March 2006 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 7th March 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Playing Field

Mr. Gordon de la Mare, Secretary of the Sports Club, was in attendance to explain the problems that have arisen over the surface of the Memorial Playing field. It appears that the surface of the Football Pitches has become very uneven and undulating, so much so that it is thought to be difficult to play Football upon. Additionally, the cricket outfield has deteriorated to a point where it is considered to be the worst in the league. Initial quotations for remedial work in two stages on the playing field indicate a likely cost of £8,600-00 and £8,400-00 respectively. The Sports Club sections, i.e., Football section and Cricket section, are investigating possible sources of funding for this work which is hoped to commence before the end of August 2006. The Sports Club are not necessarily looking to the Parish Council to fund all of this work, but would appreciate a contribution towards the total cost. Some members considered that the Open Space Fund should be used but it is known that other members are strongly opposed to this. It was concluded that the Parish Council would consider the matter further once the Sports Club’s fundraising is determined. Additionally, the Sports Club are to obtain additional quotations for comparison purposes.

Park and Ride

Mr. Mark Hegan of the Shawford Residents Association was in attendance, wishing to know the current situation in respect of the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility, which is understood going to be located at Bushfield Farm. This proposed development is located in the “local gap”, something that was previously assured never to happen. However, within the Local District Plan, it has been stated that a South Winchester Park and Ride could be developed on the Bushfield Camp site, but this is understood to be more costly to pursue for Hampshire County Council. A meeting between the Parish Council and Hampshire County Council to discuss this issue is to be held on the 6th April 2006, and it is hoped that this will be an exchange of views rather than a briefing as to what Hampshire County Council will do. In the meantime, work continues on drawing up proposals for using an alternative site which would be less intrusive to the Parish.

Tree Preservation Orders

The issue of Tree Preservation Orders within the Parish was raised. It is understood that Tree Preservation Orders will only be instigated on a tree when there is a specific threat to that tree. It was felt that a review of all significant trees within the Parish should be undertaken with a view to obtaining Tree Preservation Orders upon them. This issue would be referred to the team undertaking the development of a Parish Plan as it was felt that such an issue would be ideally suited to such a plan.

Police Report

Police Constable Nigel Megson was in attendance and reported upon only one crime in the parish during the preceding month, which was the break-in at the Equipment Storage Shed at the Jubilee Pavilion. This involved the theft of a quantity of fuel together with a cricket bag containing some cricket gear. As part of the same crime, a lawn mower was stolen from Mr. Murray Macmillan, but this was later recovered. It is thought that this crime was linked to similar thefts at Humphries Farm, Twyford, where a quantity of diesel fuel was stolen.

Local Policing changes

PC Megson also referenced the new policing structure due to be implemented as from 1st April 2006. In essence, it is understood that police visibility within the Parish will be reduced, with reliance being placed upon Police Constable Mark Smith as being to sole point of contact.

Adult Care Provision

County Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported upon proposals to significantly reduce Adult Care Services in the district, such reductions being directly attributable to the lack of funds. It was commented that Hampshire County Council are spending some £40 million on new premises, such money could be better spent on maintaining the current level of Adult Care Services. Councillor Bailey advised that these issues are being examined by the Regulatory Committee and many questions would be raised.

Jubilee Pavilion

A quotation for clearing and tidying up the land surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park has been received. Further quotations are to be sought, but due to the difficulty in identifying a contractor for this type of work, it was suggested that the current Financial Regulations be suspended in this instance in order to progress with the single quotation. The matter will be reconsidered at the next Parish Council meeting should further quotations not be available.


Councillor Jean Millar reported upon CASCA and in particular the unfortunate need to cancel the planned Quiz Evening. Cancellation was necessary due to the lack of support for the event. Discussions suggested that the lack of support may be due to the many other events that have been organised recently. The Quiz had been very popular in previous years but perhaps now needs more active promotion, and it is hoped that with the development of new housing, new residents within the Parish might engender fresh enthusiasm for such events.

Village Spring Clean

Councillor Patricia Caffyn reported upon Highways and Byways issues, together with the forthcoming Village Spring Clean. Plastic Bags etc., have been received and it is hoped that there will be a good turn-out for this activity.