
Parish Plan Open Day 24 March 2007

Parish Plan Open Day 24 March 2007

Comments from yellow stickies

Except where otherwise noted, these are new comments from the 24 March Open Day at Shawford Parish Hall.

See also comments from the 17 March Open Day in the Scout Hall, the Compton and Shawford Parish Plan & VDS Questionnaire, and Consolidated Comments from the Questionnaire.

All these comments will be consolidated and used to inform the Parish Plan questionnaire which will go to all households in the parish later in 2007.

There may be some actions which can be started before the formal Parish Plan is complete.

Amenities and Transport

Play Areas

  1. Additional climbing frame for the two play areas
  2. Play area in Shawford (near the Down?) would be good
  3. Shawford needs a play area
  4. Who has the right to use the facilities on the memorial playing fields – paid for by our taxes?
  5. Tennis club very good
  6. Tennis facilities for children – excellent.
  7. Could pavilion be used as a Youth Club venune?
  8. Football pitch at top of Compton Street in desperate need of repair.

Travel, Transport and Road Safety

  1. Noise from motorway – not just for residents – schools also
  2. Park and ride a disaster for Itchen Farm & surrounding areas that will view it
  3. M3 noise is atrocious. When are we getting our promised quieter tarmac?
  4. Low noise tarmac on motorway please.
  5. M3 road noise is a major blot on our enjoyment of our gardens and village. We were promised low noise tarmac.
  6. Cycle route – upgrade from existing v narrow footpath along the valley Winchester to Eastleigh would be great.
  7. I use buses and trains but increased reliability of former and increased frequency of latter particularly at weekends would considerably increase my usage.
  8. Noisy tyres on the buses. Sometime the buses do not stop at Highways Road junction to Otterbourne Road.
  9. Must have better signs to slow traffic coming along Otterbourne Road from Winchester. Path too narrow and bus and lorries almost knock us off our feet.
  10. If bus fares were more affordable, buses would be used more readily I think.
  11. More reliable, frequent and cheaper bus service. Reliability is most important.
  12. Speed control in Otterbourne Road. Electronic speed reminder, as seen in Knightwood, Chandlers Ford. It’s small and neat, no harm to vehicles.
  13. Need proper cycle paths. Road dangerous for cyclists especially Compton – Shawford.
  14. Train service for commuters has improved markedly in 2 years – well done SWT. What about the weekends?
  15. More trains at reasonable prices.
  16. Bus service is appalling in the morning. Buses (Blue Star no 1) just don’t turn up. Also expensive.
  17. Late night bus service from Winchester
  18. More trains especially to London
  19. If shop reopened it would cut down traffic and trips to supermarket.


  1. Church field should never be developed – needed for overflow parking.
  2. Parking in Martins Fields, Compton: the work that was done 4-5 years ago on the cul-de-sac has made a great difference and has solved the parking problems on the main part of the street – thanks
  3. Park & Ride. Should connect to M3 roundabout not to Bushfield roundabout as approached from Compton.
  4. Agreed
  5. New P&R should serve Shawford Station
  6. Continuous problem at Compton Street – long term solution needed with possible land acquisition
  7. Must ensure adequate screening for Park and Ride. This is a much better location than the other proposal as traffic can channel straight off the M3
  8. The Park and Ride which is proposed will be camouflaged by trees and probably before long will not be noticed.
  9. School parking in Compton Street is a continuing nightmare for locals
  10. Parking in Compton Street made much worse by cramped new development. Lorries have been a menace turning round in Attwoods Drove.
  11. Station parking is required. Why is old goods yard let for Commercial use instead of parking?
  12. Cars travel too fast down Attwoods Drove. Lorries dumping was at Yew Tree Farm – these are travelling fast.
  13. Cars drive very fast down Shepherds Lane – many aggressive drivers in huge vehicles

Amenities, halls, shops

  1. Our pavilion is the envy of all visiting sports teams. Could the facility also be used as a meeting place for youngsters in the village rather than having to go to Winchester or Southampton?
  2. Using the pavilion’s facilities as a youth club would be a great idea. Scout hall could be used too – maybe alternate venues.
  3. Compton Street shop should be reopened. When does current lease expire?
  4. There may be someone in the village willing to run the shop and the council should make it public when the lease expires. This would give interested parties a chance to try. I feel that a lot of help would be needed to regenerate the shop. There are bodies which help with this kind of thing. WORTH A TRY.
  5. Difficult to see how any shop could survive – OK for pubs. Revisit Post Office facility?
  6. Why are there no real pubs in Compton & Shawford, like the Ship at Owslebury?
  7. Agreed
  8. Encourage a farm shop
  9. Another good pub i.e. not Captain Barnard in Compton
  10. A new vicar please. Church very important to heart of village.
  11. It was a great shame that the Post Office in Martins Field was allowed to change use. It should be let to tenants who can run some kind of specialist shop where people will beat a path to its door (à la Rod Box) and then they could run a Port Office as well.
  12. ? Shops viable?

