May 2008 Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 6th May 2008, Shawford Parish Hall
Election of chairman and committees
Table of Contents
This being the first meeting of the new Parish Council, together with being the Annual Parish Council meeting, most of the time was taken up with the introduction of the new Parish Councillors to the work of the Parish Council and the election of Convenors, Committee members and Representatives.
- Councillor Nick Campbell-White was elected Chairman of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year. Upon taking the Chair, Councillor Campbell-White expressed his, and the Parish Council’s, gratitude to Councillor Adrian Walmsley for his work as Chairman over the last year and Convenor of the Planning Committee over the preceding twelve months.
- Councillor Patricia Caffyn was re-elected as Vice Chairman
- Councillor Adrian Walmsley was elected as Convenor of the Finance and Administration Committee, supported by Councillors Patricia Caffyn, Martin Bell and Una Stevens.
- Councillor Martin Bell was elected as Convenor of the Planning Committee, supported by Councillors Adrian Walmsley, Una Stevens and George Beckett.
- Councillor Jean Millar was elected as Convenor of the Playing Fields Management Committee, supported by Sue Harding, George Beckett and Mr. John Richardson.
- Councillor Sara Clay will undertake responsibilities for Trees, Footpaths, Compton Lock and the Itchen Navigation and will be supported by Councillor Patricia Caffyn.
- Councillor Patricia was elected as Convenor of the Highways and Byways Committee, supported by Councillors Sue Harding and Sara Clay.
- Councillor Jean Millar and Councillor Nick Campbell-White continue as Parish Council Representatives on the CASCA Management Board, with Jean Millar being the lead Representative.
- Councillor Martin Bell was elected as the Parish Council’s Representative on the Sports Club Management Committee.
- Councillor Sara Clay was elected as the Parish Council’s Representative responsible for matters arising from CPRE.
All other Representative positions remain as for the previous year. However, it was recognised that it may be necessary to change the make up of these Committees as and when Members become more familiar with the duties of those Committees. Additionally, two further Committees will have to be established in due course. These are
- ‘Parish Plan Action Committee’ to address issues emanating from the Parish Plan due to be published shortly and
- ‘Shawford Down Committee’ to be responsible for driving through the project to establish a Car Park and Children’s Play Area at the bottom of Shawford Down. This latter issue is still under discussion with the Shawford Village Residents Association and Hampshire County Council.
Police Matters
Police Constable Mark Smith submitted a written report in which he advised that, again, crime rates in the Parish during the preceding month had been very low. Only three offences had been reported, these being one non dwelling burglary and two incidents of damage to motor cars. PC Smith also advised that the person sleeping rough at the end of Compton Street has had his belongings and camp removed by Hampshire County Council.
A request from Police Inspector Baxman has asked the Parish Council as to what are the priorities for the police in respect of Policing issues within the Parish. Whilst issues such as Vandalism, Graffiti, speeding Cars and Car Parking came to mind immediately, Councillors were asked to give this matter some thought and report back to the Next Parish Council meeting. Subsequently, a response will be sent to Inspector Baxman.
In order to satisfy the legal requirements imposed by the External Auditor, numerous motions were voted upon covering the Parish Council’s accounts for the financial year 2007 to 2008. These motions were essentially procedural and as a consequence the Parish Council adopted the Accounts as presented and confirmed that they had been correctly maintained.
Meeting Locations
Some discussion took place on the matter of holding future Parish Council meetings in alternate locations, other than the Parish Hall. The objective of this is to encourage greater attendance by Parishioners at Parish Council meetings. It is therefore proposed to hold the September and December 2008 meetings at the Scout Hut in Martins Fields, and possibly a further meeting at Shepherds Down School.
Compton Street Playground
Discussion on Youths, Adults and Dogs using the Play Area in Compton Street makes it necessary for the Parish Council to investigate the putting up of Notices restricting the use of the Play Areas to Children below the age of 14 years, together with accompanying Adults. The playing of Football by adults alone, together with fouling by Dogs within the Compton Street Play Area cannot be tolerated.