Finance and Administration Committee

September 2011

Table of Contents


Councillor Beckett reminded the council that WCC’s new waste collection arrangements would start in the autumn and that it would result in changes to the day of collections. By collaborating with East Hampshire District Council, WCC had been able to save £1 million per year on waste collection.

Following a recommendation from Councillor Walmsley the council agreed to maintain its current policy on the use the use of parish noticeboards i.e.

The Parish Council’s noticeboards are for Parish Council notices and other public information notices (such as local services or contact details). The Parish Council is happy to permit their use for notices about events run by local non-profit-making clubs, societies and charities, and for events taking place in Shawford Village Hall or the Reeves Scout Hall, Compton, both of which are run on a charitable basis.

The council also agreed to authorise the creation and publication of a contact list for use in civil emergencies affecting the parish and noted that it will no longer be possible to hold our meetings on the first Tuesdays of October and April in the Reeves Scout Hall. Councillor Evans expressed concern that council meetings were no longer scheduled to be held in Compton and asked whether it would be possible to use the school. Councillor Southgate agreed to approach the Headteacher, Allison Driver, who has agreed that the council may hold its next meeting at the school on Tuesday 4 October 2011.

The clerk advised the council that invitations to the Civic Service on 16 October 2011 had issued. Councillor Millar agreed to organise the catering for the event. She also reported that the summer refurbishment of the village hall had been completed to a good standard.

July 2011


Councillor Walmsley advised the council that the Village Design Statement 6-week public consultation period is planned to run from 15 July to 26 August. All being well, the final version should be available for printing in October. Councillor Wilkinson reported that BT Payphones had responded quickly to the council’s request for an overhaul of the telephone kiosk in Shawford. Its condition was much improved and there was even a chance that it might be repainted.


June 2011

Finance and Administration (F&A)

Councillor Walmsley reported that the text of the Village Design Statement (VDS) had been finalised and will be placed on the Parish Plan website by Friday 10 June 2011. It was agreed that the six week public consultation period should not be delayed because it coincides with the July/August holiday period.

Councillor Wilkinson mentioned that several parishioners had expressed concern about the poor state of the BT kiosk in Shawford. It was agreed that the clerk should make another attempt to encourage BT Payphones to renovate the kiosk.

May 2011

Finance and Administration (F&A)

The clerk reported that an internal audit of the council’s accounts had been undertaken by John Murray, who had asked that receipt of his letter of 21 April 2011 should be recorded in the minutes. The chairman noted that the letter contained no adverse comments. Councillor Walmsley also noted that the internal auditor had recommended that the council should review its standing orders and financial regulations at the Annual Meeting of the Council. Since these had been updated in the autumn of last year, he suggested that they need not be reviewed until the F&A meeting in November. All agreed.

Meeting Dates

Because of potential conflicts with election dates and bank holidays in 2012, Councillor Walmsley proposed that, during 2012, the council should meet 8 times on the first Tuesday of the designated month. After some discussion, it was agreed that, starting from 1 October 2011, the council will adopt a system of meetings, similar to that of Otterbourne Parish Council, and meet eight times a year on the first Tuesday of each month. There will be no meetings in November (when the F&A committee will meet to discuss the budget for the following year) January, June and August. To ensure that the public is aware of council meeting dates, they will be advertised permanently on the parish noticeboards.

April 2011


Since this was the first meeting following the end of the financial year, the council was obliged to make the annual governance statement, under which it “ensures that public business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and used economically efficiently and effectively”. This was duly done. The council also approved the annual statement of accounts known as the “annual return”.

March 2011

Finance and Administration

The council agreed that Councillor Wilkinson should replace Councillor Campbell-White (recently retired) on the Finance and Administration committee. The council also noted that, at the end of the financial year, £2000 would be transferred from the Jubilee Pavilion sub head to the Jubilee Pavilion Sinking Fund.

Following a discussion about the number of events (including the local elections and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Bank Holiday), which clash with the council’s policy of holding its meetings on the first Tuesday of the month it was agreed that all council meetings in 2012 should take place on the second Tuesday of the month.

The chairman, Councillor Stevens suggested that the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting, on Thursday 14 April 2011, should comprise of an overview by the chairman, followed by a short presentation on finance and administration by Councillor Walmsley and a presentation on policing in the parish by Sgt Hills. The main feature would be a discussion on parking problems in Shawford lead by Councillor Southgate. Councillor Walmsley requested that convenors should provide him with their contributions to the annual report as soon as possible.

Councillor Walmsley advised the council that the rector had agreed to conduct this year’s Civic Service at Compton All Saints Church on 16 October 2011. The school’s headmistress, Allison Driver has kindly agreed to the use of the school’s facilities for the reception that will immediately follow the service.

