April 1998 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 7 April with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair and Mrs Jean Ferrington deputising for the clerk who was recovering from minor surgery.

Parking on the road at Shawford

Concerns about the speed of traffic on the road from Twyford and the parking situation opposite the Bridge Hotel were raised by several parishioners during the public session. It was agreed to invite a speaker from the County Council to address the May meeting of the Parish Council on possible solutions to the problem, and to ask the County Council to carry out a traffic speed survey.

County Councillor’s Report

Cllr A E Bailey reported that because of the success of the MRF (Material Recycling Facility) in the old Otterbourne Incinerator in Poles Lane, additional recycling capacity would be needed. She hoped that the County Council would shortly agree to a new, larger, MRF on a site near the M27 which would help to stem the growth of traffic to the Otterbourne MRF.

District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Mrs Campbell-White reported that the City Council had agreed to spend £20,000 of the funds already set aside for their millennium project on a feasibility study of recreational options for Bushfield Camp.

Transport Representative’s Report

Grp Captain Dawson will be advertising in the May Parish Magazine for volunteers to help with his survey of aircraft overflying the parish in preparation for his meeting with the Managing Director of the Airport later in the summer.

Trees and Footpaths.

Cllr Threlfall reported that despite the recent high winds, all footpaths are clear.

Twyford Parish Council has recently purchased Twyford Lock for the community and Cllr Threlfall is representing Compton & Shawford on the Lock Steering Committee.

He advises parishioners who are unsure about whether they are allowed to prune or fell trees to contact the City Council’s Aboricultural Officer Michael Edwards on 848177 or 848293.

Rural Transport Survey

The Parish Council had been asked for its opinion on the additional powers granted to Parish Councils in the 1997 Local Government and Rating Act. In brief, the Parish Council would welcome being given more devolved powers if and only if our Council Tax contribution to the central County Council were reduced in recognition of funding more services at the parish level.

Government Discussion Paper on Local Government.

This paper discusses ways of making local democracy more effective. The Council reviewed the draft response prepared by the chairman. The text of the Government paper can be found on the internet at http://www.local.doe.gov.uk/sponsor/democrac.htm and the text of the parish council’s response will be posted on our web site (https://comptonshawford-pc.gov.uk or https://comptonshawford-pc.gov.uk).

Refurbishment of the Parish Hall.

The lease with CASCA has been agreed and is ready for signing. Consideration of our planning application has been deferred so that it can be looked at together with the plans for the adjoining site submitted by Goodall Barnard – we expect this will be in May. Development plans will have to be scaled down to meet the money available – probably with a less ambitious treatment of the upper room. It is still hoped to begin the refurbishment in the Summer. WCC have offered a grant of £20,000 towards the refurbishment though this will fall to £5,000 if we obtain a lottery grant. We are hoping for a similar £5,000 grant from the County Council.

Winchester Rural District Trust.

After a period of dormancy the trust has reactivated. The Parish Council expressed its gratitude to Mrs. Caroline Harman for her willingness to continue as our representative.

Open Spaces Society

Following a report of assistance provided by the Society to Otterbourne the Parish Council decided to take out a subscription.

Fouling by dogs

The City Council will be holding a meeting on policy regarding dog fouling to which parishes will be invited. In the meantime Cllr R Whitaker had obtained ‘poop and scoop’ costings: each red bin costs £54 to supply, a further £113 to install and £239 per year in servicing charges.

Parish Project:

Cllr Whitaker reported a revised estimate for noticeboards: a double hardwood noticeboard will cost £750 including installation.

The meeting closed with a unanimous vote of thanks to Mrs Jean Ferrington for agreeing to stand in for the clerk at short notice.

Extra Parish Council meeting

An extra meeting had been held on 30 March with two items on the agenda:

Parish Project:

it was decided to nominate 4 replacement noticeboards (estimated cost, £450 each) for the Winchester City Council Parish Project grant in the 1998/99 financial year.

Sports Club Licence:

The Sports Club currently runs on a licence from the Parish Council which rolls over annually a year at a time every March 31st, but will need a longer term lease on the new pavilion in order to be eligible for grants. After consideration of the apparent lack of progress in agreeing the new lease, the Parish Council decided to draw a line under the old licence with effect from 31 March 1999 by issuing a formal termination notice. We hope that this will focus both parties’ minds on agreeing a lease to replace the licence within the next few months.

A D Walmsley