Parish Plan Open Day 17 March 2007

Parish Plan Open Day 17 March 2007

Comments from yellow stickies
See also comments from the 24 March Open Day in the Parish Hall.
All these comments will be consolidated and used to inform the Parish Plan questionnaire which will go to all households in the parish.
There may be some actions which can be started before the formal Parish Plan is complete.

Amenities and Transport

  1. Play Areas
    1. Play Areas good but often need attention – litter and graffiti an issue. Also nothing to deter older children congregating late at night in summer
  2. Travel, Transport and Road Safety
    1. Better bus service and cheaper especially for the youths
    2. More street lighting in Compton Street and Attwoods Drove
    3. Save the Compton bus
    4. Keep Compton Street bus
    5. Please keep the bus – we need it – OAPs find it very useful
    6. Better bus links from Compton Street to supermarkets. Poor service to/from Compton
    7. Elderly require the bus to continue
    8. Street lighting please: Compton Street needs a street light between the Old Parsonage Barn and the corner of Attwoods Drove and Compton Street
    9. Slow train used to come before fast train so could get to Winchester and change. Now not possible because of timetable. Would be good to reinstate
    10. Buses were delayed/prevented from reaching Compton Street by building work at Beechcroft
    11. I am happy with the current street lighting situation. This is the countryside and getting used to carrying a torch is part of the fun
  3. Parking
    1. Need to do something about parking in Martins Fields
    2. Spaces need to be marked – those with drives should use them
    3. Parking should be limited to residential vehicles – not semi-commercial car/boat sales in Compton Street/Martins Fields
    4. Encourage the church to turn the field into car park/turning area for school use particularly
    5. Noise from motorway terrible in Attwoods Drove
    6. Parking in Attwoods Drove needs regulating
    7. Parking in Compton Street and speeding in Attwoods Drove
    8. Parking in Attwoods Drove getting worse
    9. Farm traffic has increased and going far too fast
    10. Parking in Martins Field getting worse and worse
    11. Lorries are coming up Attwoods Drove to turn (from new houses in Compton Street). Far too big and churning up grass verges.
    12. School traffic and parking – very dangerous
    13. Parking – Martins Fields needs more – definitely dangerous long bend with all those cars
    14. School parking – could car sharing be encouraged?
    15. Excessive speed of traffic using Compton Street and Main Road
    16. Parking congestion in Martins Field – big problem
    17. Also excessive speed of traffic using this cul-de-sac.
  4. Amenities, halls, shops
    1. Please keep our bus
    2. Bring back village shop
    3. Bring back the shop
    4. Can we have a Compton shop please
    5. I would definitely support a shop if it were to be resurrected
    6. Are there any plans to regenerate or reopen a village shop?
    7. Village shop would be good and supported
    8. We need a shop
    9. We need a shop – Village shop and P.O. please
    10. Return of village shop please
    11. Is there a dialogue with the council re future use of the “shop” premises? If not, there should be.
    12. We need a shop – how about a shop run as a village co-operative?
    13. Shop/mobile farm once or twice a week for fresh veg and fruit.
    14. Local shop important for mums with young babies
    15. How about a farm shop?
    16. Mobile shop – also to have ramp for disabled
    17. More use of pavilion by community during weekdays/daytime
    18. More involvement in village events by people living in Martins Fields

Village Design Statement

  1. New Development
    1. Small is good, but let’s retain quality
    2. Need to find a way that people whose children move out do not find themselves driven from the village because their house is too big/expensive, yet no smaller options are available.
    3. We need 1/2/3 bedroom houses for our children. They have to move away to afford to buy a house.
    4. Retain low density of housing. New developments are uncharacteristic.
    5. Keeping any development within character. No more Flats etc. Mountain Ash!
    6. Need to provide variety of house sizes. Plenty of small houses plus large houses but nothing in between. Therefore all have been extended.
    7. Stop creeping urbanisation, such as notices on Southdown and fences.
    8. Stop cramming in new development. Prosone Gardens (sic).
  2. Communications.
    1. Good web site! Well done
    2. Footpaths off lower Compton Street have two styles vandalised by motor bike riders to gain access. Repair to prevent churning up of path. Soon please!
    3. Canal footpath is wet, muddy and overgrown with brambles/stinging nettles in the summer.
    4. Red Lane often blocked by fallen trees.
    5. Two motor cyclists constantly ploughing up the footpaths (Not local – Eastleigh?). They remove their number plates first.
    6. The buses into Winchester in the morning rush hour are full by the time they reach Compton Street or Shawford Road and the price is £2.50 single and if one buys a pass to reduce costs you then cannot get on the bus…. this was relevant to school kids, especially Peter Simmons, so now parents drive them in…So the congestion gets worse. Both expensive and not adequate.
  3. Landscape
    1. No more street lighting please. Retain rural feeling and see the stars at night.
    2. Agree (with above)
    3. No more street lighting. Light pollution is bad – also encourage householders to focus security lights on their own drive not on the road
    4. Street lighting essential for safety – safer neighbourhoods – respect.
    5. Greenness of all types
    6. No more Street lights.
    7. Agree (with above)
    8. Do more street lighting please.
    9. Agree (with above)
    10. No speed limits. No more street lighting.
  4. Buildings
    1. Stop infilling the big gardens. But how??!!