The chairman reported that the Mrs Driver had also confirmed that the school would be interested in participating in plans to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. She would be contacting the Scouts to seek confirmation that they too would wish to participate.

February 2011

Finance and Administration

Following a recommendation from Councillor Walmsley, the council agreed to the appointment of John Murray as the council’s internal auditor for 2010/11. Following discussion, it was also agreed that the purchase of Royal Wedding mugs for school children would not be an appropriate use of public funds. However the council did agree that the chairman should engage with both local schools about a tree planting programme to be funded by WCC’s Fieldfare Local Action Group. Councillor Beckett advised that the council should allow £60 for each “vandal proof” tree.

December 2010

Finance and Administration

Prior to the meeting on 2 November, Councillor Walmsley had circulated the proposed budget for 2011/12, which had worked on the principle that there should be no increase in the precept provided by Winchester City Council in the current financial year. He proposed that the council should approve a precept of £27,170 for 2011/12, unchanged from 2010/11. All agreed.

Councillor Walmsley advised the council that, following the resignation of Councillor Campbell-White, an attempt by ten electors in Shawford village to call for a by-election had been rejected on technical grounds by the Returning Officer. The ten electors had wanted to nominate Mrs Myra Wilkinson for the vacancy. The clerk confirmed that he had received confirmation from Mrs Wilkinson that she was prepared to be considered for the vacant position and it was agreed unanimously that she should be co-opted on to the council.

Following a discussion on charity policy, it was agreed that the council should adopt the following policy on charitable donations:

“The Parish Council is sometimes asked to make donations to charities. Charitable giving should be a personal decision. The Parish Council will not make donations to charities.”

Councillor Beckett expressed concern that WCC had cut the capital funding of £50,000 to maintain the Hockley Viaduct, which SUSTRANS, a cycling organisation, was hoping to include in a cycle route across Hampshire. He hoped that the Parish Council would support him in his desire to encourage the city council to reconsider its decision. There were no dissenters.

October 2010

Finance and Administration

Councillor Walmsley briefed the council on the proposed increase in the Hampshire Association of Local Council’s (HALC) annual subscription, which represents an increase of £21 over 2010/11. He drew attention to the director’s warning that, should HCC start to withdraw its support for HALC, the subscription could rise to £445 in 2011/12. (The current level is £334.) Following discussion the council agreed to approve the increase in the HALC subscription of £21 for the year 2011/12.

September 2010

Finance and Administration

The council noted the comments of the external auditor that “…the annual return is in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern…” The council also agreed to adopt revised Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (copies of which can be found on the council web site) and that it did not support the introduction of a ‘parish basic allowance’ to elected Members. Councillors may, however claim a refund of transport costs incurred on council business, when travelling outside the parish.

The clerk confirmed that the Sports Club’s version of the supplemental lease had been signed by the chairman and secretary of the Sports Club. The chairman, Councillor Stevens, and Councillor Millar had signed on behalf of the council, witnessed by the clerk.

June 2010

Finance & Administration

The council authorised the Playing Fields Committee to consider, and if thought fit, approve the appointment of Digley Associates to value the playground equipment and to carry out the annual inspection. It also approved the posting on the Parish Council website of a photograph and brief background details on each councillor, and the clerk. (These should appear on the website in July.) Councillor Walmsley advised the council that the clerk had instructed the Parish Council’s solicitors to draw up a revised Sports Club lease, as agreed at the meeting on 4 May 2010.

May 2010

Finance and Administration

Councillor Walmsley advised the council that the annual financial return for the year ended on 31 March 2010, was complete. An internal audit had also been completed. The council’s finances were in good shape. He recommended that the council should accept an insurance quote from Aviva, which would result in saving of over £300 per annum. All agreed. It was also agreed that, following a number of changes to the Sports Club lease, the council’s solicitor should be instructed to produce an updated lease. In recent months there had been several changes in personnel, at the both the Sports Club and the Parish Council, and a new lease will provide a solid base for both bodies in the future.

April 2010

Finance and Administration

Councillor Walmsley announced that, following publication of the notices about the vacant position on the council, no-one had requested that an election should be called. However, there had been expressions of interest about the possibility of co-option. He recommended that co-option should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, when councillors could decide upon potential candidates. All agreed.

March 2010


Councillor Walmsley reported that, in accordance with the guidance contained in the National Association of Local Councils Governance and Accountability (2008), the Finance and Administration Committee had undertaken a review of the parish council’s administration and accounting systems. The committee was satisfied that the council maintains an adequate and effective system of internal control.

The chairman noted that the Sports Club has agreed to contribute £1000 per annum as a contribution towards the running of the pavilion, fixed until the renewal date of April 2013. The Club had also suggested a number of small changes to the lease. These included an annual inspection of the internal decor; removal of the clause on the prohibition on discotheques and an acknowledgement that the maintenance of the boilers is the responsibility of the parish council. He felt that these changes were in accordance with councillors’ wishes and recommended that the clerk should respond positively. All agreed.