Village Design Statement

New Development

  1. Minimum plot sizes appropriate for each area should be specified.
  2. Density must reflect existing plots.
  3. Make sure that the Conservation area is treated as such and that any additions improve it and do not detract from it.
  4. Please delineate the Compton Street conservation area and its correct extent.
  5. New wooden chalet on Otterbourne Road should not have got through.
  6. Inappropriate backland development is a major threat to areas like Southdown
  7. Is the Captain Barnard pub closing!


  1. We need to make sure that Compton is not merged with Winchester, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, and Otterbourne – keep separate.
  2. Important to enforce the speed limits particularly on the main road.
  3. Footpaths need more attention and fewer intrusions from horse riding, mountain bikes etc.


  1. Let’s campaign for good landscaping/tree planting on the Tarmac site and get the best of both worlds!
  2. The new Park and Ride will be a blot on the Landscape when viewed from Twyford Down – Shame!
  3. Maintain the rural character including trees, hedges and views.
  4. Footpaths need to be cut back in places – ? Village footpath teams.


  1. New house on Otterbourne Road – very nice but out of character.
  2. Stop electric gates! Note style!!
  3. No more flats. More attention to Architectural quality and character and less ‘cup’ (sic) architecture made up of clichés and developers tat.
  4. Please stop all ostentatious development and electric gates.

Sports Leisure and Recreation

  1. Wider promotion of sports facilities and more village competitive sports
  2. Build a fourth tennis court
  3. Sapphire Club hold 2 meetings a month – more members wanted
  4. Should the solution to the maze be published somewhere ?

Law & Order

blue text = new comment from 24 March, black – carried over from 17 March

  1. Have you any personal experience of local recent acts of theft/vandalism/nuisance?
    1. Yes – neighbours’ live rock band party until 2.00 a.m. in mid summer (windows open).
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
  2. Are there any areas of anti-social or criminal behaviour in the Parish which give you cause for concern?
    1. Neighbours held rock band party until 2.00 a.m. – police etc not interested in our complaints. Kids running in streets until 4.00 a.m.
    2. Inconsiderate parking
    3. The play parks during the summer months: youths on swings late at night; foul language; causing rubbish: kicking the bins.
    4. Last summer 2 youths on mopeds going up and down Drove for hours – noise nuisance for June, July, August.
  3. What do you feel about the police coverage of the area?
    1. Poor. Almost non-existent.
    2. Good
    3. Very good
    4. Good
    5. Yes – but need to be careful with this as can devalue your property. Stigma.
    6. Adequate
    7. We NEVER see our local P.C. Are we fortunate? – or not?
    8. What coverage
    9. Agree
  4. Would you be interested in joining a Neighbourhood Watch scheme?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  5. Is your home within a Neighbourhood Watch area?
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
  6. Any other observations on Law & Order?


