PC subcommittees for 1998

Subcommittee Members – convenor first Responsibilities

Finance and admin

Tony Lockett
Adrian Walmsley
Ken Staunton

Budget and precept
Clerk’s and other wages
Office equipment, stationery, insurance
Appoint Responsible Financial Officer.
Standing orders and adherence to accounting regulations.

Playing Field Management

Ray Wilmshurst
Tony Lockett
David Ellis

Maintenance and improvement of facilities, play equipment, trees and plants, pitches.

New pavilion

Adrian Walmsley
Nick Campbell-White
Ken Staunton

Work with Sports Club on new lease/license terms which will permit grant eligibility while preserving Parish interests. Ensure Parish Council are briefed on progress and parishioners are kept informed. Target grant application before end of summer 1998.

Parish Hall

Nick Campbell-White
Jean Millar
Tom Threlfall

Running and maintenance of Parish Hall until transfer to CASCA, work with CASCA on design of improvements to agreed budget, Manage handover to CASCA.


Jean Millar
Nick Campbell-White
Tom Threlfall
Ron Whitaker

Monitor planning applications affecting the Parish. Make sure affected neighbours are aware of applications. Advise City Council planners of PC objections as appropriate. Review District Plan.

Highways, Byways and Environment

Ron Whitaker
David Ellis
Ken Staunton

The Down, Footpaths, RUPPs & BOATs.
Road Signs, street lighting, traffic safety, speed limits, M3, parking, bus shelters,
Waste management, Clean-up days.


Ray Wilmshurst

Planning for commemoration of the Millennium in the Parish. Consult with other bodies and co-opt as necessary.

Representatives to various bodies

Transport (elect)

Michael Eyre


David Ellis

Tree Warden

Tom Threlfall

Sports Club

David Ellis


Tom Threlfall

School Governor

Ray Wilmshurst

Winchester District Assn of Parish Councils

Nick Campbell-White

Hampshire Waste – environmental liaison group

Ron Whitaker

Community Action (Hampshire)

Nick Campbell-White

Winchester Rural District Welfare Trust


CASCA Hall committee

Jean Millar, Nick Campbell-White

Contact details for Parish Council

Adrian Walmsley (chairman)

Nick Campbell-White
(vice chairman)

Dennis Richman (clerk)

David Ellis

Tony Lockett

Jean Millar

Tom Threlfall

Ken Staunton

Ron Whitaker

Ray Wilmshurst

Parishioners should feel free to contact the appropriate councillor directly, using this list of responsibilities but please note that formal correspondence to the Parish Council should be addressed to the Clerk

Parish Magazine, June 1998

[editor’s note:  contact details have been redacted]


Guidance for Subcommittee Convenors

(first drafted June 95)

This Parish Council has no standing orders except for the one concerning public participation passed on 6 January 1998 and the financial ones below.

In case of doubt we use the sample standing orders published by the NALC.

Guidance for Councillors and Convenors


Frequency and location to be agreed by convenors and members

Authority of subcommittees

In general, subcommittees have power to act within their sphere of responsibility.

Subcommittees should make recommendations to the full council on policy decisions and any other actions which would permanently affect the fabric of the village.

In cases where policy-type decisions are needed before the next full Council meeting, the convenor should attempt to contact a majority of councillors, one of whom should be the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, to agree a course of action.

Reports to full council

If at all possible, to be submitted in writing before PC meetings, preferably in time for the Clerk to distribute with the meeting notices. Verbal reports acceptable when no significant business to report.

The convenor should not read his report verbatim.

The report should highlight issues which the full council should vote on.


At least half the subcommittee

PC Chairman’s attendance

The Chairman is an ex-officio member of every subcommittee but will not usually attend meetings.

When attending a meeting in ex-officio capacity, the Chairman will not vote.


The current financial standing orders say that, within a subcommittee’s budget, for items under £200 no competitive tendering is required. Up to £500 two quotes must be obtained, and up to £1000 three quotes. Expenditure above this limit should be referred to the full council.


Formal correspondence concerning the business of the Council should be signed by the clerk.

  1. when the clerk sends out a letter on behalf of the council, he will note on the file copy the name of the councillor(s) who drafted and reviewed the letter, and/or a reference to the minute authorising the letter.
  2. under the “details of correspondence” item at each meeting, the clerk will circulate copies of letters sent as well as those received during the month.

Common sense should apply here. For policy statements it is appropriate that the authority for letters be recorded and that they be signed by the clerk. If you are simply confirming an appointment, for example, it makes more sense to sign a letter personally.

When in doubt, review a letter with at least one other councillor and/or consider including a phrase such as “subject to confirmation by the full council”.


Convenors may invite non-members (including non-Councillors) to subcommittee meetings. They may co-opt people onto the subcommittee subject to confirmation by the full council.


Generally, subcommittees have been able to agree on a course of action without a formal vote. If a vote is requested by any member, it shall be taken and the subcommittee report shall record the number of votes for and against.

Subcommittee structure

The subcommittee may make recommendations to the full council about its own structure, responsibilities, membership

Last updated by Adrian Walmsley 29 January 1999