The Lawn Tennis Club has also produced a ‘Supplemental Lease Variation Deed’, which incorporated the recommendations of the council (6 October 2009) to extend the lease until 31 December 2030 and restrict the hours of operation from 0900 until 2130. (The document was later signed by the chairman and clerk, in the presence of Councillor Walmsley.)

Finally Councillor Walmsley recommended the council should transfer the sum of £2000 into the Jubilee Pavilion sinking fund, as previously agreed at the PC meeting of 4 April 2009. (This fund has been established in order to meet future maintenance costs.) All agreed.

February 2010

Finance and Administration

Moving to administration, Councillor Walmsley recommended that, in accordance with local government legislation, the F&A Committee undertake a review of the council’s financial arrangements in time for a recommendation to be recorded in the minutes of the 2 March 2010 meeting. The council also discussed its policy on the awarding of grants to charitable institutions and decided that it should continue with its current policy, of not providing financial support to charities that are “general” in nature.

January 2010

Sports Pavilion

The parish council has been in discussion with the new chairman and secretary of the Sports Club and agreement reached upon the amount of the Sports Club contribution for 2009/10. To avoid the possibility of users tripping over the uneven slabs, the parish council has also authorised work to level the paving slabs around the pavilion. This work will also be undertaken shortly.

December 2009

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

The chairman also noted that the council, in line with general policy, had not approved a request for a grant from Winchester Citizens Advice Bureau. Declaring an interest as a trustee of the CAB, he emphasised 74 people within the parish had received more than telephone advice from the bureau in the past year and hoped that the council would make an exception to its general rule of not responding to requests for grants. Several councillors believed that a change in the rule would lead to confusion and disappointment amongst other organisations seeking grants. Nevertheless it was agreed that the policy concerning requests for grants should be discussed at the next meeting in January.

Finance and Admin Committee

Councillor Walmsley reported that Finance and Administration Committee had considered proposals for next year’s budget at a meeting on 24 November. The committee proposed that next year’s precept should be set at £27,170, an increase of less than 0.5%. Councillor Walmsley added that the committee had also considered a suggestion that the council should set aside £15,000 of its reserves against future renovation costs of the caretaker’s cottage, estimated at around £20,000. Councillor Evans wondered, given the extent of CASCA’s reserves, whether a further commitment was necessary. The clerk noted that while sums could be set aside for certain projects, such sums could be diverted to other projects, if councillors deemed them to be more important. Following further discussion both proposals were accepted.

Casual Vacancy on the Council

The chairman reported that he had spoken to several potential candidates about the casual vacancy on the council, without success. Councillor Caffyn agreed to consult a new arrival in the village, who had previously served on a local council to see if she would be interested. But the vacancy remains and the chairman would be interested in hearing from any parishioner, who would like to serve their community by becoming a council member. Any one interested can contact him by telephone (713 891) or by email through me ().

November 2009

Finance and Admin Committee

Councillor Walmsley recommended that the Parish Council invoice the Sports Club for an annual contribution of £1000, this being a reduction from last year’s agreed figure of £2000, which recognises the revised insurance arrangements. (The Sports Club has taken over responsibility for insuring the Jubilee Pavilion.) A covering letter should also be sent with the invoice to request a meeting with the Sports Club over revisions to the lease necessitated by the revised insurance arrangements. He also recommended that the Parish Council should place £30,000 on deposit with the Bank of Scotland for 12 months, there being no anticipated need for the funds within that time. Councillor Beckett recommended that the Council should always aim to have 25% of its funds on short term deposit. The clerk confirmed that this would still be the case.

Councillor Walmsley reminded councillors that there was a need to consider individual budgets for the next financial year. The clerk had agreed to prepare a summary for discussion at the council meeting on 1 December. He also noted in the correspondence file a request from Winchester CAB for a grant. Given that the CAB is supported nationally and by WCC, he felt this would not be an appropriate use of parish funds. All agreed. Councillor Walmsley also noted the BT letter offering to sell the telephone kiosk to the Parish Council for £1. He suggested that the proposal should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

October 2009

Finance and Admin Comittee.

Following the recent property valuations, which had resulted in increases in the values of the Parish Hall to £755,000, the caretaker’s cottage to £162,000 and the Jubilee Pavilion to £445,000, it was agreed that the Parish Council, as landlord, should write to CASCA and the Sports Club indicating that the buildings insurance on both properties should be raised to these levels.