blue text = new comment from 24 March, black – carried over from 17 March

  1. What features of the Parish open spaces are important to your household?
    1. Spaces are becoming less and less open, which is a pity.
    2. Proposed park & ride site. Are enough people in the village aware that this is happening and that 2 green fields will be turned to tarmac.
    3. Needed : a cycle path to Winchester from Shawford along the Navigation
  2. Are there any ways in which you would like the open spaces to be changed?
    1. Roundabout at end Southgate St/Badger Farm/ Motorway needs left filter lane when coming from Compton.
    2. No, but maintain them.
  3. Do you consider the roads, footpaths and open spaces are kept adequately clean and litter free?
    1. No. Especially along the canal.
    2. Excessive litter along roadside verges.
    3. Dog mess in footpaths a nightmare.
    4. I am concerned about dog mess on Shawford Down and all rural footpaths. Large groups of dogs seem to run loose on the Down.
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
  4. Do you consider that the roads and adjacent footpaths are maintained to an adequate standard?
    1. Stiles need replacing on footpaths in the wood – recently destroyed
    2. Poorly maintained roads, footpaths. Street signs allowed to be obstructed by vegetation, etc
    3. Clean footpaths in winter
    4. Motorway noise. Re-surface?
    5. Re-surfacing the M3? M3 noise is the single negative feature of the area.
    6. Strongly agree!!
    7. Yes
    8. Footpaths are not good. There are several dangerous trees in the yew walk.
    9. Shepherds Lane is very dangerous.
    10. Contractors who damage road edges should repair them
    11. No – main road is awful and the drainage is a disaster area
    12. Improve road maintenance in Compton
    13. Otterbourne Road footpaths need clearing more regularly. Drainage at junction with Compton Street and along Compton Street – big issue.
    14. Variable. Southdown to Shawford by railway often overgrown.
  5. Would you like to see any alterations or improvements to footpaths? (e.g. maps, signing, gates & stiles, etc)?
    1. Gates to houses should be in keeping with rural area not suburbia.
    2. Agree
    3. Need to ensure paths and verges re-instated after developers have wrecked them.
    4. Agreed
    5. I support the M3 re-surfacing plea. It would improve things a lot.
    6. Fewer fences, signs, etc., please
    7. Footpaths: two new gates are great but more needed to stop motor bikes and horses using footpaths around Compton.
    8. Maps and cycle paths please
  6. Do you consider the street lighting in the Parish to be adequate?
    1. Less lighting in Compton Street. Unnecessary and wasteful of energy.
    2. Yes – too much actually. Light pollution
    3. Strongly agree.
    4. Better lighting on Compton Street
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
    7. More lighting in Compton Street
    8. No more street lighting is needed. More than adequate at the moment.
    9. No to all street lighting. Is an open door for future development with the planners’ approval. Who walks at night?
    10. Compton Street perhaps not. Southdown/Compton – yes.
    11. Yes
    12. Why can’t we enforce a 20 mph limit in Southdown/Shepherds Lane without street lights.
    13. Yes – no extra lighting needed
    14. I do not feel that extra lighting is required
    15. No extra lighting
    16. No extra lighting needed
    17. Agree!
    18. No extra lighting needed!
    19. Question poorly phrased, encourages ambiguity. E.g. No extra street lighting required, or No, extra street lighting is required. Street lighting is adequate and there should be no extra lighting provided!
  7. Any other observations on ‘Environment’?
    1. Noise from motorway
    2. Very noisy!
    3. Plans for re-surfacing motorway? Always very noisy
    4. Motorway needs to be re-surfaced ASAP – everybody complains about the noise


  1. How is your business affected by the availability and/or reliability of public transport?
    1. We live here because of the motorway junctions to help my husband drive to work
  2. Is your business affected by lack of off-street parking or on-street parking restrictions?
    1. No
  3. Are there any ways where you feel the Parish Council could be more supportive of local businesses?
    1. Encourage the re-instatement of the village shop in Compton. Who benefits from Compton Property Services whatever that is?


  1. Advertise to encourage more take up of the Parish Magazine
  2. Magazine excellent1+1+1
  3. Parish Pack good –how do newcomers get a copy?
  4. Email communication for Parish issues1+1
  5. Need advanced notice of what the Parish Council is upto
  6. Letters to the Editor in the Parish Mag needed

Facilities for Young People

  1. Nothing in the village for most young people –why no snooker table as initially planned in the new pavillion 1+1+1
  2. New Playground on Shawford Down
  3. Additional climbing frame in Play areas
  4. Better Public Transport for teenagers
  5. A Youth Group
  6. The maze outside the hall is fun!
  7. Primary school excellent but can it take everyone with all the new build?
  8. I like it here –quiet, dark and the footpaths

Health, Waste, Services

  1. WASTE
    1. 2 X …Bring back weekly collection.
    2. Am worried about fortnightly collection of household rubbish – smell, hygiene,vermin.
    3. Too much litter.
    4. Enclosing an open space (Shawford Down) is a mistake !
    5. More types of plastic should be re-cycled.
    6. Strongly agree
    7. Why not glass.
    8. Too complicated “rules” on what can and cannot be re-cycled.
    9. Collection of compostible rubbish – as in other parts of the country.
    1. 2 X …Twyford surgery very good – parking NOT
    2. Lack of parking at Twyford surgery
    3. Twyford Surgery good. Parking dreadful. Will the surgery be able to cope with extra capacity with new houses ?
    4. Expand Health call – in phone lines – more trained responders.
  3. Community
    1. Access;transport
    2. Problems parking in the week at Shawford train station.
    3. Only BETTER bus services will entice people out of cars !
    4. Number 1 buses are OLD. Access for elderly poor. Drivers inconsiderate.
  4. “Good neighbours”
    1. Fantastic community spirit .
    2. Agree to above.
    3. Excellent!
    1. Services generally very good.
    2. Good. Some occasional power cuts
    3. Encourage water meters. Small households will save MONEY as well as water !

