April 2003 PC Meeting Report

Report on the April Meeting
Tuesday 1st April 2003, Shawford Parish Hall

New Pavilion

The main issue that was addressed at this month’s Parish Council meeting was the signing of the new Sports Club Lease and consequently approving the acceptance of the Sport England grant contribution towards the cost of building the new Sports Pavilion on the Memorial Playing Field.

After extensive work by Councillor Adrian Walmsley, in conjunction with the Parish Council’s Solicitor, Mr. John Steel of White and Bowker, agreement was achieved with the Sports Club on the details of the new Lease. Accordingly, the Parish Council meeting was suspended and the new Lease formally signed by both the Parish Council and the Sports Club. This left the way open for the Parish Council to formally accept the generous grant contribution from Sport England for Lottery Funding of the project. The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s gratitude to all parties who have worked tirelessly on this issue for many months, which has resulted in the pleasing position whereby the Parish Council can now move forward in realising the objectives of the new Pavilion project in the coming few months. It is planned that construction of the new pavilion will commence on the 19th May 2003, with construction taking 29 weeks.

It was confirmed that when contractors commence their building activities, the new access to the site will be established as the first step. This to ensure that there will be minimal construction traffic using Shepherds Lane and thereby causing problems especially at the junction with the entrance road to Shepherds Down School.


In a written report, Councillor Tom Threlfall reported that the Department of the Environment will be attending to the repairs of the embankment on the Itchen Navigation, thereby stopping the extensive flooding across the meadows below the Malms.


Significant discussion on planning matters took place, especially in respect of the Planning Application for the development of 14 dwellings on land to the rear of “The Merries” and “Ballakitch”, Highways Road. The previous Planning Application for this site was for 8 dwellings, but it is understood that this was withdrawn on the advice of Planning Officers at Winchester City Council on the grounds that 8 dwellings was deemed to be insufficiently dense. Higher densities would be more acceptable to the Planners. Consequently, the latest application for 14 dwellings meets with the Planning Officers recommendations and therefore it is difficult to envisage any grounds for refusal for reasons of density. The Parish Council will be responding to this Planning Application in that it is considered to be of too higher density for the size of plot, not in keeping with the surrounding area and will suffer from excessive noise from the M3 motorway and therefore not suitable for such high density residential dwellings.

Councillor Martin Bell also advised that the long awaited Planning Application for Longacre had not as yet been submitted to the Planning Authority. However, it is thought the this application will be for two buildings containing numerous flats. Again, this sort of development is thought not to be in keeping with the surrounding area, but until detailed proposals are published the Parish Council can only maintain a watching brief. The appropriate Residents Association is fully aware of the possible proposals.

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on further incidents of graffiti appearing on the new Children’s Play Equipment in the Compton Street Play Area, together with incidents of “rowdy behaviour”. Councillor Shaw also reported that the first grass cutting of the season on both Playing Fields had been completed.

Bus Shelter

Councillor Celia Simmons reported on progress of the installation of a new Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. Funding for this project was in place and it is now necessary to determine precisely the type of shelter that is required. Consultations with the Compton Tenants Association will take place in order to determine this.

Village Spring Clean

Councillor Simmons also advised that the Village Spring Clean will take place on 11th May 2003. Notices to this effect, giving details and calling for volunteers, will be displayed on the village notice boards.

Annual Parish Assembly

Preparations for the Annual Parish Assembly to be held on Wednesday 30th April 2003 are well under way. Councillor Adrian Walmsley had done an excellent job in compiling a “Newsletter” which will be distributed to every household in the Parish. As in previous years, this “Newsletter” outlines the activities of the Parish Council over the past twelve months and serves as a useful information document, which will make the Annual Parish Assembly a more informative meeting.