Councillor Walmsley reported that the Lawn Tennis Club, having obtained planning permission for new floodlights on the third court and replacement lights on courts 1 and 2, had applied for a grant from the Lawn Tennis Association. But in order to obtain lottery funding (administered by the LTA) it will be necessary to show that the LTC has a lease of, at least, 21 years. Without such a lease the club would lose out on the £19,000 grant. It was agreed that the Parish Council would extend the lease until 31 December 2030, provided the Club meets all of its legal fees and accepts a change in hours of operation to those currently applied to planning approval viz. 0900 – 2130.

Casual Vacancy

The clerk reported that, following the resignation of Councillor Clay there was a “casual vacancy” on the Parish Council. Notices to this effect had been placed on village notice boards on 21 September, an announcement had appeared in the Hampshire Chronicle on 24 September and an advertisement placed in the September edition of the parish magazine. As yet no-one had indicated an interest in the position. Councillor Caffyn proposed that the Parish Council should record a vote of thanks to Councillor Clay for her energetic and positive contribution to improvements within the parish, particularly with regard to footpaths, during her time as a parish councillor. All agreed.

September 2009

Welcome Pack

Councillor Walmsley reported that the Parochial Church Council had agreed that new residents would receive a free subscription to the parish magazine for the remainder of the current subscription year: this would form part of the Welcome Pack. The second half Precept had been received and also a £1,500 grant from HCC for the footpath between Cliff Way and MPF.

June 2009


The chairman noted the Internal Auditor’s report of 20 May 2009. He was pleased with the result. The only issue for discussion was the recommendation that the Council should increase the Fidelity Guarantee Insurance to £52,000. Given that all bills are paid by cheque, which require the signatures of two councillors, he felt there was sufficient fiscal control: an increase in the insurance premium of £150 was an unnecessary expense. All councillors agreed.

The chairman reported on discussions with the Sports Club regarding insurance. They had obtained a quote from Aon (a sub-division of the Council’s insurers, Allianz,), for a “Club” policy which provides excellent cover for buildings, contents and public liability for both pavilion, groundsman’s shed and the Memorial Playing Fields. At long last the Sports Club has its own policy and is no longer reliant on the Parish Council to provide insurance. He suggested that he and Councillors Bell and Walmsley should meet to consider the implications with regard to the Sports Club lease and a reduction in the Club’s annual financial contribution towards maintenance costs. They would then produce a recommendation for discussion at the July council meeting.

May 2009


It is ironic that, in the week when MPs’ expenses were the subject of intense media interest, the main item on the Parish Council’s agenda was fiscal probity!

Under local government legislation, every year the Council has to make a number of statements indicating that “public business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and used economically efficiently and effectively”.

I am pleased to say that Council was able to comply with this instruction. (Full details of the eight separate statements that the Council was required to make will be contained within the official minutes that will be published next month on the Council’s web site

April 2009

Sparrowgrove Copse

Mr Dolphin also expressed his gratitude to the Council for the donation of £5000 towards the cost of purchasing Sparrowgrove and Oakwood copse. I have subsequently heard from SOCCT that the Trust is now close to achieving its target of raising £100,000. The Trustees are very grateful to all those parishioners who have supported the campaign. Later in the meeting it was agreed that Jeremy should be appointed as the Parish Council’s representative on the SOCCT board up to, and including, April 2010.

March 2009

Sparrowgrove Copse

Councillors also discussed the proposals about the woodland management and maintenance of Sparrowgrove and Oakwood Copse. Several raised concerns about the lack of a detailed maintenance plan and the possibility that, should the enthusiasm of the current members of SOCCT wane, responsibility for the copse could fall to the Parish Council. Nevertheless the majority believed that the purchase of the copse would provide an excellent facility in the south of the parish and were prepared to accept the assurances provided by SOCCT. A recommendation that the £5000, previously committed to this project, should be released upon completion of the purchase of the copse, was approved. I have subsequently heard that the purchase of the copse should be completed by the end of March, so there is a good chance that parishioners will be able to enjoy the use of the copse during the Easter holiday.

January 2009

Budget for 2009/10

Councillor Walmsley also briefed the Council on the budget for 2009/10. The sum of £32,357, representing an increase of 2.99% on the current year, was approved.

Sparrowgrove Copse

Mr Dolphin reported that an offer of £85,000 to purchase of Sparrowgrove and Oakwood Copse had been accepted by Southern Water. The Council’s contribution of £5000 was now needed to complete the purchase, which was expected to take place by the end of January. He asked the Council to review the conditions attached to the resolution passed on 4 March 2008 offering a donation of £5000 to SOCCT, one of which was the provision of a maintenance plan. The chairman expressed concern that, if not properly maintained, such responsibility could fall to council tax payers. However, all councillors acknowledged that the Council needed to review its conditions on the proposed donation and the chairman said that he would consult each individually and circulate a new resolution prior to the next meeting.

