December 2001 PC Meeting Report

Report on the December Meeting
Tuesday 4th December 2001, Shawford Parish Hall

The Chairman, Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White welcomed Mrs Jude Vallis as a new Councillor who was co-opted onto the Parish Council at the Last meeting. Whilst it was originally considered that Councillor Vallis would assume the Sub-committee responsibilities of Mr. Stuart Jennings who resigned in August, it was thought to be preferable that Councillor Vallis should serve on the Highways and Byways Sub-committee and the Playing Fields Management Sub-committee. Consequently, Councillor Tom Threlfall assumes sole responsibility for Footpaths within the Parish and Mr Eric Sealey will support him.

District Councillor’s report

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on the proposed South Downs National Park, The Malms redevelopment, the Winchester District Local Plan and the M3 Noise Protest group.

Considerable discussion on the subject of the South Downs National Park initiative took place with views being expressed of likely rising property prices, restricted development within the Park and pressure on development in areas adjacent to the Park.

In respect of the M3 Noise Protest, significant work is being undertaken in collating submissions concerning this subject, preparatory to producing a progress report, which will be distributed to every household in the Parish. Transcripts of the very successful meeting held on the 8th November can be made available to interested Parishioners at a modest cost.

Highways and Byways

Councillor Mrs. Celia Simmons reported upon her investigations into the proposal of “walking busses”. It appears that many parents of children attending Compton Primary School are enthusiastic about such a concept. The subject is to be pursued in consultation with the Head Teacher


Councillor Simmons also reported upon her attendance at the Annual Parish Transport Representatives Meeting, convened by Hampshire County Council. It was pleasing to note that Compton and Shawford are not too badly off, compared to other Parishes, when considering the frequency of Bus Services. However, it was made evident that the Bus Companies have difficulty in recruiting and retaining Bus drivers in the Winchester Area due to the high cost of housing.

Compton Lock

Councillor Mr. Tom Threlfall reported upon work that had been undertaken on the Compton Lock and Itchen Navigation by Twyford Parish Council. The dividing line of responsibility runs through the Centre of Compton Lock. The Twyford side has been refurbished which now makes the Compton side look in need of attention. To this end, the Parish Council has agreed to some small expenditure to tidy up the Compton side of this amenity.


Considerable discussion took place in respect of the Winchester District Local Plan and the Urban Capacity Study. Whilst correspondence with Winchester City Council has taken place, the answers given have not always satisfied the Parish Council’s concerns. As a result, further enquiries are to be made to obtain clarification. In the meantime, copies of the correspondence to date will be circulated to the various Residents Associations within the Parish to assist them in determining any submissions they feel necessary.

New Pavilion

Councillor Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported on the progress of the New Pavilion Project, and obtained the Parish Council’s approval for proceeding with the obtaining of Planning Permission for the current proposed New Pavilion. The inclusion of the new Tennis Court in this application was discussed, and the fact that Planning Permission was already held for this indicated that it need not be included in the present Application. This is being reviewed with a view for it to be included at a later date if found to be necessary.

Council business

With the first Tuesday in the month of January 2002 falling on 1st January 2002, a bank holiday, it was unanimously agreed to hold the next meeting on 8th January 2002.