December 2004 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 7th December 2004, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Refuse Collection

There was some discussion concerning the alternate week refuse collection scheme, which Winchester City Council is currently piloting in the Southdown area of the Parish. It is understood that the trial scheme is running smoothly and there have been no objections or representations made to the Parish Council by the affected householders. It was commented that should there be any objections or complaints, such representations could be made to the Parish Council for collective representations to be made to Winchester City Council. It was pointed out that any objection or complaint would have to be significant in order for Winchester City Council to change their plans.

Train timetables

It was reported that new train timetables have been introduced covering trains into and out of Shawford railway station. It was stated that there are significant improvements for the Commuters, but there had also been a reduction in service for Schoolchildren and Students travelling to Winchester. Particularly affected are the Schoolchildren travelling to and from Peter Symonds College. It is understood that due to the change in timetables, such children now have approximately one hour to wait before being able to get a suitable train home. The Parish Council has not been directly involved in negotiations over the new timetable and, to-date, the Parish Council have not received any complaints or representations. However, should the Parish Council receive such representations on this matter, then the Parish Council will be in a position to enter into meaningful and constructive discussions with the appropriate authorities on behalf of the residents of Compton and Shawford and hopefully secure further improvements in service.

Jubilee Pavilion – Car Park

Extensive discussions took place on the issue of the Parish Council’s plans to rectify problems with the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park, together with plans for its extension. It appears that what was thought to have been previously agreed with the Sports Club and adjacent neighbours of the Jubilee Pavilion, is now understood not to have been agreed. Correspondence from the Sports Club indicates that they had inadvertently misled the Parish Council in their agreement to the plans. Consequently, the project had to be cancelled just as the contractor was due to start his work. To resolve this unfortunate situation, the Parish Council has established an “ad hoc” committee to hold a Public meeting at which all interested parties can make their views known and to agree upon plans that will meet with the wishes of the Sports Club, immediate Neighbours and the Parish Council. The net result of this is further delay in resolving the Car Park issues at the Jubilee Pavilion.


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported upon various Planning Applications. The proposed development of a single dwelling at Shepherds Grove, Shepherds Lane, received the support of the Parish Council. Proposals, by the developer of Mountain Ash, Tilden Road, to erect a 2.4mtr. high by 12mtr. long advertising hoarding overlooking the M3 motorway is of concern. Councillor George Beckett in his capacity as District Councillor will be making a “Members Enquiry” with the Planning Department, Winchester City Council, to ensure that the Highways Agency are aware of this proposal. It is thought that such advertising over a Motorway is illegal.

Local Area Design Statement

The subject of a “Local Area Design Statement for Compton Down” being pursued by Winchester City Council was discussed at length. It is recognised that such a planning document will be vital in future deliberations concerning Development Planning in the Compton Down area. Also, it was agreed that such Planning documents will also be essential for other areas of the Parish. Consequently, the Parish Council agreed to fully support the initiative for Compton Down and to endeavour to take a leading role in the project. The resultant “Local Area Design Statement for Compton Down” could eventually form one section of an overall document encompassing the whole Parish. Accordingly, it is proposed that initial work will focus on Compton Down and at a later date that work will be expanded to cover Southdown, Shawford and Compton Street.

Annual Spring Clean

Councillor Patricia Caffyn advised the meeting that the annual Village Spring Clean is due to take place on the 13th March 2005. It is hoped that as many volunteers as possible will take part.

Bushfield Camp

Requests made by Badger Farm Parish Council, for Compton and Shawford Parish Council to erect a “Kissing Gate” on the Parish Boundary to prevent Trial Bikes accessing areas of Bushfield Camp, were discounted. It is understood that the problem had arisen due to a resident of Badger Farm Parish complaining about the Trial Bikes accessing Bushfield Camp just next to his property. The land in question is owned by the Church Commissioners, who, it is understood, have refused to take any action on the matter. As this is not a Public Footpath, this Parish Council sees no obligation to involve itself in a dispute between a resident of another Parish and a private Landowner.