October 2008

Finance and Admin Committee

Councillor Walmsley reported that the Finance & Administration Committee had been looking at ways in which the Council could increase its rate of return of funds currently held on deposit. The committee had recommended that £30,000 should be transferred to a Community Banking Guaranteed Interest Account at the Bank of Scotland (in which the Government has now taken a significant stake). The current rate of interest on offer for a six month deposit was in excess of 6%, well above that on offer by the Council’s bank. The Council agreed and this process is now underway.

September 2008

Finance and Admin

Councillor Walmsley confirmed that the Finance and Administration Committee had approved the Tennis Club’s request to install a Junior Facilities Room at the Memorial Playing Fields.

July 2008

Finance and Admin Committee

During his report on financial and administrative matters, Councillor Adrian Walmsley proposed that Mr Langford, the retiring Clerk, should receive a gratuity in accordance with local government guidelines, following 7.5 years service. This was agreed unanimously. Councillor Campbell-White thanked Mr Langford for his excellent work in support of parish councillors, both past and present, and wished him well in his new job.

Land Registration

Councillor Campbell-White reported that all of the Council’s previously unregistered land had now been registered with the Land Registry. He confirmed that the Council owns all of the land between the existing returned land, Compton Heights and Cliff Way and would now be responsible for its maintenance. He would be consulting Councillor Millar on plans for improving the general appearance of the area.

June 2008

New Clerk appointment

Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on various Finance and Administration matters. Due to the resignation of the Clerk, a lot of time has been spent on selecting a new Clerk. There had been fourteen applications for the post, of which four were interviewed. It was concluded that Mr. David Drake was found to be a suitable candidate and was therefore recommended to the full Parish Council. The Parish Council formally accepted this recommendation and formally appointed Mr. David Drake as the new Clerk as from 3rd June 2008. Due to the significant amount of work involved in a handover to the new Clerk, it was accepted that Mike Langford will continue in post until after the July Parish Council meeting, at which time David Drake will assume sole responsibility.


The current Clerk reported that the Internal Audit had now been completed and that there were no issues requiring the Parish Council’s attention, to be addressed. Accordingly, the Annual Return will be submitted to the External Auditor for the External Audit to take place on 11th August 2008.

May 2008


In order to satisfy the legal requirements imposed by the External Auditor, numerous motions were voted upon covering the Parish Council’s accounts for the financial year 2007 to 2008. These motions were essentially procedural and as a consequence the Parish Council adopted the Accounts as presented and confirmed that they had been correctly maintained.

April 2008

Parish Council Records

Councillor Nick Campbell-White proposed that the Parish Council records covering the time before the current clerk was appointed be deposited with the Hampshire Records Office. Currently these records are located in the Parish Hall. When deposited, the Hampshire Records Office will sift through all the documents, retaining important items which will be easily accessed by the Records Office when requested. This proposal was unanimously agreed to.

Sparrowgrove Copse

With regard to the sale of Sparrowgrove Copse and Oakwood Copse by Southern Water, Councillor John Richardson reported that a private individual will undertake the making of an initial offer to purchase on behalf of the community group with a delayed completion date. This will facilitate the establishment of the community group which will seek charitable status and also complete the necessary fundraising If the collection of funding by the community group is unsuccessful, the purchase will be completed by the individual in their personal capacity. Subsequently parts of the woods may be sold off to other individuals and leases granted on any parts retained to community entities so that the public may continue to have access to at least part of the existing woodlands.

February 2008

Registration of Parish Council Land

During the session concerning Finance and Administration, Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon the progress of Registering the Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Mr. John Steel, the Parish Council’s Solicitor is nearly ready to submit the Registration Documents, only two issues remain outstanding. The first is the matter of establishing documentary evidence of the Parish Council changing its name from “Compton Parish Council” to “Compton and Shawford Parish Council”. Records covering this change are held at the Records Office in Winchester and are currently unavailable due to the ongoing refurbishment of the Records Office. The second issue is the signing of the Statutory Declarations which will be attended to shortly. Cllr. Campbell-White continues to progress these issues.

Sports Club lease

Cllr. John Richardson advised the meeting that the Parish Council have still not received a formal agreement to the Parish Council’s proposals concerning the Lease and Rent of the Jubilee Pavilion, from the Sports Club. The Clerk was instructed to chase for such a reply.

Risk Assessment

Cllr. Richardson also raised the subject of “Risk Assessment” in respect of Parish Council owned assets. Guidance from Hampshire Association of Local Councils indicates that the Parish Council has a responsibility under “Health and Safety” regulations to undertake such Risk Assessment. The Finance and Administration Committee will consider this matter further and make recommendations to the next Parish Council meeting.

