Bushfield Camp
Bushfield Camp
Table of Contents
(See also Park and Ride)
October 2009
Bushfield Camp Village Green proposal
Councillor Bell advised councillors on an application to HCC to register Bushfield as a ‘village green’. He had been informed that a decision would be made on evidence of such use alone. Following discussion it was agreed that the clerk should write to HCC emphasising that the Parish Council recognises the importance of Bushfield as a recreational area and continues to support its use for this purpose. It also wishes to remain fully engaged with Winchester City Council on its potential use, as outlined in the Local Development Framework.
November 2005
Bushfield Camp
County Councillor Charlotte Bailey advised the meeting that the Agents for the Church Commissioners are actively pursuing the removal of the Travellers at Bushfield Camp.
December 2004
Bushfield Camp
Requests made by Badger Farm Parish Council, for Compton and Shawford Parish Council to erect a “Kissing Gate” on the Parish Boundary to prevent Trial Bikes accessing areas of Bushfield Camp, were discounted. It is understood that the problem had arisen due to a resident of Badger Farm Parish complaining about the Trial Bikes accessing Bushfield Camp just next to his property. The land in question is owned by the Church Commissioners, who, it is understood, have refused to take any action on the matter. As this is not a Public Footpath, this Parish Council sees no obligation to involve itself in a dispute between a resident of another Parish and a private Landowner.
October 2003
Bushfield Camp Footpaths
The issue of Bushfield Camp, and the re-opening of the footpaths there, was discussed at length. It was stated that the Parish Council might find it appropriate to provide support to the pressure group who are endeavouring to have the footpaths re-opened, and monitor the situation as Bushfield Camp is within the Parish.
November 1999
District Cllr Mrs Campbell-White advised the Council to be vigilant with Hampshire being required to find land to build additional houses to those planned for in the Hampshire Structure Plan. Bushfield Camp looked vulnerable.
March 1999
Bushfield Camp Project
ClIrs Mrs J M Millar and R Whitaker attended the meeting convened by WCC on 8th February and reported thereon. The City Council made known their support for sports activities, park and ride with parking for 1,000 cars and some commercial development with an hotel. The PC expressed the need to shield the site from Hurdle Way. City Cllr Mrs M Campbell advised that all possible alternative sites are to be investigated and that any park and ride scheme will be properly managed (no details of these were available from Winchester City Council!).
February 1999
Bushfield Camp project
Considered that the proposed park and ride site is wrongly located at the top of Bushfield Camp and needs to be near Badger Farm Road and screened. Cllrs Mrs JM Millar and R Whitaker to attend a site meeting
December 1998
District Councillor’s report
Cllr Mrs Campbell-White reported that the latest feasibility study for Bushfield camp shows Park and Ride provision for between 700 and 1000 cars as well as athletics, hockey and football facilities. The City Council is arranging for councillors from affected parishes to have a tour of all potential Park and Ride sites south of the city.
November 1998
District Councillor’s Report
Mrs Campbell-White reported that WCC had commissioned external consultants to undertake a “leisure feasibility study” of Bushfield Camp and surrounding area, but with the proviso it contained a Park-and-Ride scheme. Although not yet published, she understands the report is positive and can justify all weather and ordinary pitches, other sports facilities and a nature park. She considers park-and-ride on Bushfield Camp to be wrongly sited, although needed somewhere south of Winchester. Chairman to write Chief Executive, WCC, regarding, yet again, lack of consultation with the Parish Council over the future of Bushfield.
October 1998
Bushfield Camp
City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White reported that a development feasibility study of Bushfield Camp is being prepared and that she is to enquire why the consultants engaged by the City Council have not yet consulted the Parish Council.
September 1998
Park-and-Ride at Bushfield
City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White reported that she is to meet City Councillors for neighbouring areas about traffic implications if a park-and-ride scheme is permitted on the Bushfield Camp site.
April 1998
District Councillor’s Report
Cllr Mrs Campbell-White reported that the City Council had agreed to spend £20,000 of the funds already set aside for their millennium project on a feasibility study of recreational options for Bushfield Camp.
March 1998
Bushfield Camp
City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White is to find out the status of Winchester City Council’s plans as regards recreational use suggested by the Parish Council, and how the City Council intend to use the £250,000 they have budgeted for their millennium project. The Chairman will invite the City Council’s Millennium Project Director, Jan Field, to address the Annual Parish Meeting on April 28th. Parking on the road at Shawford Concerns about obstructions in the stretch of road opposite the Bridge Hotel had been raised by a parishioner. City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White agreed to raise the matter with the Traffic and Engineering Department, WCC. Cllr T Threlfall will consult Shawford Village Residents’ Association about the views of local residents.
January 1998
Future of Bushfield Camp
City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White reported on the future of Bushfield Camp where it is possible that money may be diverted by WCC from recreation to housing purposes. Cllr Mrs Campbell-White advised that she is keeping a close watch on developments.
