Parish Council will have to subsidise the Sports Club as at present, but it is the wish of the Parish Council that ultimately the Sports Club will be self-funding, this being to the extent that no subsidy from the Parish Council will be required to cover the running costs of the New Pavilion. Beyond that, it is considered unlikely that the Parish Council can expect any income by way of rent from the Sports Club. However, discussions are continuing.

September 2001

Finance and Admin subcommittee

Cllr. Mr. G. Beckett reported that discussions on the new Sports Club Lease and Tennis Club licence continues, it is hoped that recommendations can be made to the next Parish Council Meeting.

July 2001

Finance & Admin subcommittee

Cllr. George Beckett reported upon the progress of the Finance and Administration Sub-committee in the development of a new lease/licence for the Sports Club and Tennis Club. Progress is good, but it is realised that the process must be completed before the proposed new Pavilion is built.

June 2001

Finance and admin subcommittee

Cllr. Beckett reported that whilst the Parish Council accounts are in a healthy state, there is very little spare capacity for un-budgeted expenditure. With the automated accounting process, tight control on Parish Council finances is being maintained.

With the need to compile new Leases for the Sports Club and the Tennis Club, it was necessary to determine the Parish Council’s position with regard to membership policy of those organisations. Significant discussion took place on this subject and it was concluded that Membership Policy is not an issue that the Parish Council should concern itself with. This was formally voted upon, the result being that the Parish Council is satisfied with the membership policy and practice of the Compton and Shawford Lawn Tennis Club.

May 2001

Finance subcommittee

This being the first meeting of the new Financial Year, the reformatted Parish Council Accounts were reported in the new format for the first time. This format will give Councilors far better information as to the state of the Parish Council funds. It was emphasised that funds are limited and deviation from budgets will be closely monitored and only accepted in cases of extreme need.

April 2001

Finance subcommittee

The Finance and Admin Sub-committee are currently working on revised/additional leases for the Compton and Shawford Sports and Tennis Clubs, which will be necessary once the New Pavilion and Tennis Court are built

February 2001

Finance Subcommittee

The Finance Sub-committee reported that the Accounts for 1999/2000 had been successfully audited by the District Auditor. These accounts had been computerised and re-formatted; this format would now be adopted for the current and future years. It would also enable summary accounts to be available for each future Parish Council meeting.

January 2001


The Finance Sub-committee had worked extensively upon the Budgets and Annual Precept for the year 2001/2002. As a result the Parish Council were able to ratify the Precept at £22,000-00, an increase of only 2.326% over the year 2000/2001. Accounts for 1999/2000 have been finalised for Audit presentation to the Audit Commission on 11th January 2001.

December 2000

Finance and Administration Sub-committee

It was agreed to grant CASCA £1000 towards the refurbishment of the Heathcote Room. Mr Langford and his wife were thanked for the work done correcting the council’s books. The issue of reserves held at Julian Hodge Bank was raised again and it was decided to move the money to Eastleigh Borough Council. The decision to fund the work done on the cricket square and the arrangements for payment were unsatisfactory and will be investigated. In the absence of other volunteers, the chairman was appointed convenor of the subcommittee in place of Ray Wilmshurst who has resigned from the council.

November 2000

Finance & Administration Sub-committee

Results of a comprehensive financial review show a reserve of approximately £107.000. There are two major projects to be funded and an emergency reserve to be retained. Concern was expressed that the cash reserves had been moved by the chairman to a bank without a credit rating. A safer account has been found. Progress has been made on replacing the parish clerk.

October 2000

Finance and Administration Sub-committee

It was proposed and carried that two “dog bins” be installed on the Memorial Playing Fields. A report on waste injection will be submitted to the parish magasine.
A snapshot of parish finances is being prepared and will be available at the November parish council meeting. This will allow discussion of funding for the pavilion and play equipment.
The processing of applications for the vacant Clerk’s position continues

January 2000

Budget for 2000/2001

The Finance and Administration Sub-Committee presented recommendations in respect of budgets and Precept request for the year 2000/2001. Councillors unanimously approved a Precept of £21,500. For this year non-recurring expenditure includes:

  1. A retirement gratuity for the Clerk in line with Local Government Superannuation (Discretionary Payments) Regulations 1996 No 1680 as interpreted by HAPTC.
  2. The Council’s 50% share of the cost of the lighting at the junction of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road.
  3. Financial support for Compton School Building Project, (this is a commitment for 3 years).
  4. Repair/refurbishment of antique clock from the Parish Hall.
  5. Financial back-up for CASCA should their management of the hall result in a deficit.

February 1999

Donation to school building project.

Agreed the sum of £6000.00 payable by instalments of £2000.00 in the years 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04.

Budget/Precept 1999/2000.

Following consideration of budgets, including unexpected expenditure of £13,000 for construction of a necessary retaining wall at the parish hall, it was decided to precept on WCC for £26000.00 being an increase of 40% over last year.

January 1999

Donation to the cost of the new school buildings, Compton.

The Council agreed to make a contribution and determine the amount at the next meeting in February.

February 1998

Finance subcommittee:

Cllr Lockett is working with his counterpart on Otterbourne PC to bring the clerk’s remuneration into line with national guidelines.

Precept 1998/99.

Following submission of subcommittee budgets, a precept on Winchester City Council has been agreed in the sum of £18,576.00 for 1998/99 being an increase of 3% over that for 1997/98.

December 1997

Compton Parochial Church Council

As previously budgeted, a donation of £320.00 was given to the PCC. This is the Parish Council’s annual contribution towards costs of churchyard maintenance and publication of the Parish Magazine.

January 1997

Budget/Precept 1997/98.

Detailed budgets were circulated which provided for a Precept on Winchester City Council, to cover expenditure, of £18,035.00 representing an increase of 3% over that for 1996/97.

January 1996

Budget/Precept 1996/97

The budget for 1996/97 was approved, which provides for a Precept on Winchester City Council, to cover expenditure, of £17,510.00 (seventeen thousand five hundred and ten pounds) representing an increase of 3% over that for 1995/96.

Donation to Compton Parochial Church Council

It was agreed to donate £280.00 (two hundred and eighty pounds) – as previously budgeted – to the Parochial Church Council towards their costs of maintaining the churchyard and of publishing the Parish Magazine.