January 2008

Registration of Parish Council Land

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on his work in registering the Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Previous intentions to claim a strip of land opposite the Church between Compton Street and Church Field have now to be discontinued as it has been established that the Church Commissioners own that Land and hold it in Trust for the Parochial Church Council. Due to the complexities of registering the various parcels of Land around the Parish, it was agreed that the services of John Steel, the Parish Council’s Solicitor of Blake Lapthorn Tarlo Lyons, will be used. Whilst this will add to the costs, it is considered necessary to get this matter resolved.

Finance Committee

Councillor John Richardson reported on his progress in negotiating a new rent/contribution payable by the Sports Club to the Parish Council for the use of the Jubilee Pavilion. Since the construction of the Jubilee Pavilion, the Sports Club have enjoyed a reduced rent/contribution in order for the Sports Club to establish itself on a sound financial footing. This concession was agreed for the first five years and the original agreement stipulated a review on the five year anniversary, this being due in April 2008. At a recent meeting with the Sports Club, agreement was reached as to the proposed increase in Sports Club contribution, but the Sports Club could not agree to the ultimate situation whereby the Parish Council could enjoy a “cash neutral” position in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion and surrounding Playing Fields. Written confirmation from the Sports Club is awaited.

December 2007


Councillor John Richardson steered the Parish Council through the complexities of the proposed Budgets for the financial Year 2008 to 2009. It was unanimously agreed that this Parish Council will set its Budget for 2008/2009 at £26,272-00, an increase of only 1.37% over the previous year. Due to the increase in properties within the Parish, this 1.37% increase is anticipated to result in a reduction in tax payable to the Parish Council by each household.

Land Registration

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported upon his work on the issue of registering the Parish Council owned Land at the Land Registry. All of the various required documents have now been collected together and the next stage is to formally submit the application to Register to the Land Registry. This will entail a significant amount of work by the Clerk, therefore it is anticipated to be undertaken after the Christmas period.

November 2007

Finance and Admin committee

Cllr. John Richardson reported upon the proposed Parish Council Budgets for the Financial Year 2008 – 2009. These proposals result in an increase of 1.37% increase in precept, compared with the previous year, but this may equate to a reduced Parish Council allocation for each individual household due to the increase in the number of households within the Parish. The proposed Budget will be voted upon at the December Parish Council meeting.

September 2007

Finance and Admin

Councilor John Richardson reported on the Parish Council’s accounts, the proposed Jubilee Pavilion Sinking Fund, the Parish Hall Sinking Fund and the registration of Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry.

An important issue that was addressed was the Parish Council’s adoption of the revised Code of Conduct. Subsequent to the last Parish Council meeting where the Code was adopted, the Standards Board for England reversed their previous decision. Consequently, the issue of adopting the revised Code had to be repeated together with each Councilor completing a new “Declaration of Members Interests”.

June 2007

Finance and Admin committee

Councillor John Richardson reported on the progress of registering the Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry, work on determining suitable “Sinking Funds” and “Maintenance Schedules” for the Jubilee Pavilion and Shawford Parish Hall. The Clerk informed the meeting that the Internal Audit on the Parish Council’s accounts and records had been successfully completed.

April 2007

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. J.Richardson reported on the Parish Council accounts and the Parish Council adopted the completed Accounts for the financial year 2006/2007. Whilst a surplus over the year of some £7,000 had been realised, this was primarily due to the £12,000 brought forward from the previous year not being fully spent. Anticipated costs had been less than originally expected, hence a surplus being taken into reserves.

Cllr. Richardson also reported on the ongoing work in the establishment of effective Sinking Funds for the Parish Hall and the Jubilee Pavilion. Whilst it is desired to achieve a “cash neutral” position with regard to the Parish Hall, such a situation is not yet achievable. With regard to the Jubilee Pavilion, a “cash neutral” position is unlikely to be achieved for some time yet

March 2007

Finance and Admin Committee

Councillor John Richardson reported on his Committee’s proposal to re-structure the Parish Council Committees. It was agreed that it is desirable to streamline the Committee structure of the Parish Council. There will be three Committees: Finance and Administration, Planning Transport and Environment, and Facilities Management. With this new structure, which is intended to be implemented in May 2007, we hope that the work of the Parish Council can be undertaken with less bureaucracy and at the same time more effectively.

Open Space Fund

A recent request from Winchester City Council for the Parish Council to use the funds in the Open Space Fund, held by Winchester City Council on behalf of Compton and Shawford Parish Council, was discussed at length. The Parish Council’s policy, adopted in April 2005, is to allow our Open Space Fund to accumulate until sufficient is available to allow the purchase of a significant capital asset for the permanent benefit of the parish and its residents in future years. This could take the form of purchasing land for use by parishioners and should not necessarily focus exclusively upon the children and youth of the parish nor necessarily be used only for sports.

February 2007

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. John Richardson reported on various matter relating to Finance and Administration and raised the issue of the Financial Regulations governing the operation of the Parish Council. Currently, numerous quotations have to be obtained from varying contractors in order for the Parish Council to undertake very small pieces of work costing very little. This whole process is to be reviewed, together with the Organisational Structure of the Parish Council to bring it in line with current circumstances and Commercial practices.

