February 2002 PC Meeting Report

Report on the February Meeting
Tuesday 5th February 2002 Shawford Parish Hall

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Ann Bailey advised that invitations were available to anybody whose 50th birthday fell on 6th February, to a Garden Party hosted by the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire to mark the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Another tranche of money was available to assist towards Teacher Housing in Hampshire. Mrs. Bailey also mentioned the issue of the proposed South Downs National Park and her desire to include Shawford Down in that proposal, a Green Paper concerning planning and a meeting concerning education where it was learnt that more money is to be made available for Nursery Education.

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on the Winchester District Local Plan, where officers were collecting nearly 3000 replies for the consultation exercise. Even though the Parish Council reply was late, all comments made would still be added to the database and taken into account. She reported on the South Downs National Park, saying that Winchester City Council could not see that the proposals presented any advantage in terms of democratic accountability and representation, there was insufficient information on budgetary or resource implications, and if Planning controls were removed from Winchester City Council in the proposed Park area, Winchester City Council might not have the ability to maintain a full range of planning and other services elsewhere. She also covered tourism, as affected our area, the Community Safety Audit and the recent green paper on planning – “Delivering a Fundamental Change”.

Finance & Admin subcommittee

Councillor George Beckett reported on the work of the Finance and Administration Sub-committee. This gave rise to extensive discussion on the proposals to resurface the existing Tennis Courts on the Memorial Playing Field, together with the proposals to build a third Court as requested by the Tennis Club.

Jubilee Celebrations

Councillor Beckett also reported on plans for celebration of the Queens Golden Jubilee. Agreement was unanimously reached that the Parish Council would underwrite the cost of the extensive Celebrations on the Memorial Playing Fields on Saturday 1st June 2002, which are being organised by Judy Harris who heads a Committee under the auspices of the Parish Council. It was noted that the question of Public Liability Insurance for such an event had been researched by the Clerk and was found to be acceptable.

New Pavilion subcommittee

Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on progress of the New Pavilion Project. The necessary Planning Permission application had been submitted to Winchester City Council, Planning Department. As part of a Fund Raising activity, an Auction of Promises is to take place on the 23rd of February in Shawford Village Hall. The required 75 auction items had already been committed and promised to be an entertaining and well-supported event. Tickets are still available.

Discussion took place on the question of escalating costs of the New Pavilion Project and the (supposedly) increased funding that may be asked of the Parish Council. Whilst Councillors were concerned about this aspect of the project, it was considered far too early to be precise in what may or may not be requested from the Parish Council. The outcome of the Lottery application, the success of the fund raising initiatives and Tenders for the work had all yet to be established. Needless to say, this matter is being closely monitored.

Memorial Playing Field subcommittee

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on the Public Meeting held on Friday 1st February, to discuss the new Children’s Play Equipment to be installed in the Compton Street Play Area. Whilst only three Parishioners attended the meeting, it was established that additional “Junior Swings” are required. Additionally, requests for renovation of the Football pitch and the provision of Basket- ball facilities were received. These latter two issues will be looked at separately from the Play Equipment issue.

New Code of Conduct

Despite requests to adopt the New Code of Conduct, relating to the conduct of Parish Councillors when undertaking their Parish Council Duties, it was decided that further clarification of certain elements of the code was needed prior to formally adopting the Code. To this end, representatives of the Parish Council will be attending the Training Sessions organised by Winchester City Council for all Parishes.

Proposed South Downs National Park

Discussions concerning the proposed South Downs National Park resulted in the agreement that the Parish Council can see no benefit in such a proposal. The proposed area of this National Park is considered to be too wide and can only serve to add another layer of bureaucracy to the administration of the area. In respect of planning issues, the proposal is seen as one that can only be detrimental to the region. The current suggestion is that the National Park Planning Officer should be appointed, and not elected by local Councils covering the proposed area.

As a result of the views expressed by Councillors, it was generally accepted that this Parish Council could not support County Councillor Ann Bailey’s desire to include Shawford Down within the South Downs National Park.