Bushfield Camp and Park-and-Ride
Disappointment was expressed with the newspaper report by Hampshire County Council, “Pleasure Park Plan Axed”, when it was agreed to write to Winchester City Council deprecating the recent lack of consultation over plans for Bushfield, reminding them of our submission in 1995 in favour of recreational use of the area, and asking to be consulted on all possible park-and-ride sites south of the city.
December 1997
Bushfield Camp/Park-and-Ride
Following proposals by WCC, reported in the Hampshire Chronicle, that Bushfield Camp should be developed for a Park-and-Ride scheme on the southern approaches to the city, City Cllr. Mrs M. Campbell-White is pushing for all possible sites – including the former Tarmac “Base Camp” – to be re-investigated. The Parish Council is particularly concerned that a Park-and-Ride scheme on Bushfield Camp would aggravate the congestion at the Bushfield roundabout which is already very difficult for vehicles coming from the Compton direction.
February 1997
Bushfield Camp
A Press Release from Winchester City Council was circulated in which they expressed disappointment that their plans for transformation of the derelict army camp into a countryside and recreation area had failed to win Millennium Commission Funding. The City Council are to look at other ways to fund the project. Given the Parish Council’s previously stated opposition to a Park and Ride scheme on Bushfield Camp without improvements to Bushfield roundabout, it was decided to take no futher action at present.
January 1997
Traffic congestion at Bushfield roundabout
The council had received a letter from the HCC giving the background to the decision that they had taken, in conjunction with WCC, to investigate the feasibility of providing a park-and-ride scheme within Bushfield Camp rather than the Tarmac site. After some discussion it was agreed to reply to HCC reiterating the Council’s objection to park-and-ride at Bushfield until the traffic congestion at Bushfield roundabout is alleviated.
December 1996
Bushfield Millennium Park
Following the chairman’s letter to the WCC Chairman of the Leisure, Arts and Community Committee, and subsequent fax to the Chief Executive protesting at the lack of consultation, we have received a copy of the Millennium Bid that the City Council submitted. The Chief Leisure Officer has offered to meet the PC to discuss the bid in more detail. The Parish Council continues to feel that the M3 Office site should be investigated as a more suitable location for the Park and Ride scheme.
November 1996
Planning Procedures
Mr SJ Birch, Chief Planning Officer, WCC, addressed Members on planning procedures, criteria to determine decisions, and on a possible scheme of a multi-development for Bushfield Camp with a view to making a bid to the Millennium Commission to attract grant. Members were greatly concerned that that no regard had been made to their submission on Bushfield Camp, to the Chief Planning Officer, on 26 January 1996. It was unanimously resolved to write to the Chairman of the Planning Committee, and the Chairman of the Leisure, Arts and Community Committee, making strong objection to the inclusion of the hotel and park-and-ride elements of the current scheme, also, expressing grave concern as to lack of consultation with the Parish Council over the Bushfield proposal which is on land mainly within the parish.
October 1996
Plans for the development of Bushfield Camp
The meeting was preceded by an address by Mr WJ Ronan, Chief Leisure Officer, Winchester City Council, indicating possible developments for a bid to be submitted to the Millennium Commission for grant. The suggested multi development included, amongst others, recreational use of land, park and ride, provision of a small hotel and a camp site. Members were critical of some of the suggested developments and expressed concern that no regard had been had to their submission to the Chief Planning Officer on 26 January 1995. Following discussion, and suggestions by the Parish Council, Mr Ronan agreed to consult with City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White and Parish Councillor NJ Campbell-White.
December 1995
Bushfield Camp Site
Cllr Mrs Bailey also reported that the County Planning Officer is of opinion that Bushfield Camp Site is unsuitable for Intech (scientific exhibition of working models aimed at young people) and a new site is being sought.
March 1995
In view of the issues raised following the submission made concerning the Bushfield Camp Draft Study, it was decided that the whole matter of park-and-ride and the strategic gap should be further and fully discussed at the next council meeting.
February 1995
The Parish Council’s final comments on the Bushfield Camp Draft Study were approved and submissions made to Winchester City Council. The Parish Council’s principal comments concerned preservation of the area as an open green area but with use for recreational purposes, including a 9 hole municipal golf course, with only limited small buildings. The importance of the area was emphasised as a Strategic Gap to Compton and Shawford; and suggested that access to the site should be from Bushfield Roundabout with parking on the Camp site restricted to access for recreational and leisure use. With regard to park-and-ride, the Parish Council submitted that a more appropriate site than the Camp would be the M3 construction/site offices area adjacent to the M3 slip road at Bushfield.
January 1995
Members considered the Bushfield Camp Draft Study by Winchester City Council, and following wide discussion agreed on many matters for submission to the City Council, with particular references to preserving the area as an open green area but with use for recreational purposes with only limited small buildings.
December 1994
A meeting is to be arranged with Badger Farm Parish Council to discuss the rnaintenance project for the pathway Whiteshute Ridge, part of which lies within the parish at Bushfield Camp.