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White continues his work in respect of registering Parish Council owned Land at the Land Registry. Extensive correspondence with Hampshire County Council and the Highways Agency has been necessary in order to identify ownership, or otherwise, of various pieces of Land within the Parish.

January 2007

Finance Committee

Councillor John Richardson reported upon his committee’s work in respect of the Budgets and Precept for the financial year 2007/2008. An increase in Precept of 1.93% over the preceding year was agreed, resulting in a Precept of £25,916-00 for the financial year 2007/2008.

December 2006


During the session on Finance and Administration, Councillor John Richardson reported on continued work in respect of establishing equitable “sinking” funds for both the Parish Hall and the Jubilee Pavilion. Whilst these facilities are the responsibility of the Parish Council, it is perceived that the cost of their maintenance should not fall entirely upon the local Tax payers, but a proportion should be borne by the users of the Facilities. To this end discussions are ongoing with CASCA and the Sports Club respectively.

Councillor Richardson also reported upon the completion of the Audit of the 2005 – 2006 Parish Council accounts. The External Auditor raised only one issue in respect of monies budgeted for a specific project, which were not actually spent during the relevant Financial Year. A revised procedure will be adopted for the next Financial Year end.

November 2006

Finance and Admin Committee

Councillor John Richardson as Convenor of the Finance and Administration Committee reported on numerous issues. Work on the registering of Parish Council Land at the Land Registry continues. A review of the new Fire Regulations indicates that as far as Parish Council owned premises are concerned, all is in order. However, it was considered prudent to draw the attention of CASCA and the Sports Club to these new regulations as it is their responsibility to ensure conformance in the Parish Hall and Jubilee Pavilion respectively.

The Freedom of Information Act was a cause of much discussion. It was determined that further guidance was required in order to ensure acceptable conformance, whilst at the same time not preventing the Parish Council from undertaking its work in an acceptable manner. Councillor Richardson was charged with obtaining the required further guidance.

Significant discussion took place upon the subjects of “Sinking Funds” for the Parish Hall and The Jubilee Pavilion. Further negotiations are to take place with CASCA and the Sports Club respectively, with a view to ultimately seeking a “cash neutral” positioning terms of cash to the Parish Council on both the Parish Hall and the Jubilee Pavilion whilst recognising that the position of CASCA is different to that of the Sports Club. Nevertheless, it is the intention of the Parish Council to reduce to a minimum the financial burden of these Parish owned buildings that is currently put upon the Council Tax payers in the Parish.

September 2006

Parish Council owned land

Councillor John Richardson reported on the continuing work in registering Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Additionally, the Finance and Administration Committee will be reviewing the new Fire Regulations as far as they affect Parish Council owned Property, together with requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.

July 2006

Finance and Admin Committee

The Clerk reported upon a successful Audit of the Parish Council’s accounts for the Financial year 2005 – 2006. No issues were raised and the Accounts were therefore signed off by the Chairman, The Clerk and the Internal Auditor. The Annual Return will now be submitted to the External Auditor for the external Audit which is due to take place on 29th August 2006.

June 2006

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon the Parish Council Accounts and reported upon his work in respect of Registering Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Considerable confusion exists at Hampshire County Council as to what land is owned by Hampshire County Council. A Mr Mark Housby is undertaking a five year project to resolve these confusions and has been most helpful to the Parish Council.

May 2006

Finance and Administration

Under the session concerning Finance and Administration, the Parish Council adopted the Parish Council accounts and Annual Return for the Financial Year 2005/2006. Additionally, the modest increase in the Parish Council’s Insurance Premium for the Year 2006/2007 was accepted.

April 2006

Finance and admin

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported upon the draft accounts for the Financial year 2005/2006. These accounts showed an overall deficit of £3,281-00 which was explained by the fact that the final payment for the Jubilee Pavilion had been made, such payment being made out of reserves as was originally intended. In addition, a sum of £12,000-00 had been taken out of the years accounts as these funds were in respect of previously agreed projects which had not been started during the year in question. Such monies will be brought back into the accounts for the new Financial Year, when it is hoped that the specified projects will be started.

January 2006

Budgets for 2006/7

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the Finance and Administration Committee’s deliberations concerning the Budgets for the financial year 2006/2007. Significant discussion took place over the question of the Parish Council’s annual contribution to the Parish Hall Sinking Fund. It was accepted that a Sinking Fund must be built up to cover for future major repairs, and that the Parish Council had agreed to contribute to the Sinking Fund and to underwrite any shortfall in operating costs when transferring the Hall to CASCA. We are delighted with the success CASCA has made of the Hall, and are looking to discuss with CASCA management whether it is appropriate to continue the same level of Parish Council contributions – which come out of parishioners’ Council Tax – in years when CASCA is making a significant operating surplus.

