April 1999 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 6 April with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

Twyford Lock

Reported that the Twyford Meads Committee had invited the Mayor of the City of Winchester to visit Twyford Meads on 12 April to view the reproduction of the medieval irrigation system on 12 acres of land, which scheme had attracted grant monies.

The agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting

was agreed and it was decided that according to the Council’s normal practice it be distributed to each household in the parish about 10 days in advance of the meeting.

Planning Permission

has been granted for the parish hall boundary landscaping scheme following negotiations between Cllr NJ Campbell-White and the City Planning Department.

Planning Application re Meadow Barn, Shepherds Lane.

Decided that the Council oppose this application for an extension annexe on grounds of objection to new residential development. in the countryside.

Gang mowing.

Reported that the contract with Artel Services had been renewed for grass cutting at the same costs as last year in respect of the Memorial Playing Field and Children’s Playground.

New pavilion project update.

Following the commitment given at the January Parish Council meeting to provide detailed information about the plans for the new pavilion, a document was approved for distribution to each parish household, setting out the history of events concerning this project, together with design diagrams, cost estimates and sources of funding.

Sports Club Licence.

The Parish Council had hoped to have signed a new licence with the Sports Club by now which would cover the terms of usage of the new pavilion. As the new licence had not yet been finalised, and following the resolution passed at the March Parish Council meeting, the notice to terminate the previous licence with effect from March 31st was withdrawn. The previous Licence will now continue until 31 March 2000 unless the Sports Club and Parish Council jointly agree to terminate it at an earlier date, presumably to be superseded by a new licence.

Provision of speed humps – Compton Street.

Following a letter from a resident and a review of deliberations on this issue in 1991 and 1992, it was decided to raise the matter at the Annual Parish Meeting and obtain views of Compton Village residents and of Compton Tenants’ Association.

Winchester District Local Plan-Providing for Housing Requirements.

It was decided to consult Compton Tenants’ Association about the provision of housing at the end of Martins Fields, which would involve the removal of the land from Countryside Status. Depending on the results of those consultations, the Parish Council may then raise the matter with Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society.

Overhanging trees/bushes obstructing pavement – Otterbourne Road.

Further inspection to take place within the next week and remedial action taken by HCC soon after.

Bus shelter requirement opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.

A parishioner had offered to provide information on usage to enable the Parish Council to build a case for a shelter. The Parish Council is still waiting for details..

Romanse Project (Bus Signs).

Final testing to take place within the next month following rectification of communication problems between vehicles and bus stops.

Traffic calming – Otterbourne Road.

Letter to be sent to County Cllr Mrs Ann Bailey pointing out that only one of the seven actions that had been discussed with Mr J Soutar, HCC, had been effected, and asking that she please follow up the outstanding six matters with a view early completion.

Wayside Cross – Shawford Down.

Following completion of work with tree felling elsewhere, it was reported that HCC Rangers will attend to weeding at the Wayside Cross within the next few weeks.


Following consideration of five quotations, it was agreed to order 2 double noticeboards on two oak posts, including hand carved lettering and free delivery, from Harry Stebbing for the sum of £1375. With installation costs of £425, the total will be £1800 of which £500 will be paid by anticipated grant.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
14 April 1999