March 2011 PC Meeting Report
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 1 March 2011 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
Problems with parking and street lighting were very prominent in this month’s meeting of the parish council.
Following a request from a member of the public, Andrew Witt, for improved street lighting in Compton Street, it was agreed that Councillor Southgate would seek the views of the Compton Village and Compton Tenants’ Associations and report back at the next meeting. Mr Witt also wondered whether marked parking bays could be introduced in Attwoods Drove. The council decided that, since construction of more parking spaces in Martins Fields and Attwoods Drove was scheduled to commence before Easter, it would defer any decision until after it had been able to assess the impact of increased parking in the area. [Winchester City Council has since advised me that the work should start in the week commencing 21st March 2011.]
Councillor Southgate advised the council that he was in discussion with householders and the chairman of the Shawford Village Association, with regard to parking problems in Shawford village. He was pleased to announce that a solution had been found to the problem of the station floodlights: the two lights closest to the house are now shaded and these lights, plus two others, are turned off at 9.00pm.
Councillor Broomfield noted that Hampshire County Council (HCC) had agreed to his proposals for a parish works schedule and advised that a senior official, Chris Wilson, had informed him that the installation of kerb stones in Pearson lane had a ‘reasonably high priority’ but funding for such projects was tight! The clerk added that he had met a representative of the Highways Department to discuss the construction of traffic islands to assist pedestrians crossing in Otterbourne Road and had been advised that each one was likely to cost around £20,000.
Councillor Wilkinson wondered whether it would be possible to relocate the grit bin that will be installed on the corner of Pearson Lane and Shawford Road to outside the village hall and another one provided for the corner of Bridge Lane and Shawford Road. Following discussion it was agreed that she should approach the supplier, HCC, direct.
Police Report
PCSO Cooper reported that there had been two incidents reported to the police in the past month. These included a burglary from a house in Tilden Road and an incident of fly tipping on a path at the base of Shawford Down.
PCSO Cooper also introduced our new ‘beat bobby’, PC Kevin Hercock, who advised the council that, with spring just around the corner, parishioners should be aware that ‘rogue traders’ may soon be active within the area. These traders were often responsible for fly tipping and the police would be grateful if members of the public could report any unrequested approaches for ‘household works’. He also advised parishioners to beware of ‘census impersonators’, who may try to take advantage of the 2011 census to gain access and information from householders. Should you have any concerns about either of these issues please call PC Hercock on 0845 045 45 45.
Sergeant Hills has also recently advised me that the next PACT (Partners and Communities Together) meeting will be held in Shawford village hall at 1900hrs on Thursday 7th April 2011. The meeting will provide an opportunity for residents of Compton, Shawford, Otterbourne and Hursley of to meet their local Safer Neighbourhood policing team and to discuss any issues of concern.
County and District Councillors’ Reports
County Councillor Bailey reported that the latest Four Dell Farm planning application had been approved. Extra conditions had been added, including a weight limit of 6000 tonnes per annum, which should help to limit the number of vehicle movements. The contractor, R&W, had also been advised to establish a Liaison Panel with local representatives. Following discussion, it was agreed that the chairman, Councillor Stevens, should contact R&W about establishing a Liaison Panel to discuss issues arising from increasing commercial activity at Four Dell Farm.
District Councillor Beckett advised the council that, should the Secretary of State eventually decide against the development of Barton Farm, it could lead to requests from developers for smaller housing developments in the area.
The council agreed that Councillor Martin Bell should comment on the Hampshire County Council consultation on the mineral and waste plan. It also agreed that he should ask the planning officer why WCC considered the Highwood Construction application, to reduce on site parking spaces, to be a ‘minor amendment’. Many parishioners had raised concerns about the possibility of ‘off site’ parking problems in the area, once the residential home is fully operative. These concerns had been conveyed to the WCC Planning Department at the time of the original application. He was also asked to seek confirmation that the latest application was not the forerunner to a bid for an additional building on the site.
Playing Fields
Councillor Millar advised the council that three members of the Playground Committee had met on Shawford Down on Monday 21 February and agreed that an area at the base of the down, which is reasonably flat, could provide a location for a ‘kickabout field’, a cradle swing and a kiddies slide. Vita Play had been asked to provide an outline plan, which could be used to obtain initial planning permission for the development of the site, which is designated as a “Site of Importance for Nature Conservation” (SINC). Councillor Broomfield offered to help with the investigation into the whereabouts and depth of utility cables/pipes laid under the site.
The council also agreed to the proposals, submitted by Keith Evans, to provide adequate fencing around the Compton Street play area (around two meters high) and the replacement of the wood panels on the east side of the play ground.
Finance and Administration
The council agreed that Councillor Wilkinson should replace Councillor Campbell-White (recently retired) on the Finance and Administration committee. The council also noted that, at the end of the financial year, £2000 would be transferred from the Jubilee Pavilion sub head to the Jubilee Pavilion Sinking Fund.
Following a discussion about the number of events (including the local elections and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Bank Holiday), which clash with the council’s policy of holding its meetings on the first Tuesday of the month it was agreed that all council meetings in 2012 should take place on the second Tuesday of the month.
The chairman, Councillor Stevens suggested that the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting, on Thursday 14 April 2011, should comprise of an overview by the chairman, followed by a short presentation on finance and administration by Councillor Walmsley and a presentation on policing in the parish by Sgt Hills. The main feature would be a discussion on parking problems in Shawford led by Councillor Southgate. Councillor Walmsley requested that convenors should provide him with their contributions to the annual report as soon as possible.
Councillor Walmsley advised the council that the rector had agreed to conduct this year’s Civic Service at Compton All Saints Church on 16 October 2011. The school’s headmistress, Allison Driver has kindly agreed to the use of the school’s facilities for the reception that will immediately follow the service.
The chairman reported that the Mrs Driver had also confirmed that the school would be interested in participating in plans to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. She would be contacting the Scouts to seek confirmation that they too would wish to participate.
Date of the Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 5 April 2011 in the Reeves Scout Hall Compton.
David Drake, Clerk