The Budgets for the financial year 2006/2007 were determined with a Precept of £25,296-00 being agreed upon. This Precept figure being a 2.99% increase on last year’s Precept and is broadly in line with levels of inflation during the past year.

July 2005


The clerk reported upon a successful Internal Audit of the Parish Council’s Accounts, Records and Procedures. The recent change in Internal Auditor has resulted in the Parish Council being properly audited for the first time in many years. This will give Parish Councillors and Parishioners the necessary assurance that all is in order with the administration of the Parish Council.

June 2005

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White presented the completed accounts for the Financial Year ending 31st March 2005. These were duly adopted by the Parish Council. These accounts have now to be submitted to the Audit process, part of which requires the Parish Council to confirm the Statements of Assurance. This was duly confirmed by a unanimous vote.

February 2005

Finance & Administration Committee

Informal approaches had been made to the Parish Council, proposing expenditure from the Open Space Fund. The Parish Council considered that the Open Space Fund should only be used for certain purposes. Accordingly, clear guidelines covering the use of the Open Space Fund are to be drawn up by the Finance and Administration Committee

January 2005

Finance and Administration Committee

The recently invoiced excessive charge imposed upon the Parish Council by the Audit Commission in respect of the External Auditor Fees for the financial year 2003 to 2004, has been successfully resisted. The External Auditor has now agreed to reduce his fees to a level more appropriate to this Parish Council.

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon the extensive work undertaken by the Clerk and the Finance and Administration Committee in respect of finalising the new Financial Regulations governing the finance of the Parish Council. The new Financial Regulations were adopted by the Parish Council and will adequately serve the Parish Council for many years to come. An issue that arose out of these deliberations was the question of Disaster Recovery, a matter that will be addressed in the coming months.

September 2004

Jubilee Pavilion

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on progress in respect of correcting outstanding issues that have become apparent subsequent to construction of the Jubilee Pavilion. Most, if not all, internal to the building issues have now been corrected, questions of drainage in the shower rooms having to be monitored during the commencement of the football season. External issues are envisaged to be rectified shortly and progress on the Car Park and its extension are to be addressed. Landscaping will be finalised when construction of the third Tennis Court is completed.

Tennis Club Lease

Discussions with the Tennis Club have resulted in a further draft Supplemental Lease being drawn up by the Parish Council’s Solicitor. This, together with the specification for the third Tennis Court, which was approved at this meeting, will enable the Tennis Club to progress the construction of the third Tennis Court.

Election Costs

The Parish Council had received an invoice for £672.86 from Winchester City Council in respect of the recent Election Costs allocated to the Parish Council. As this amount was deemed to be significantly higher than that expected, the Chairman, Councillor George Beckett, had queried the amount with the City Solicitors Office. An explanation had been received and the Parish Council felt they had no option but to pay it.


Correspondence received from the Chairman of CASCA indicates that difficulty is being experienced in identifying candidates for a new Chairman and Treasurer of CASCA. Councillor George Beckett will be discussing with Mr. Mike Matthews, the current Chairman of CASCA, the content of the jobs in question with a view to assist in identifying suitable candidates.

June 2004

Finance and Administration Committee

Other business reported upon was the adoption of the Parish Council’s Risk Management Policy document; this was something that was needed in order to comply with the requirements of the Auditors.

The Clerk reported upon a successful audit of the Parish Council Accounts for the Financial Year 2003 – 2004 by the Internal Auditor, no problems were identified and no issues need to be specifically addressed by the Parish Council. The Annual Return, together with supporting documents can now be submitted to the Audit Commission for the External Audit process.

May 2004

Finance and Admin Committee

The Parish Council accounts for the financial year 2003 – 2004 had been prepared and circulated to all Parish Councillors. These accounts were formally adopted in preparation for Audit. BKR Haines Watts was again formally appointed as Internal Auditor, in principle.

The Jubilee Pavilion list of outstanding issues was discussed at length. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not pay for items appearing on this list, which were not part of the specification to construct the Jubilee Pavilion. In order to progress these matters, the Clerk was instructed to review with the secretary of the Sports Club the list of outstanding issues and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.

A review of the Parish Council Insurances is to be undertaken by the Finance and Administration Committee with a view to more accurately reflecting the Parish Council Insurance needs. As the Insurance renewal date is the 1st June 2004, the authority to finalise this matter has been delegated to the Finance and Administration Committee.

As part of the forthcoming Audit, the Clerk was instructed to prepare an outline proposal covering the required Risk Assessment procedure to be followed by the Parish Council. The Auditor requires documented procedures and such procedures need to be put in place for approval at the July 2004 Parish Council meeting.