April 2010 Meeting Report
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 6 April 2010 in the Reeves Scout Hall, Compton.
Annual Parish Meeting
Table of Contents
The chairman announced that there had been a typographical error on the notice that had been distributed to each household in the parish. The annual parish meeting would take place on Wednesday 28 April 2010, not Thursday 28 April 2010, as indicated in the notice. The first item on the agenda will be a report from Sgt Hills, Hampshire Constabulary, followed by presentations from Mr Lancaster, Community Action Hampshire, Councillor Stevens on the Parish Plan and Peter Betts on the Village Design Statement. These will be followed by a Q&A before parish councillors present their convenors’ reports. Since a public meeting on this subject should be scheduled within the next few weeks, the council considered that it would not be appropriate to discuss the proposed safety measures at Compton school at the APM.
Compton School: Proposed Safety Measures
The chairman reported that, unfortunately, an HCC traffic engineer had been unable to attend the meeting but, given local concerns, no work on the proposed safety measures outside Compton school would be undertaken until after a public meeting had been arranged. As soon as the date had been agreed, details would be circulated to everyone attending tonight’s meeting.
The chairman’s message about the postponement of the proposed works was well received by many of the people attending. Most recognised that, while the safety of children attending the school was extremely important, so was the protection of the fabric of the village, which was located in a conservation area. Several parishioners, including the chairman, expressed disappointment at the failure of the county council to consult villagers about the proposed works. Examples of the dangers facing children by inconsiderate drivers were voiced but there was also criticism of the behaviour of some parents who, while waiting to collect their children, appeared to park with little regard to traffic restrictions and other road users. The chairman added that this behaviour had been noted by PC Smith in his letter of 5 March 2010 to all parents and carers of children attending the school. (The letter was published in the April edition of the parish magazine.)
Police Report
PC Smith reported that in the past month there had been one theft, one assault in a public house and one incident of deception, involving a company in Spain. There had also been a report of harassment to a nesting swan at Shawford and, although the persons had not been identified, ‘advice’ had been given to persons in the area. There had also been a report of a suspicious male at the railway station, who it transpired had been looking for a lavatory!
District Councillor’s report
Councillor Beckett reported that he had had discussions with planning officers about the need to ensure that tree preservation orders were taken into consideration during deliberations on planning applications. He also announced that the park and ride facility would open on time and that he had been informed by the Returning Officer that the General Election results for the constituencies of Winchester and Meon Valley would be announced overnight. The counting of votes for the District Council wards would not take place until Friday afternoon.
Finance and Administration
Councillor Walmsley announced that, following publication of the notices about the vacant position on the council, no-one had requested that an election should be called. However, there had been expressions of interest about the possibility of co-option. He recommended that co-option should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, when councillors could decide upon potential candidates. All agreed.
Playing Fields
Councillor Millar reported that the safety surface at the MPF play area had been replaced and a new rotating cone climber installed. Both play areas continue to be monitored and, despite adverse comments in the WCC inspection report, Playdale’s inspectors considered the roundabout to be in perfect working order. The chairman announced that rabbits continued to be a problem at the MPF: a controlled cull (lamping) would take place during the summer.
Councillor Walmsley noted that the Sports Club had requested assistance in the purchase of an appropriate notice board(s). He proposed that the Parish Council agree to contribute half the costs of the proposed new pavilion noticeboards, subject to the council having access to display parish notices. Following a short discussion, the motion was passed unanimously.
In Councillor Bell’s absence, Councillor Walmsley presented the planning convenor’s report. Councillor Beckett reported that he had spoken to planning officers about the importance of referring to the Local Design Statement, when considering planning applications within the parish. The chairman added that, upon his return from holiday, Councillor Bell had arranged to meet the chief planning officer to express similar concern. Councillor Walmsley noted that John and Geoff Venn were seeking a variation of planning conditions at Silkstead Farm. However, while the farm was located within the parish, the main impact of vehicle movements would be within the parish of Otterbourne. It was agreed that Otterbourne Parish Council should be informed accordingly.
The chairman announced that the PFI Lighting initiative commenced on 1 April 2010. Under the terms of the initiative, there would be a programme to replace all the streetlights within the parish but the timescale was uncertain.
Following a request from Mrs Harding, it was agreed that, since it was home to 40 people over sixty and two disabled persons, consideration should be given to the provision of a grit box in Martins Fields. Councillor Evans agreed to produce a map and consult residents over its possible location. A request from Bryan Moss, on behalf of the 17 owners of flats in the Malms, for the provision a grit box was also considered. But, since HCC does not have responsibility for the road, the council believed that, even if one were to be purchased, it was unlikely that the county council would agree to replenish it.
Councillor Stevens reported that the Hampshire Chronicle would be carrying an article on ‘noise action plans’ that require the Highways Agency and the county council to address the issue of road noise more speedily. She intended to use the current election period to maintain pressure on the Highways Agency to resurface the M3, where it passes through the parish. Both parliamentary candidates, Steve Brine and Martin Tod, had expressed support for her initiative.
Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 4 May 2010 in the Compton Room Shawford Village Hall
David Drake, Clerk