Sports Leisure and Recreation

  1. Please could we reprint the “serendipity trail” in the parish mag from time to time.
  2. Community events are very good in C&S and it would be even better if we could involve a wider group of folk to organise and deliver them. If info was delivered by email as well as parish mag, we could use the dist list to seek volunteers as well.
  3. Badminton Courts would be good
  4. Younger ladies please join the Guild

Law & Order

  1. Is your home within a Neighbourhood Watch area?
    1. Yes
  2. Would you be interested in joining a Neighbourhood Watch scheme?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. What do you feel about the police coverage of the area?
    1. Poor. Almost non-existent.
    2. Good
    3. Very good
    4. Good
    5. Yes – but need to be careful with this as can devalue your property. Stigma.
  4. Are there any areas of anti-social or criminal behaviour in the Parish which give you cause for concern?
    1. Neighbours held rock band party until 2.00 a.m. – police etc not interested in our complaints. Kids running in streets until 4.00 a.m.
    2. Inconsiderate parking
    3. The play parks during the summer months: youths on swings late at night; foul language; causing rubbish: kicking the bins.
    4. Last summer 2 youths on mopeds going up and down Drove for hours – noise nuisance for June, July, August.
  5. Have you any personal experience of local recent acts of theft/vandalism/nuisance?
    1. Yes – neighbours’ live rock band party until 2.00 a.m. in mid summer (windows open).
  6. Any other observations on Law & Order?


  1. What features of the Parish open spaces are important to your household?
    1. Spaces are becoming less and less open, which is a pity.
  2. Are there any ways in which you would like the open spaces to be changed?
    1. Roundabout at end Southgate St/Badger Farm/ Motorway needs left filter lane when coming from Compton.
  3. Do you consider the roads, footpaths and open spaces are kept adequately clean and litter free?
    1. No. Especially along the canal.
    2. Excessive litter along roadside verges.
    3. Dog mess in footpaths a nightmare.
    4. I am concerned about dog mess on Shawford Down and all rural footpaths. Large groups of dogs seem to run loose on the Down.
  4. Do you consider that the roads and adjacent footpaths are maintained to an adequate standard?
    1. Stiles need replacing on footpaths in the wood – recently destroyed
    2. Poorly maintained roads, footpaths. Street signs allowed to be obstructed by vegetation, etc
    3. Clean footpaths in winter
    4. Motorway noise. Re-surface?
    5. Re-surfacing the M3? M3 noise is the single negative feature of the area.
    6. Strongly agree!!
  5. Would you like to see any alterations or improvements to footpaths? (e.g. maps, signing, gates & stiles, etc)?
    1. Gates to houses should be in keeping with rural area not suburbia.
    2. Agree
    3. Need to ensure paths and verges re-instated after developers have wrecked them.
    4. Agreed
    5. I support the M3 re-surfacing plea. It would improve things a lot.
    6. Fewer fences, signs, etc., please
    7. Footpaths: two new gates are great but more needed to stop motor bikes and horses using footpaths around Compton.
  6. Do you consider the street lighting in the Parish to be adequate?
    1. Less lighting in Compton Street. Unnecessary and wasteful of energy.
    2. Yes – too much actually. Light pollution
    3. Strongly agree.
    4. Better lighting on Compton Street
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
    7. More lighting in Compton Street
    8. No more street lighting is needed. More than adequate at the moment.
    9. No to all street lighting. Is an open door for future development with the planners’ approval. Who walks at night?
    10. Compton Street perhaps not. Southdown/Compton – yes.
  7. Any other observations on ‘Environment’?
    1. Noise from motorway
    2. Very noisy!
    3. Plans for re-surfacing motorway? Always very noisy
    4. Motorway needs to be re-surfaced ASAP – everybody complains about the noise


  1. How is your business affected by the availability and/or reliability of public transport?
    1. We live here because of the motorway junctions to help my husband drive to work
  2. Is your business affected by lack of off-street parking or on-street parking restrictions?
    1. No
  3. Are there any ways where you feel the Parish Council could be more supportive of local businesses?
    1. Encourage the re-instatement of the village shop in Compton. Who benefits from Compton Property Services whatever that is?


