November 2004 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 2nd November 2004, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett started the meeting by welcoming Councillor Tom Threlfall back to the Parish Council following his recent illness.

Motorway Noise

Whilst discussing County Councillor Ann Bailey’s report on the M3 motorway noise issue, Councillor Patricia Caffyn advised that in her role as Chairman of Governors of Shepherds Down School, she had been in discussion with the Department of Transport about erecting Noise Barriers along the western side of the motorway to protect the School and surrounding fields. The noise from the motorway is a serious problem, especially for autistic children and any support that the Parish Council can give in this respect would be gratefully received. It was pointed out that Noise Barriers on the western side of the motorway would possibly accentuate the noise on the eastern side of the motorway, which would impact the residential areas there. It was felt that an in depth analysis of the effect of noise Barriers would have to be undertaken before the Parish Council could take a position on this specific issue.

Bus Service

Councillor Joanne Ford submitted various complaints received from residents of Compton village concerning the Bus Service. It is understood that sometimes the Bus service did not run according to the timetable and that passengers were left without the expected transport. The matter is to be investigated further through Hampshire County Council who awarded the franchise to Stagecoach for this service and the question of the subsidies being paid to Stagecoach for a service which is not in accordance with the franchise, will be raised.

Itchen Navigation

Councillor Tom Threlfall reported upon the water levels in the Itchen Navigation. The quoted 60% and 40% distribution of water between the Navigation and the river is understood to be very approximate; as there appears to be no way that accurate distribution can be made. With the advent of the Meads Project, the water in the Navigation is further under threat. It was considered that the Parish Council can do very little on this issue other than continue to make representations to the Department of the Environment and monitor the situation.

Pavilion Bottle Bank

The question of installing a Bottle Bank in the car park at the Jubilee Pavilion was discussed at some length. This was a facility requested by the Sports Club and questions were raised as to whether such a facility was intended for the benefit of the community as a whole or whether it would be purely for the benefit of the Sports Club, being tenants of the Jubilee Pavilion. The problem envisaged is the accumulation of additional rubbish and litter that usually appears around a facility such as a Bottle Bank. At present, Winchester City Council is unable to provide a suitable Bottle Bank, but by a narrow margin the Parish Council voted to pursue the proposal, providing that the Sports Club undertakes to keep the area free from rubbish and litter.


Under Planning issues, the question of the Parish Council embarking upon the production of a “Village Design Statement” / “Parish Plan” was again raised. Councillor Jean Millar is intending to speak with Mrs Mary Davies who had initiated such a Plan for Otterbourne Parish. It is understood that a significant amount of work is involved in the production of such Statements/Plans and numerous volunteers outside the Parish Council would be required to do the work. Failure to have such a Village Design Statement/Parish Plan would preclude this Parish from achieving “Quality Status”. Additionally, if the resultant document were not endorsed by Winchester City Council, the whole exercise would be a waste of time and effort, as the plan could not be “adopted” for planning guidance.

Playing Field

The proposal for developing a BMX cycle track for the youth of the Parish, on the northeastern piece of scrubland to adjacent to the Memorial Playing Field continued to be expounded by Councillor Mary Shaw. Whilst it was conceded that there were currently no other plans for this piece of land and the cost of the proposal could be met out of the Open Space Fund, it was also acknowledged that there was not a universal support for the proposal within the Parish Council. The previously requested in depth survey to establish the needs of the youth of the Parish, together with an indication of possible usage of such a facility must be undertaken in order to support such a proposal. Additionally, it was questioned whether other elements of the Parish should be considered in preference to providing more facilities to Children and Youth. The ongoing survey being conducted by Councillors Mary Shaw and Joanne Ford will hopefully clarify this matter.