May 1998 PC Meeting Report

The Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council was held on 5 May 1998, when Mr AD Walmsley was unanimously re-elected Chairman and Mr NJ Campbell-White unanimously re-elected Vice-Chairman. Subcommittees were reappointed – details are in a table in the Parish Magazine.

Public questions.

Questions and submissions from members of the public included whether there was an alternative plan for a lease on the Memorial Playing Field, progress of measures regarding fouling by dogs and the Village Design Statement by the Countryside Commission, which were responded to.


Footpath 23 (between the railway and M3) This path was impassable on 19 April due to its being deep in mud and cattle excrement. The matter had been the subject of a strongly worded letter to the Parish Paths Officer, HCC.

Duties and Services of Local Police.

It was agreed to write to the Chief Constable expressing appreciation and thanks for all the hard and useful work carried out in the area by PC Clive Barham, particularly his regular reports in the Parish Magazine and the recent Report of the Compton and Shawford Community Safety & Security Survey 1997.

Proposed closure of Twyford Sub-Fire Station.

Cllr NJ Campbell-White to attend a meeting of local Parish Councils, convened by Twyford PC. As Compton & Shawford was not one of the parishes listed on the fire-station’s leaflet, before deciding whether to support objections to the closure, it was agreed to write to Hampshire Fire and Rescue Services seeking clarification about whether fire appliances in Otterbourne Road and the village of Compton currently come from Twyford or from Eastleigh.

Trees and grass cutting.

Three dead trees at the Memorial Playing Field have been replaced by two Cherry and one Sorbus at a cost of £96.00 plus VAT, and a contract agreed for mowing and strimming of the former M3 surplus land, adjoining the Memorial Playing Field, four times per season for the sum of £240.00 plus VAT.

Compton Street children’s playground.

Fencing is to be removed and replaced with new 1.8m high galvanised chainlink and repairs to gates carried out for the sum of £303.02 plus VAT. A notice erected at the playground to deter older youths from outside the village had caused concern to local residents. The notice is to be removed for consultation over a revised form of wording.

Sports Club negotiations re new lease and proposed pavilion.

Still in negotiation but the Sports Club are to submit draft proposals by 9 May for a revised constitution providing for greater community involvement. We welcome the personal interest being taken by new Sports Club chairman and hope to make substantial progress.

Parish Hall Refurbishment/CASCA matters.

CASCA need to know what budget they have to work to on the refurbishment project before proceeding with the lease of the hall. The Finance subcommittee is to meet with the Parish Hall subcommittee and put forward a financial plan for consideration at the June Parish Council meeting.

Traffic calming and parking.

A meeting is to be arranged with HCC to discuss traffic calming measures for the parish and parking on the road at Shawford.

Parish notice boards.

Because of the expense of continually repairing vandalised noticeboards, it was agreed to seek parishioners’ views about the removal of one more of the 7 notice boards.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
12 May 1998