October 1997 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 7 October with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

Police Report

PC Barham advised that the following recent incidents will be included with his customary report in the Parish Magazine. A house and a shed broken into in Southdown Road, and petrol tanks of three cars punctured whilst parked by the Bridge Hotel, Shawford, on which matter the police would be glad of information also, information regarding a man of strange behaviour walking in the areas of Cranbury Park, Otterbourne, and The Malms, Shawford.

Aircraft Noise

It was reported by the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, that the meeting planned for 2 October, with the Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, had been postponed until 19 November, when the Parish Council’s detailed recommendations will be submitted.

Bus Timetable

The Parish Transport Representative is also to make representations to the County Council that the new timings for the daily bus service from the Post Office to Badger Farm Sainsbury’s and Winnall Tesco are unsatisfactory.

Transfer of Shawford Parish Hall to Compton and Shawford Community Association

We now understand that the lease of the Parish Hall to CASCA, which was agreed at the Parish Council’s September meeting, will have to be for a period of 30 years in order to qualify for grants.

Parish Christmas Party

This year it will be hosted by the Parish Council jointly with CASCA, in Shawford Parish Hall on Friday 5 December. Jean Millar and Jean Ferrington are co-ordinating the event. Tickets will be available as usual – watch the noticeboards for details.

Fouling by Dogs

Winchester City Council are to consider adopting the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, and intend to consult with Parish Councils about it. The Parish Council will await the outcome of the City Council’s deliberations before deciding what action is appropriate in our village.

Compton Primary School Governing Body

Cllr R Wilmshurst was nominated to serve a further term of four years as the Parish Council representative to the Governing Body of Compton Primary School.

Planning Appeal

The Appeal lodged by Mr and Mrs N Wells against the planning refusal by WCC for the erection of a detached house and garage and new access on land next to Laurel Cottage, Southdown Road, Shawford was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate on 2 September 1997. The Inspector considered that the main issue in this appeal is the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area.

Affordable Housing in Compton

Following a letter from the Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society, advising that the land opposite the Church is not available for development, the Parish Council will write to ask the Society why they are apparently no longer considering the site in Martins Fields, which was the land originally earmarked for possible development.

Parish Notice Boards

Because of the continuing unsatisfactory state of many of the notice boards, it was decided to budget, over the next several years, to replace them all with stronger and more weatherproof ones.

Shawford Parish Hall Development Land

Following a meeting with Goodall Barnard Ltd., Builders and Developers, it was agreed to accept their offer to purchase the land for the sum of £162,500 and for them to build two pairs of semi-detached houses subject to conditions and agreement reached upon the precise boundary between the land and the retained parish hall land, and the route of and extent of any right of way over the latter.

Shawford Parish Hall – refurbishment

Architects, Guion & Brown Ltd., are to be instructed to design a scheme of improvements to the Parish Hall, to a budget of £120,000, based on sketches and layouts suggested by the Parish Council. Fees and costs of approximately £2,700 were agreed.

Integra Waste Transfer Station Poles Lane Otterbourne – vehicle census

The traffic census taken by Otterbourne P.C. on 11 September indicated that traffic levels are higher than forecast. The Parish Council is concerned that any traffic calming measures taken in Otterbourne might increase the flow of waste lorries through Compton. It was therefore agreed that a similar census should be taken as soon as possible in Compton. Cllr Whitaker asked members to alert parishioners to the need for more volunteers for the traffic count.

