July 2005 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 5th July 2005, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

2003 Licensing Act

Mr. Nick Chadwick, Manager of the Bridge Hotel in Shawford, attended the meeting to state his position over the recently submitted Licensing Application for the Bridge Hotel, applying to remain open until 2-00am every day. The Licensing Application had been submitted by the Brewery who submitted a “blanket” application covering all of their Public Houses. This Application was submitted to the wrong Licensing Authority and will now have to be re-submitted to the Licensing Authority at Winchester City Council. Whilst the application requests permission to remain open for the purpose of selling alcohol until 2-00am, Mr. Chadwick has no intention of keeping the Public House open until that time. The nature of the business at the Bridge Hotel is primarily the serving of food which tends to cease at approximately 10-30pm each day. The selling of alcohol is purely ancillary to the selling of food and as such there would be no demand for keeping the Public House open until 2-00am.

Whilst the Parish Council are grateful to Mr. Chadwick for expressing his intentions, it was agreed that an objection should be lodged with the Licensing Authority, such objection requesting a limitation of opening hours to midnight every day, with the exception of New Years eve at which time a closing time of 1-00am would be acceptable. This action was felt to be necessary as any new Licence issued would be valid for ten years and Mr. Chadwick may move on and be replaced with a Manager who views the business of the Bridge Hotel differently.

Aircraft Routeing

District Councillor Murray MacMillan reported on issues relating to Southampton Airport. A new trial period for routing aircraft into and out of Southampton Airport is commencing. This new routing will take the aircraft to the east of the City of Winchester. Written details of this new Trial period are awaited. Councillor MacMillan emphasised the need to raise any complaints in writing to the Airport Authorities.

Shawford Down

Significant discussion concerning the management of Shawford Down was held. Recent correspondence with the Countryside Service, Hampshire County Council, who are responsible for managing the Down, has only resulted in confirmation that Hampshire County Council do not have sufficient budgets for the satisfactory management of the Down. A meeting with the Countryside Service is to be held later this month, but this is not expected to significantly improve the situation. Accordingly, County Councillor Charlotte Bailey is to raise the matter with County Councillor Margaret Snaith, the executive member for Recreation and Heritage at Hampshire County Council. It was felt essential that the whole issue of managing the Down should be escalated to the highest levels possible in order to ensure the Down is managed properly.


The clerk reported upon a successful Internal Audit of the Parish Council’s Accounts, Records and Procedures. The recent change in Internal Auditor has resulted in the Parish Council being properly audited for the first time in many years. This will give Parish Councillors and Parishioners the necessary assurance that all is in order with the administration of the Parish Council.

Jubilee Pavilion

Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on the issues surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion. At long last, the outstanding snags with the construction have finally been resolved and the final retention monies will shortly be paid to Wilding Butler Construction Ltd., in settlement of all their work.

The first phase of extending the Car Park has been completed. Unfortunately, despite the Car Park being cordoned off whilst the new surfaces settled, certain members of the Tennis Club decided to remove the cordon barriers and drive onto the Car Park before the surface had settled. It was most disappointing that these members should do this and the Parish Council were grateful to the Contractor who repaired the damage caused.

Memorial Playing Field

The construction of the third Tennis Court is progressing: completion is expected in approximately five weeks time.

Significant problems were encountered when numerous water pipes and electrical cables were found whilst digging out the foundations of the new Tennis Court. The Parish Council expressed their thanks to Councillor Nick Campbell-White and Councillor John Richardson for their work in resolving these issues.

Discussions were held on a letter received from a Parishioner who complained about the proposed location of the proposed Cricket Nets to be installed in the northeast corner of the Memorial Playing Field. Some of the assumptions in this letter were factually incorrect and some of the concerns about access to the footpath from the Memorial Playing Field to Cliff Way were ill founded. It had been concluded that there would be no suitable alternative for the location of the proposed Cricket Nets and the Parish Council has not changed its view on this.

Antique Clock

Cllr. J.Millar raised the matter of possibly selling the ancient clock that does not work and which is currently located in the Heathcote Room, Shawford Parish Hall. Whilst this had been considered before, the matter will again be investigated by firstly obtaining a valuation.

Parking in Shawford

Councillor P.Caffyn raised various matters in respect of Car Parking in Shawford Village, which will be referred to the appropriate Highways Authority.