Likes, Dislikes and suggestions for improvement

  1. Summary of the Parish ‘likes’:
    1. Rural area (27) peaceful setting (6) footpaths (4) access to river and Downs (3) spacious area (2) lots trees (1), privacy (1)
    2. Friendly area (18)
    3. Village events, societies and community spirit (11)
    4. Low density housing (5) Compton Conservation area, variety and character of the housing (6) no street lights (1), mostly off road parking (1),
    5. Good transport access in and out of parish roads, bus and station (13) good public transport (2)
    6. Playing fields and sports activities (5)
    7. Parish hall (3)
    8. Low crime (1), the school (1), proximity to Winchester (1)
    1. Friendly area 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 18
    2. Village events, societies and community spirit 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 11
    3. Sports activities and playing field 1+1+1+1+1 = 5
    4. Lots trees
    5. Footpaths1+1+1+1 =4
    6. Low density housing1+1+1+1+1=5
    7. Compton Conservation area, Variety of properties and character 1+1+1+1+1+1=6
    8. No street lights
    9. Good public transport1+1
    10. Rural area1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1= 27
    11. Access to river and Downs1+1+1 =3
    12. Mostly off road parking
    13. Privacy
    14. Spacious area1+1
    15. Good outside access Roads, bus, station 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=13
    16. Peaceful setting1+1+1+1+1+1 =6
    17. Low crime
    18. Parish Hall1+1+1=3
    19. The Primary School and its community
    20. Close to Winchester
  3. Summary of main dislikes:
    1. M3 Noise (26) and Aircraft noise (6)
    2. Inappropriate infilling (18)
    3. Parking chaos (11)
    4. Speeding traffic on main and minor roads (8)
    5. Spoilt verges by lorries (4)
    6. Litter (4)
    7. No shop (3)
    8. Poor roads condition (2)
    9. Park and Ride (2)
  4. Dislikes
    1. M3 noise 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 =26
    2. Inappropriate development, infilling1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 =18
    3. Parking chaos Village and station 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 =11
    4. Street lighting
    5. Speeding traffic on main and minor roads1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 8
    6. Aircraft noise1+1+1+1+1+1 =6
    7. Spoilt verges 1+1+1+1 =4
    8. Litter1+1+1+1 =4
    9. No shop1+1+1 =3
    10. Poor road condition1+1 =2
    11. Proposed Park and Ride1+1 =2
    12. Vandalism
    13. Lack of a community centre
    14. Reduced Post Office services
    15. Too many signs
    16. Electric gates1+1
    17. Lack of quality pub
    18. Cyclists and horses on footpaths
    19. Poorly maintained footpaths
    20. Poor public transport esp w/e
  5. Proposals for improvement
    1. Reduce motorway noise ( new tarmac) 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 9
    2. Controlling development 1+1+1+1+1+1+1=7
    3. Cycle route to Winchester + other routes ie Eastleigh 1+1+1+1+1=5
    4. Mobile shop, Coop Shop 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 5
    5. Community events1+1+1+1 = 4
    6. Improved parking (?Church Field) and at station1+1+1+1 = 4
    7. Play area in Shawford 1+1 =2
    8. New rector like PB 1+1 =2
    9. Timed street lighting in prime spots
    10. Better bus service
    11. More climbing frames
    12. No street lights
    13. Re route aircraft
    14. Parish newspaper
    15. Improve local roads
    16. Reduce traffic speed 1+1+1+1
    17. Displayed map of the Village
    18. No change
    19. Teenage activities
    20. Cheaper buses to Winchester for teenagers 1+1
    21. Community Parent pick ups form Winchester at night
    22. Proper pub1+1
    23. Better public transport 1+1+1
    24. Improve footpaths
    25. Longer station platform
    26. User friendly re-cycling 1+1+1
    27. Better acoustics in Parish Hall
    28. Bus Shelter facing South!
    29. More w/e trains