  1. one comment ” do you have a website ?”
  2. split between people who would be happy to receive parish info via email ( so long as not too often – 1 per month mentioned) and those who did not . One Suggestion – let folk opt out of getting emails. I suggested emails OK for urgent matters – eg the Julia Beckett party – “that worked!”
  3. “Love the parish magazine” & ” parish mag excellent “- quotes . people do read it and keep up to date with what is happening via this. Volunteers appreciated for work they do. ” we read and enjoy the parish magazine – useful for finding out about events”
  4. Good notice boards – quote . people seemed to be aware of the noticeboards but one comment was the activities are aimed at retired people. one note said could we put a sign (on the noticeboards) saying where the keys can be obtained, so someone else could put a notice up. ” currently a mystery to many ” !!
  5. Parish welcome packs – “great idea. Where can the rest of us get a copy to update ourselves ?” People also said it can be difficult to know when new people moving in , so maybe the onus is on the people who are selling, to give the pack to newcomers ? Others felt you would then lose the personal touch . Are neighbourhood wardens more likely to know when someone moves in ?. People definitely like the idea of these packs

Facilities for Young People

  1. school felt to be excellent by many people . I child asked if they could have more things to play with, in the playground. Could there be a before and after school “service” for working mums ( presume this means child care arrangements) . ” School will be starting a breakfast club sometime after Easter”
  2. Pre – school – ” may be worth approaching the pre-school about a mothers and toddlers club as they have siblings who could benefit ” A young family had a baby but would have to go to Twyford for a mother and toddler group. It was felt there may not be enough young children to make this viable in Compton but that with new building work , it may be in the future
  3. facilities for young people ( YP) – some concern that teenagers causing a few problems at the playing areas eg knocking over bins, graffiti,setting dry leaves alight. Can we find funding for a detached youth worker to offer activities to stop them getting bored . We need to find out what these teenagers would like to do – one parent suggested going up there on a summers evening and talking to these teenagers. football coaching was mentioned. ( Giv knows about new funding for sports activities which may help ). YP would respect things more if they could be encouraged to think it belonged to them
  4. One youngster said they would like benches to be able to sit and meet with friends – maybe with some kind of shelter in case weather not good. This had apparently been put forward before but parish council not agreed to it – some time ago though
  5. “young people need something to do in the evenings – ie stop congregating in the rec. areas” – and someone else had put “agree” next to this one. Something more for teenagers was felt to be important – if it was a club, let them choose the name was suggested . ” a youth club please! “
  6. a skate ramp was asked for but the adults ( talking about this) felt that may encourage other YP from outside the area to congregate there
  7. put notice up at the rec saying ” your area – please respect it ” to try to encourage better behaviour. Someone said to put up sign saying swings etc only for 10 and under …. but the mums didnt want to not be able to enjoy a swing themselves !!
  8. ” some kind of focus group for teenagers to discuss what they want and then get involved with seeing any projects through that they want .e.g. erecting a meeting place in the park and designing/decorating it themselves “
  9. Tennis and cricket facilities – appreciated . facilities at Compton pavilion good for babies – but surprise that more people not making use of them
  10. Ice cream van ( this was a “want ” from one small child ) – apparently one does come round in the summer but as Compton is first on its rounds it comes a bit too early!
  11. a local shop that sold sweets – popular idea ! ( some concern over what was going on at the old PO/shop – offices downstairs ? )
  12. “communication and transport v good for winchester and southampton – by bus and train

Health, Waste, Services

  1. WASTE
    1. Terrible increase of rats with fortnightly collection.
    2. With the major rat problem, collection needs to go back to weekly.
    3. Go back to weekly for waste; perhaps fortnightly for re-cycling.
    4. If stay as is then larger bins required.
    5. Fortnightly rubbish collection is fine.
    6. Fortnightly collection is OK.
  2. Bottle bank.
    1. Yes, bottle bank please.
    2. Need bottle banks at home.
    3. Agree bottle bank.
    4. Eastleigh B.C.operates bottle re-cycling in some areas. It would be very convenient to have that facility here.
    5. Fortnightly refuse collection fine.
    6. Bottle Bank and used clothing etc recycling facilities.
    7. The ability to recycle more types of plastic would be good.
    1. Doctors; Nurses; Home Help
      1. Twyford Surgery is brilliant.
      2. Twyford Surgery v. Good. Look forward to pharmacy.
    2. Access/transport ;
      1. Car service to Dr etc very good…………….(WRVS rural transport)
      2. Bus shelter at Attwoods Drove falling apart.
  4. “Good neighbours”
    1. What can we do about vandalism ?
    2. Need for Neighbourhood Watch.
    3. The Council need to keep the two play parks clean from rubbish.
    4. Youths should be stopped from congregating in the play park swings during the summer.
    1. Electricity improve. Had several power cuts 15 years ago but this seems to be sorted.