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Stamp of success – in the ladies!

The Post Office service in Shawford has been flushed with success – ever since it relocated to the ladies’ toilet of the village hall.

Villagers have been queuing for their pensions in the slightly unusual surroundings since August last year, after the village hall caretaker took on the responsibility of running the sub-Post Office.

Vanessa Smith
Vanessa Smith, who operated the Shawford sub-Post Office from the ladies’ toilet of the village hall. c72396T19b

Vanessa Smith decided to run the service from the village hall after the closure of the shop that previously operated as the post office.

She said: “I decided to start operating from the village hall, and although it sounds daft, the toilet is ideal.”

“It is secure, and I can take the ‘phone in there with me. A sort of stable-door has been put on by the parish council, and a serving shelf attached, so it is business as usual.”

She added: “The main service is for the older people in the village who cannot travel to neighbouring villages for their pensions.

“They were delighted at the decision to keep the post office, and they haven’t batted an eyelid at the new location.”


© Copyright 1997 Winchester Extra, reproduced by permission of the Editor

Web editor’s note: Vanessa sadly passed away in September 2003.
After the refurbishment of the hall, the Post Office had its own room and no longer operated from the ladies’ loo!
The subpostoffice was operated by Richard Sellars two afternoons a week until it fell victim to Post Office cuts.

Our nearest Post Offices are now just outside the parish boundaries in Twyford and at Williams Garage in Otterbourne.