April 2007 Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 3rd April 2007, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Concrete Recycling Planning Application

There was a large representation from members of the Public at this months Parish Council meeting. The reason for this being the Planning Application for an Aggregates Recycling Facility at Four Dell Farm. This issue has caused considerable disquiet amongst Parishioners due to the anticipated increase in noise and dust pollution and the increase in heavy traffic on the roads within the Parish. It was considered that the site for this proposed facility was already being operated illegally, and the proposed increase in recycling activities will only serve to exasperate the situation.

The Parish Council noted all of the comments made by members of the Public in attendance, such comments being taken into account during their deliberations on this matter. It was noted that as this Planning Application concerns “Minerals and Waste”, Hampshire County Council are responsible for its determination. In this instance, Winchester City Council are a Consultee and as such they have called for reports on Environmental Protection, Landscaping, Environment Agency Approval, Drainage, Highways matters and conformance with the Winchester District Local Plan.

The Parish Council recognises the desire by Parishioners to object to this Planning Application. It also recognises that for any objection to be successful, such an objection must be based upon sound planning reasons. Significant work on this matter undertaken outside of this meeting, indicates that the proposed Planning Application does not conform with CE4 and CE16 of the Winchester District local Plan and therefore provides grounds for objection. In addition, the matter of additional heavy traffic on roads already proven to be in-adequate for such traffic, will be raised in the Parish Council’s objection.

Additional Burial Space

Another significant issue raised at this meeting was the request to the Parish Council for assistance in extending the Graveyard at All Saints Church, Compton. The Parish Council is empowered to provide Graveyards, and in some instances they are empowered, if not obliged, to support the church. With Regard to the Graveyard at All Saints Church, it is understood that every Parishioner who appears on the Electoral Roll, has the right to be interred in the Graveyard. In addition, there is no “sale” of plots within the Graveyard. Failure to extend the Graveyard will mean that no further burials can take place there and the provision of future burial sites is understood to be the responsibility of the Winchester City Council if not provided by the Parish Council. A half acre piece of Land, adjacent to the existing Graveyard has been identified as being suitable and is available for purchase. Planning Permission to extend the Graveyard into this piece of land has already been granted. Accordingly, the Parish Council will pursue, on behalf of Parishioners, the contribution of fifty percent of the purchase price of the Land in question which is stated as being approximately three thousand pounds in total. This matter will be formally voted upon at the next Parish Council meeting and such funds will be taken from reserves. With this extended graveyard, it is anticipated that burials there can continue for a further seventy years.

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. J.Richardson reported on the Parish Council accounts and the Parish Council adopted the completed Accounts for the financial year 2006/2007. Whilst a surplus over the year of some £7,000 had been realised, this was primarily due to the £12,000 brought forward from the previous year not being fully spent. Anticipated costs had been less than originally expected, hence a surplus being taken into reserves.

Cllr. Richardson also reported on the ongoing work in the establishment of effective Sinking Funds for the Parish Hall and the Jubilee Pavilion. Whilst it is desired to achieve a “cash neutral” position with regard to the Parish Hall, such a situation is not yet achievable. With regard to the Jubilee Pavilion, a “cash neutral” position is unlikely to be achieved for some time yet.

Use of Tennis Courts by Shepherds Down School

Significant discussion took place in respect of Shepherds Down School using the Tennis Courts and associated facilities at Memorial Playing Field. Whilst it was part of the Lottery Funding Bid for the Jubilee Pavilion, that external groups such as Shepherds Down School will be encouraged to use the facilities, an application to make such use of the Tennis Courts has met with significant problems. These problems centre upon the issue of Insurance and it is disappointing that such issues had not been investigated and resolved prior to this very late date, at the time of wanting to commence the proposed activities. The Parish Council, as Landlord, will pursue this matter in order to ensure conformance with the original Lottery Funding Bid proposals.

Annual Parish Assembly

The Annual Parish Assembly is due to take place on Wednesday, 25th April 2007 at Shawford Parish Hall. An Annual Report from the Parish Council will be distributed to every household within the Parish together with a copy of the Agenda. There will be two joint Keynote speakers – Mr Peter Betts speaking on the activities of the Parish Plan Project and Mr. Keith Wood, Planning Portfolio Holder, Winchester City Council who will speak upon the place of Parish Plans within the Planning Process. All Parishioners are welcome to attend the Annual Parish Assemble and raise any issue of relevance.