February 2006 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 7th February 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Park and Ride

During the session open to the Public, the issue of the proposed Park and Ride facility was raised. It was stated that more publicity covering this matter was needed to make local residents aware of the likely impact that the proposed facility will have on the Parish. Whilst originally there were some five potential sites considered, it is understood that Hampshire County Council have already determined that only the Bushfield Farm site is appropriate. This, despite the Public consultation process not having been started yet. As Hampshire County Council can give themselves the required Planning Permission to construct a Park and Ride facility at Bushfield Farm, the concern is that local residents will be presented with a “fait accompli” with no means of making meaningful objections. Winchester City Council will only be able to make comment and recommendations. It was therefore deemed necessary to substantiate the potential of alternative and less intrusive sites for a South Winchester Park and Ride facility. Work on this is currently being undertaken. Failure to submit an alternative proposal will, it is believed, result in the Bushfield Farm location being driven through or nothing. It is accepted that nothing is not acceptable. Representatives on Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council continue to exert pressure on the appropriate Departments to take into account the views of local Residents on this important issue.


County Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported that the broken stiles and fences along Footpath 18 have been removed. They will be replaced when the farmer resumes the grazing of stock on the adjacent land.

Station works

Councillor Patricia Caffyn had established the nature of the work currently being undertaken at Shawford Railway station. This work, commissioned by Network Rail, is purely refurbishment of the Station. There will be no extension of the platforms at the moment. The work is likely to take some three months, but is already running one month behind schedule.


Councillor Jeremy Dolphin reported on various Planning Applications. A planning Application concerning Shawford Goods Yard had just been submitted to Winchester City Council. This application was for the use of the yard as a storage facility, whereby storage containers could be rented for storage purposes. Concerns were expressed in respect of the likely traffic movement that such a facility would attract. The Planning Committee would examine the detail of the Planning Application and respond appropriately. It was pointed out that this proposal for Shawford Goods Yard may be more acceptable than other possible uses.

Parish Plan

Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported upon the initial discussions concerning the development of a Parish Plan/Village Design Statement. There had been significant enthusiasm for pursuing the development of such a plan expressed at the meetings with the various Residents Associations. Further discussions with clubs and societies within the Parish will ensue. It is hoped to launch the project at the Annual Parish Assembly in April 2006. Whilst this project is being initiated by the Parish Council, it is recognised that it must not be a Parish Council project, but must be a Community led project for the benefit of the Community.

Jubilee Pavilion Car Park

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on her site visit to the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park when discussions were held concerning the clearing and cleaning up of the land surrounding the Car Park. It had been determined that significant scrub clearance and reshaping of the mounds of earth was necessary so that future maintenance would only require rough mowing. Work on this issue will progress by the obtaining of quotations from appropriate contractors.

Councillor Shaw also advised that during her site inspection, significant amounts of rubbish and old equipment lying around the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park had been noticed. The clerk was instructed to write to the Sports Club requesting that the area be tidied.

Shawford Down

Councillor Patricia Caffyn reported that work on some scrub clearance on Shawford Down had commenced. A summary of Residents’ Comments on the management of Shawford Down had been prepared and submitted to the Countryside Services Department, Hampshire County Council. We are informed that this will be very useful in determining the priorities of the work to be done.

Refuse Collection changes

District Councillor George Beckett advised that the alternate weekly refuse and recycling collections will be implemented in the whole Parish this Summer.

Parish Council Annual Report

In advance of the Annual Parish Assembly due on the 26th April 2006, it was agreed that the Parish Council will produce its Annual Report for distribution to every household in the Parish. It is hoped that by this means, increased interest in the work of the Parish Council will be engendered within the Parish.