June 1997 PC Meeting Report
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 3 June with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.
Affordable Housing – Compton
Table of Contents
A letter had been received from Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society advising that HCC is favourably considering provision of a site for two pairs of semi-detached houses near the entrance to Compton Street rather than the site earlier studied at the end of Martins Fields. This is due to be discussed at their Land Sub-Committee meeting on 12 June.
PC Barham reported on seven crimes that had been recently committed in the area, and advised that there had been 150 replies to the Compton and Shawford Safety Survey on which he is writing a report for councillors.
Aircraft Noise
Complaints of aircraft departing from the flight path and flying over Hurdle Way and other parts of the parish have been passed to the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, who plans to arrange a meeting with the Southampton Airport management
Yew trees on the path through Yew Walk have been cut. Without admitting ownership or responsibility, the County Council has agreed to do a one-time cut of brambles overhanging the footpath near Kynance, Compton Street.
Street lighting – Martins Fields
The replaced lighting unit has been connected to the power supply and is working satisfactorily and a floodlight is awaited for fixing to the new unit which will illuminate the garage compound.
City Cllr Mrs Campbell-White circulated plans of a proposed underground Intech building at Bushfield Camp, which she advised has the tacit approval of HCC. The plans are opposed by WCC because of traffic and parking problems.
Cllr Mrs Millar reported that in future the orange planning application site notices will carry the name of a local contact, which for our area will be her. Mrs Millar also reported that a site meeting is to held about the position of a proposed grain drier on land adjacent to Shepherds Lane, and that the appeal by Mr Saunders had been granted for the erection of two houses on the site of Wytchwood, Highways Road, Compton.
Memorial Seat
Members were pleased to accept the generous offer of Mrs Jane Hazlitt to provide a public bench seat as a memorial to her late husband and parish councillor Andrew Barrington Hazlitt. We will talk to her about a suitable location.
Highway Matters
Following wishes of residents, a ‘No Through Road’ sign is be erected on Hurdle Way by HCC in three or four weeks time. Southdown Residents’ Association have turned down the idea of a 30 mph limit in their area as they are unwilling to accept the repeater signs that would have to be erected.
Lease Negotiations/Pavilion Replacement
Following discussion with the Sports Club, the Heads of Agreement for a new Lease have been broadly agreed but need some refinements before reference to solicitors. The Sports Club had endorsed one of the architect’s sketch plans for the new pavilion but detailed adjustments need to be made to the interior arrangements. As agreed at the May Parish Council meeting, the council had prepared a leaflet explaining the plans for the pavilion and the playing field and how the Parish Council was addressing the various concerns that had been raised. The leaflet had been distributed with the June Parish Magazine and would be sent by post to non-subscribers, after which the Parish Council will consider any feedback received.
Parish Hall Land
Cllr West reported to the Council on a meeting with a potential developer. It was agreed that the Parish Hall Development Site Sub-Committee should obtain detailed proposals and prices from several possible developers and then arrange a presentation of the most suitable plans to the full council.
Parish Hall Refurbishment
Having chosen the best features of the various sketch plans for the Parish Hall improvements, the council will now obtain estimates from several architects for drawing up detailed plans.
Roll of Honour
The carved wooden roll of honour has been completed with names of past and present Chairmen in gold leaf for display in the Parish Hall.
Parish Hall Management Committee
The Council unanimously agreed in principle that the management of the Parish Hall be transferred to Compton and Shawford Community Association under a 99 year lease, the terms of which will need to be carefully agreed. Three Parish Councillors to be nominated representatives on the CASCA Committee and CASCA to consult constituent bodies and others.
1996 Annual Parish meeting minutes
On the final page of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in April 1996, the report of Cllr R. Wilmshurst’s statement incorrectly contained a reference to Mr. R. E. Jordan. Unfortunately this error was not picked up in proof-reading nor when those minutes were adopted as correct by those present at the 1997 Annual Parish Meeting. The Parish Council will propose a correction to the minutes at the next Annual Parish Meeting, and apologises to Mr. Jordan for any distress that this error may have caused.