January 2005 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 4th January 2005, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Police Report

Police Constable Mark Smith reported upon a major issue of concern. This was the large amount of Graffiti that appeared over the Christmas holiday at the entrance of Shepherds Down School, in the M3 underpass and in the Bus Shelter opposite Shepherds Lane. The nature of the Graffiti was considered particularly offensive and appeared to be targeted at the pupils of Shepherds Down School. The cost of cleaning off this graffiti is significant, but the Parish Council has made the arrangements for its immediate cleaning of property which is the responsibility of the Parish Council. The suspected culprits are understood to be known to the Police who are progressing their investigations.


During the session concerning transport, it was reported that the Bus Service into and out of Compton Village is operating more to the timetable as a result of Complaints made by the Parish Council. No further complaints about this service have been received to-date. With regard to the new timetable for the Trains into and out of Shawford Station, it was reported that there has been some significant improvement. However, it was also requested that should any Parishioner have further complaints, such complaints should be e-mailed to the Shawford Rail User Group at the e-mail address for use in their very constructive dialogue with Southwest Trains.

Itchen Navigation

The matter of the Itchen Navigation overflowing its banks at the Malms was raised. It is understood that this is caused to a significant extent by the Navigation being overgrow by vegetation. It is the Department of the Environment’s responsibility to cut back such vegetation and Cllr Tom Threlfall will contact them to get the matter rectified and to emphasise the Council’s interest in maintaining a good flow in the navigation.

Pavilion Car Park

Extensive discussion took place with regard to the proposal to extend the Car Park at the Jubilee Pavilion. The original Parish Council proposal on this matter has been withdrawn, as it appears that the Sports Club misunderstood the proposals and a local resident was also unhappy. Whilst the Parish Council do not wish to impose an unacceptable solution, certain restrictions on a possible proposal were documented in preparation for the Public Meeting at which the Sports Club and local Residents may put forward their views and proposals. This Public meeting will be arranged shortly and an ad hoc committee of four Parish Councillors under the Chairmanship of Councillor George Beckett will consider the matter further. Until that Public Meeting, the members of the ad hoc committee are keeping an open mind regarding a solution of this matter.

Finance and Administration Committee

The recently invoiced excessive charge imposed upon the Parish Council by the Audit Commission in respect of the External Auditor Fees for the financial year 2003 to 2004, has been successfully resisted. The External Auditor has now agreed to reduce his fees to a level more appropriate to this Parish Council.

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon the extensive work undertaken by the Clerk and the Finance and Administration Committee in respect of finalising the new Financial Regulations governing the finance of the Parish Council. The new Financial Regulations were adopted by the Parish Council and will adequately serve the Parish Council for many years to come. An issue that arose out of these deliberations was the question of Disaster Recovery, a matter that will be addressed in the coming months.


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon the Parish Council’s representations at the Planning Development Control Committee meeting, Winchester City Council, which considered the Planning Application concerning Beechcroft, Compton Street, Compton. The Parish Council’s objections were overruled and permission was granted. It was unfortunate that there were no other of the many objectors to this Planning Application in attendance at the meeting to make their objections heard.

Memorial Playing Field

Cllr. Mary Shaw’s proposal to install cricket nets at the Memorial Playing Field has met with a setback. The selected provider, having had their quotation accepted, advised the Parish Council that they had made an error in the quotation and therefore could not provide the Cricket Nets at the cost quoted. The difference being so significant necessitates the Playing Field Management Committee to start again and obtain three current quotations for the provision of the facility.

Victoria Jubilee Memorial

Cllr. Patricia Caffyn reported upon the progress in the project to refurbish the Victorian Jubilee Memorial in Shawford Village. The local residents are now happy with the proposed Tree works, covering the trees currently surrounding the Memorial and this work will now be progressed. A further quotation from an appropriate craftsmen to do the refurbishment work is being sought.